Task migration of DSP application specified with a DFG and implemented with the BSP computing model on a CPU-GPU cluster
GIPSA-lab, UMR 5216 CNRS/INPG/UJF/Universite Stendhal, F-38402 GRENOBLE CEDEX, France
Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), 2013
title={Task migration of DSP application specified with a DFG and implemented with the BSP computing model on a CPU-GPU cluster},
author={Mansouri, Farouk and Huet, Sylvain and Fristot, Vincent and Houzet, Dominique},
booktitle={Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), 2013 Conference on},
Nowadays computer applications are becoming heavier and require, at the same time, real-time results. The Heterogeneous clusters with their computing power represent a good solution to this request. However, it is possible that during the execution, a computing element of the cluster becomes defaulting, needs maintenance, or that the load needs to be re-balanced. In this paper, we propose a migration strategy for relocating the execution of a task to another computing element. In particular, we are interested in remap nodes of Data Flow Graph (DFG), representing Digital Signal Processing (DSP) application, onto heterogeneous (CPU-GPU) clusters while keeping up the flow of data and minimizing the temporal perturbation. For our approach, we give a lower bound for the flow of data after the migration and, validate it by the real-time construction of visual saliency map from video input.
February 2, 2014 by hgpu