
Oct, 15

GPU-accelerated real-time stixel computation

The Stixel World is a medium-level, compact representation of road scenes that abstracts millions of disparity pixels into hundreds or thousands of stixels. The goal of this work is to implement and evaluate a complete multi-stixel estimation pipeline on an embedded, energy-efficient, GPU-accelerated device. This work presents a full GPU-accelerated implementation of stixel estimation that […]
Oct, 14

International Conference on Network and Cyber Security (ICNCS), 2017

ICNCS 2017, International Conference on Network and Cyber Security, will take place in Lakeland,Florida, United States from May 19-23, 2017. ICNCS 2017 is a not-to-be-missed opportunity that distills the most current knowledge on a rapidly advancing discipline in one conference. Join key researchers and established professionals in the field of Network and Cyber Security as […]
Oct, 14

The 2nd International Conference on Electronics Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI), 2017

2017 The 2nd International Conference on Electronics Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI 2017) will be held during June 25-27, in Beijing,China, as the workshop of WCSE 2017. ICEEI’s set is based on the success of WCSE conferences, the research papers published in WCSE proceedings had been indexed by EI, Scopus each year, as the workshop of […]
Oct, 14

The 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Science (ICITS), 2017

The unique idea behind 2017 The 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Science (ICITS) is to provide an opportunity for leading academicians, scientists, researchers and industry professionals from around the world to network and have scientific discussion on the latest advancements in the interlinked domains of science, business and engineering and it’s research benefits […]
Oct, 14

International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sciences (ICRAS), 2017

Paper Publication The paper accepted by ICRAS 2017 will be published in conference proceedings by IEEE.The proceedings will be submitted and reviewed by the IEEE Xplore and indexed by *Ei Compendex* and *Scopus* after the conference. Submission Methods 1. Full Paper (Presentation and publication) 2. Abstract (Presentation only) Please submit paper in the Electronic Submission […]
Oct, 12

Overtaking CPU DBMSes with a GPU in Whole-Query Analytic Processing with Parallelism-Friendly Execution Plan Optimization

Existing work on accelerating analytic DB query processing with (discrete) GPUs fails to fully realize their potential for speedup through parallelism: Published results do not achieve significant speedup over more performant CPU-only DBMSes when processing complete queries. This paper presents a successful e!ort to better meet this challenge, in the form of a proof-of-concept query […]
Oct, 12

Understanding Latency Hiding on GPUs

Modern commodity processors such as GPUs may execute up to about a thousand of physical threads per chip to better utilize their numerous execution units and hide execution latencies. Understanding this novel capability, however, is hindered by the overall complexity of the hardware and complexity of typical workloads. In this dissertation, we suggest a better […]
Oct, 12

Neural Network Computing Using On-Chip Accelerators

The use of neural networks, machine learning, or artificial intelligence, in its broadest and most controversial sense, has been a tumultuous journey involving three distinct hype cycles and a history dating back to the 1960s. Resurgent, enthusiastic interest in machine learning and its applications bolsters the case for machine learning as a fundamental computational kernel. […]
Oct, 12

Portage: Bringing Hackers’ Wisdom to Science

Providing users of HPC systems with a wide variety of up to date software packages is a challenging task. Large software stacks built from source are difficult to manage, requiring powerful package management tools. The Portage package manager from Gentoo is a highly flexible tool that offers a mature solution to this otherwise daunting task. […]
Oct, 12

SaberLDA: Sparsity-Aware Learning of Topic Models on GPUs

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is a popular tool for analyzing discrete count data such as text and images. Applications require LDA to handle both large datasets and a large number of topics. Though distributed CPU systems have been used, GPU-based systems have emerged as a promising alternative because of the high computational power and memory […]
Oct, 9

International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (ICDSP), 2017

For papers submitted to ICDSP 2017, we offer the publications as following: 1. Publication in proceedings, which will be indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, and ISI CPCS. 2. Publication published in the International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, which will be indexed by EI (INSPEC, IET), Google Scholar, etc There are two methods for submitting […]
Oct, 9

6th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (ICFIT), 2017

For papers submitted to ICFIT 2017, we offer the publications as following: 1. Publication in Proceedings. Submissions will be peer reviewed by conference committees, and accepted papers will be published in proceedings, which will be indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, and ISI CPCS. 2. Publication in Journal. Submissions will be reviewed by the conference committees […]

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