
Nov, 13

Fast GPU Implementation of Sparse Signal Recovery from Random Projections

We consider the problem of sparse signal recovery from a small number of random projections (measurements). This is a well known NP-hard to solve combinatorial optimization problem. A frequently used approach is based on greedy iterative procedures, such as the Matching Pursuit (MP) algorithm. Here, we discuss a fast GPU implementation of the MP algorithm, […]
Nov, 13

Developing and Deploying Advanced Algorithms to Novel Supercomputing Hardware

The objective of our research is to demonstrate the practical usage and orders of magnitude speedup of real-world applications by using alternative technologies to support high performance computing. Currently, the main barrier to the widespread adoption of this technology is the lack of development tools and case studies that typically impede non-specialists that might otherwise […]
Nov, 13

Fast recursive filters for simulating nonlinear dynamic systems

A fast and accurate computational scheme for simulating nonlinear dynamic systems is presented. The scheme assumes that the system can be represented by a combination of components of only two different types: first-order low-pass filters and static nonlinearities. The parameters of these filters and nonlinearities may depend on system variables, and the topology of the […]
Nov, 13

Parallel Algorithm for Solving Kepler’s Equation on Graphics Processing Units: Application to Analysis of Doppler Exoplanet Searches

We present the results of a highly parallel Kepler equation solver using the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) on a commercial nVidia GeForce 280GTX and the “Compute Unified Device Architecture” programming environment. We apply this to evaluate a goodness-of-fit statistic (e.g., chi^2) for Doppler observations of stars potentially harboring multiple planetary companions (assuming negligible planet-planet interactions). […]
Nov, 13

Parallel GPU Implementation of Iterative PCA Algorithms

Principal component analysis (PCA) is a key statistical technique for multivariate data analysis. For large data sets the common approach to PCA computation is based on the standard NIPALS-PCA algorithm, which unfortunately suffers from loss of orthogonality, and therefore its applicability is usually limited to the estimation of the first few components. Here we present […]
Nov, 13

Recent algorithm and machine developments for lattice QCD

I review recent machine trends and algorithmic developments for dynamical lattice QCD simulations with the HMC algorithm for Wilson-type fermions. The topics include the trend toward multi-core processors and general purpose GPU (GPGPU) computing, and improvements on the quark determinant preconditioning, molecular dynamics integrator, and quark solvers. I also discuss the prospect on the use […]
Nov, 13

Using Graphics Processors for Parallelizing Hash-based Data Carving

The ability to detect fragments of deleted image files and to reconstruct these image files from all available fragments on disk is a key activity in the field of digital forensics. Although reconstruction of image files from the file fragments on disk can be accomplished by simply comparing the content of sectors on disk with […]
Nov, 13

GPU computing for 2-d spin systems: CUDA vs OpenGL

In recent years the more and more powerful GPU’s available on the PC market have attracted attention as a cost effective solution for parallel (SIMD) computing. CUDA is a solid evidence of the attention that the major companies are devoting to the field. CUDA is a hardware and software architecture developed by Nvidia for computing […]
Nov, 13

Implementation of float-float operators on graphics hardware

The Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) has evolved into a powerful and flexible processor. The latest graphic processors provide fully programmable vertex and pixel processing units that support vector operations up to single floating-point precision. This computational power is now being used for general-purpose computations. However, some applications require higher precision than single precision. This paper […]
Nov, 13

Benchmarking and Implementation of Probability-Based Simulations on Programmable Graphics Cards

The latest Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are reported to reach up to 200 billion floating point operations per second (200 Gflops) and to have price performance of 0.1 cents per M flop. These facts raise great interest in the plausibility of extending the GPUs’ use to non-graphics applications, in particular numerical simulations on structured grids […]
Nov, 13

The Graphics Card as a Streaming Computer

Massive data sets have radically changed our understanding of how to design efficient algorithms; the streaming paradigm, whether it in terms of number of passes of an external memory algorithm, or the single pass and limited memory of a stream algorithm, appears to be the dominant method for coping with large data. A very different […]
Nov, 13

Cg in Two Pages

Cg is a language for programming GPUs. This paper describes Cg briefly.

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