Papers on (.txt-file)
GPU Implementation of Parallel Support Vector Machine Algorithm with Applications to Detection Intruder
GPU Implementation of Real-Time Biologically Inspired Face Detection using CUDA
GPU Implementation of Spiking Neural Networks for Color Image Segmentation
GPU Implementation of Split-Field Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method for Drude-Lorentz Dispersive Media
GPU Implementation of the Branch and Bound method for knapsack problems
GPU Implementation of the DP code
GPU Implementation of the Keccak Hash Function Family
GPU Implementation of the LFT Shape Matching Algorithm
GPU Implementation of the Particle Filter
GPU implementation of the pixel purity index algorithm for hyperspectral image analysis
GPU implementation of the Rosenbluth generation method for static Monte Carlo simulations
GPU Implementation of the STA Algorithm on I/Q Data
GPU implementation of volume reconstruction and object detection in Digital Holographic Microscopy
GPU Implementations for Midsize Integer Addition and Multiplication
GPU Implementations of Object Detection using HOG Features and Deformable Models
GPU implementations of scheduling heuristics for heterogeneous computing environments
GPU implemention of fast Gabor filters
GPU in Physics Computation: Case Geant4 Navigation
GPU Isosurface Raycasting of FCC Datasets
GPU Kernels for High-Speed 4-Bit Astrophysical Data Processing
GPU LSM: A Dynamic Dictionary Data Structure for the GPU
GPU merge path: a GPU merging algorithm
GPU methods for real-time haptic interaction with 3D fluids
GPU Monte Carlo scatter calculations for Cone Beam Computed Tomography
GPU Multiple Sequence Alignment Fourier-Space Cross-Correlation Alignment
GPU Nonlinear Fixed Points, with an application to GPU IFS Rendering
GPU Octrees and Optimized Search
GPU Offloading in ExaHyPE Through C++ Standard Algorithms
GPU Optimized Code for Long Term Simulations of Beam-beam Effects in Colliders
GPU packet classification using OpenCL: a consideration of viable classification methods
GPU Parallel Algorithms for Reporting Movement Behaviour Patterns in Spatiotemporal Databases
GPU Parallel Collections For Scala
GPU parallel computing: Programming language, debugging tools and data structures
GPU Parallel Implementation of the Approximate K-SVD Algorithm Using OpenCL
GPU Parallel Statistical and Cube Test Analysis of the SHA-3 Finalist Candidate Hash Functions
GPU Parallelization for Unstructured Sparse Matrix Problems with OpenMP 4.5 and OpenACC
GPU parallelization of a hybrid pseudospectral fluid turbulence framework using CUDA
GPU Parallelization of Algebraic Dynamic Programming
GPU Parallelization of an Unstructured Overset Grid Incompressible Navier-Stokes Solver for Moving Bodies
GPU Parallelization of Astronomical Image Subtraction
GPU Passthrough Performance: A Comparison of KVM, Xen, VMWare ESXi, and LXC for CUDA and OpenCL Applications
GPU peer-to-peer techniques applied to a cluster interconnect
GPU performance analysis of a nodal discontinuous Galerkin method for acoustic and elastic models
GPU performance comparison for accelerated radar data processing
GPU Performance Modeling and Optimization
GPU performance prediction using parametrized models
GPU phase-field lattice Boltzmann simulations of growth and motion of a binary alloy dendrite
GPU powered artificial immune system for visual applications
GPU powered CNN simulator (SIMCNN) with graphical flow based programmability
GPU Predictor-Corrector Interior Point Method for Large-Scale Linear Programming
GPU Prefilter for Accurate Cubic B-spline Interpolation
GPU Pro 5: Advanced Rendering Techniques
GPU Pro 6: Advanced Rendering Techniques
GPU Processing for UAS-Based LFM-CW Stripmap SAR
GPU processing of particle system animation
GPU Programming – Speeding Up the 3D Surface Generator VESTA
GPU Programming for Physics Applications
GPU Programming in a High Level Language: Compiling X10 to CUDA
GPU Programming in Functional Languages: A Comparison of Haskell GPU Embedded Domain Specific Languages
GPU Programming in Rust: Implementing High Level Abstractions in a Systems Level Language
GPU Programming Strategies and Trends in GPU Computing
GPU Programming with CUDA: A brief overview
GPU Random Numbers via the Tiny Encryption Algorithm
GPU ray casting of virtual globes
GPU Ray Casting with Arbitrary Shaped Proxy
GPU Ray Marching for Real-Time Rendering of Participating Media
GPU Ray Tracing – Comparative Study of Ray-Triangle Intersection Algorithms
GPU Ray Tracing with Monte Carlo Methods
GPU Ray-Traced Collision Detection for Cloth Simulation
GPU Ray-Traced Collision Detection: Fine Pipeline Reorganization
GPU Remote Memory Access Programming
GPU rendering for tiled multi-projector autostereoscopic display based on chromium
GPU Rendering of Relief Mapped Conical Frusta
GPU Rendering of Secondary Effects
GPU Rendering of the Thin Film on Paints with Full Spectrum
GPU Rigid Skinning based on a Refined Skeletonization Method
GPU Robot Motion Planning using Semi-Infinite Nonlinear Programming
GPU schedulers: how fair is fair enough?
GPU Scripting and Code Generation with PyCUDA
GPU Simulation and Rendering of Volumetric Effects for Computer Games and Virtual Environments
GPU Simulation of Radiation in Matter
GPU simulations for risk assessment in CO2 geologic sequestration
GPU Sparse Matrix Multiplication with CUDA
GPU support for batch oriented workloads
GPU Supported Patch-Based Tessellation for Dual Subdivision
Titles: 100
open PDFs: 91
packages: 13