Acceleration of ensemble machine learning methods using many-core devices
High Performance Computing Service, The University of Cambridge, Roger Needham Building, 7 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0RB, United Kingdom
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 664 092026, 2015
title={Acceleration of ensemble machine learning methods using many-core devices},
author={Tamerus, A and Washbrook, A and Wyeth, D},
booktitle={Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
organization={IOP Publishing}
We present a case study into the acceleration of ensemble machine learning methods using many-core devices in collaboration with Toshiba Medical Visualisation Systems Europe (TMVSE). The adoption of GPUs to execute a key algorithm in the classification of medical image data was shown to significantly reduce overall processing time. Using a representative dataset and pre-trained decision trees as input we will demonstrate how the decision forest classification method can be mapped onto the GPU data processing model. It was found that a GPU-based version of the decision forest method resulted in over 138 times speed-up over a single-threaded CPU implementation with further improvements possible. The same GPU-based software was then directly applied to a suitably formed dataset to benefit supervised learning techniques applied in High Energy Physics (HEP) with similar improvements in performance.
March 20, 2016 by hgpu