Feb, 2
Real-time PCA calculation for spectral imaging (using SIMD and GP-GPU)
This article presents two optimized implementations of the PCA algorithm, primarily targeted on spectral image analysis in real time. One of them utilizes the SSE instruction set of contemporary CPUs, and the other one runs on graphics processors, using the CUDA environment. The implementations are evaluated and compared with a multithreaded C implementation compiled by […]
Feb, 2
Software parallel CAVLC encoder based on stream processing
Real-time encoding of high-definition H.264 video is a challenge to current embedded programmable processors. Emerging stream processing methods supported by most GPUs and programmable processors provide a powerful mechanism to achieve surprising high performance in media/signal processing, which bring an opportunity to deal with this challenge. However, traditional serial CAVLC has highly input-dependent execution and […]
Feb, 2
Cortical architectures on a GPGPU
As the number of devices available per chip continues to increase, the computational potential of future computer architectures grows likewise. While this is a clear benefit for future computing devices, future chips will also likely suffer from more faulty devices and increased power consumption. It is also likely that these chips will be difficult to […]
Feb, 2
Learning Two-View Stereo Matching
We propose a graph-based semi-supervised symmetric matching framework that performs dense matching between two uncalibrated wide-baseline images by exploiting the results of sparse matching as labeled data. Our method utilizes multiple sources of information including the underlying manifold structure, matching preference, shapes of the surfaces in the scene, and global epipolar geometric constraints for occlusion […]
Feb, 2
Adaptive enhancement and noise reduction in very low light-level video
A general methodology for noise reduction and contrast enhancement in very noisy image data with low dynamic range is presented. Video footage recorded in very dim light is especially targeted. Smoothing kernels that automatically adapt to the local spatio-temporal intensity structure in the image sequences are constructed in order to preserve and enhance fine spatial […]
Feb, 2
Delta-stepping: a parallelizable shortest path algorithm
The single source shortest path problem for arbitrary directed graphs with n nodes, m edges and nonnegative edge weights can sequentially be solved using O(n log n + m) operations. However, no work-efficient parallel algorithm is known that runs in sublinear time for arbitrary graphs. In this paper we present a rather simple algorithm for […]
Feb, 2
OpenGL(R) ES 2.0 Programming Guide
OpenGL ES 2.0 is the industry’s leading software interface and graphics library for rendering sophisticated 3D graphics on handheld and embedded devices. With OpenGL ES 2.0, the full programmability of shaders is now available on small and portable devices-including cell phones, PDAs, consoles, appliances, and vehicles. However, OpenGL ES differs significantly from OpenGL. Graphics programmers […]
Feb, 2
OpenGL SuperBible: Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference (5th Edition)
OpenGL(R) SuperBible, Fifth Editionis the definitive programmer’s guide, tutorial, and reference for the world’s leading 3D API for real-time computer graphics, OpenGL 3.3. The best all-around introduction to OpenGL for developers at all levels of experience, it clearly explains both the API and essential associated programming concepts. Readers will find up-to-date, hands-on guidance on all […]
Feb, 2
OpenGL(R) SuperBible: Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference (4th Edition)
OpenGL SuperBible, Fourth Edition, begins by illuminating the core techniques of “classic” OpenGL graphics programming, from drawing in space to geometric transformations, from lighting to texture mapping. The authors cover newer OpenGL capabilities, including OpenGL 2.1’s powerful programmable pipeline, vertex and fragment shaders, and advanced buffers. They also present thorough, up-to-date introductions to OpenGL implementations […]
Feb, 2
High-Performance Neural Networks for Visual Object Classification
We present a fast, fully parameterizable GPU implementation of Convolutional Neural Network variants. Our feature extractors are neither carefully designed nor pre-wired, but rather learned in a supervised way. Our deep hierarchical architectures achieve the best published results on benchmarks for object classification (NORB, CIFAR10) and handwritten digit recognition (MNIST), with error rates of 2.53%, […]
Feb, 1
Modeling and generating complex motion blur for real-time tracking
This article addresses the problem of real-time visual tracking in presence of complex motion blur. Previous authors have observed that efficient tracking can be obtained by matching blurred images instead of applying the computationally expensive task of deblurring (H. Jin et al., 2005). The study was however limited to translational blur. In this work, we […]
Feb, 1
Line-art Illustration of Dynamic and Specular Surfaces
Line-art illustrations are effective tools for conveying shapes and shading of complex objects. We present a set of new algorithms to render line-art illustrations of dynamic and specular (reflective and refractive) surfaces. We first introduce a real-time principal direction estimation algorithm to determine the line stroke directions on dynamic opaque objects using neighboring normal ray […]