
Nov, 28

7th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Science (ICBBS), 2018

7th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Science (ICBBS 2018) will be held in Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China during June 23-25, 2018. ICBBS conference series is held annually. Previously, it has been successfully held in Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Copenhagen, Bali and Singapore. The aim of the ICBBS is to provide a platform for […]
Nov, 28

2nd International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI), 2018

We are pleased to announce that the second International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics 2018 (ICMHI 2018) will be held in Tsukuba, Japan during June 8-10, 2018. The ICMHI 2018 aims to bring together outstanding scholars, researchers, and students to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Medical and […]
Nov, 28

International Conference on Virtual Reality Technology (ICVRT), 2018

2018 International Conference on Virtual Reality Technology (ICVRT 2018) will be held in Singapore during June 15-18, 2018. It is sponsored by International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology. With an objective to serve as an annual platform for students, academics and industry researchers in the fields of Virtual Reality to exchange face to […]
Nov, 28

International Conference on Advances in Image Processing (ICAIP), 2018

The International Conference on Advances in Image Processing (ICAIP) is mainly organised by International Academy of Computing Technology (IACT). The aim of ICAIP is to become an international forum where researchers, scientists, scholars and students can share their experiences, ideas and research results related to Advances in Image Processing. Publication All accepted and presented papers […]
Nov, 26

Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Distributed Deep Learning Frameworks on GPUs

Deep learning frameworks have been widely deployed on GPU servers for deep learning applications in both academia and industry. In the training of deep neural networks (DNNs), there are many standard processes or algorithms, such as convolution and stochastic gradient descent (SGD), but the running performance of different frameworks might be different even running the […]
Nov, 26

High Performance Streaming Smith-Waterman Implementation with Implicit Synchronization on Intel FPGA using OpenCL

The Smith-Waterman algorithm is widely used in bioinformatics and is often used as a benchmark of FPGA performance. Here we present our highly optimized SmithWaterman implementation on Intel FPGAs using OpenCL. Our implementation is both faster and more efficient than other current Smith-Waterman implementations, obtaining a theoretical performance of 214 GCUPS. Moreover, due to the […]
Nov, 26

Computing the distance between two finite element solutions defined on different 3D meshes on a GPU

This article introduces a new method to efficiently compute the distance (i.e., L^p norm of the difference) between two functions supported by two different meshes of the same 3D domain. The functions that we consider are typically finite element solutions discretized in different function spaces supported by meshes that are potentially completely unrelated. Our method […]
Nov, 26

Efficient Target and Application Specific Selection and Ordering of Compiler Passes

Programmers usually rely on one from a set of optimizing compiler optimization level flags shipped with the compiler they are using to compile their source code. Those compiler flags represent fixed compiler pass sequences, and therefore in some situations better performance and/or other metrics such as code size can be achieved if using compiler sequences […]
Nov, 26

GPU Pro 7: Advanced Rendering

The latest edition of this bestselling game development reference offers proven tips and techniques for the real-time rendering of special effects and visualization data that are useful for beginners and seasoned game and graphics programmers alike. Exploring recent developments in the rapidly evolving field of real-time rendering, GPU Pro 7: Advanced Rendering Techniques assembles a […]
Nov, 21

A survey on graphic processing unit computing for large-scale data mining

General purpose computation using Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) is a well-established research area focusing on high-performance computing solutions for massively parallelizable and time-consuming problems. Classical methodologies in machine learning and data mining cannot handle processing of massive and high-speed volumes of information in the context of the big data era. GPUs have successfully improved the […]
Nov, 21

Compiling and Optimizing OpenMP 4.X Programs to OpenCL and SPIR

Given their massively parallel computing capabilities heterogeneous architectures comprised of CPUs and accelerators have been increasingly used to speed-up scientific and engineering applications. Nevertheless, programming such architectures is a challenging task for most non-expert programmers as typical accelerator programming languages (e.g. CUDA and OpenCL) demand a thoroughly understanding of the underlying hardware to enable an […]
Nov, 21

Bitmap Filter: Speeding up Exact Set Similarity Joins with Bitwise Operations

The Exact Set Similarity Join problem aims to find all similar sets between two collections of sets, with respect to a threshold and a similarity function such as overlap, Jaccard, dice or cosine. The naive approach verifies all pairs of sets and it is often considered impractical due the high number of combinations. So, Exact […]

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