Feb, 3
Edge coloring in unstructured CFD codes
We propose a way of preventing race conditions in the evaluation of the surface integral contribution in discontinuous Galerkin and finite volume flow solvers by coloring the edges (or faces) of the computational mesh. In this work we use a partitioning algorithm that separates the edges of triangular elements into three groups and the faces […]
Feb, 3
A novel approach to evaluating compact finite differences and similar tridiagonal schemes on GPU-accelerated clusters
Compact finite difference schemes are widely used in the direct numerical simulation of fluid flows for their ability to better resolve the small scales of turbulence. However, they can be expensive to evaluate and difficult to parallelize. In this work, we present an approach for the computation of compact finite differences and similar tridiagonal schemes […]
Feb, 3
Algorithms and Heuristics for Scalable Betweenness Centrality Computation on Multi-GPU Systems
Betweenness Centrality (BC) is steadily growing in popularity as a metrics of the influence of a vertex in a graph. The BC score of a vertex is proportional to the number of all-pairs-shortest-paths passing through it. However, complete and exact BC computation for a large-scale graph is an extraordinary challenge that requires high performance computing […]
Feb, 2
International Conference on Biomedical Signal and Image Processing (ICBIP), 2016
ICBIP 2016 Shining Points: 1. Accepted and published papers can be indexed by Ei Compendex, Inspec, Scopus and other data base. 2. Prof. Dr. Bártfai Gyorgy from University of Szeged, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Hungary and Prof. Ioana Demetrescu from University Politehnica Bucharest, Romania have joined as Keynote Speakers. 3.One Day Vist and Tour […]
Feb, 2
6th International Conference on Circuits, System and Simulation (ICCSS), 2016
2016 6th International Conference on Circuits, System and Simulation(ICCSS 2016) will be held in Mexico City during August 16-18, 2016. It is technical sponsored by *National Autonomous University of Mexico (NAUM), Mexico*; Paper Publication All accepted papers must be written in English and will be published into #IEEE conference proceedings#, indexed by **Ei Compendex**. Conference […]
Feb, 2
2nd International Conf. on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (ICRAI), 2016
Commitees Honorary Chairs Dr. Francisco E. Rivera, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), USA International Advisory Committees Prof. Rory Mc Greal, Athabasca University, Canada Conference Co-Chairs Dr. Houssain Kettani, Fort Hays State University, USA Prof. Feng C. Lai, University of Oklahoma, USA Keynote Speakers Prof. Rory McGreal UNESCO/COL Chair in OER, Athabasca University, Canada Prof. Dr. Houssain […]
Feb, 2
2nd International Conf. on Bioinformatics and Computer Engineering (ICBCE), 2016
Commitees Honorary Chairs Dr. Francisco E. Rivera, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), USA International Advisory Committees Prof. Rory Mc Greal, Athabasca University, Canada Conference Co-Chairs Dr. Houssain Kettani, Fort Hays State University, USA Prof. Feng C. Lai, University of Oklahoma, USA Keynote Speakers Prof. Rory McGreal UNESCO/COL Chair in OER, Athabasca University, Canada Prof. Dr. Houssain […]
Feb, 2
Fast, Realistic Terrain Synthesis
The authoring of realistic terrain models is necessary to generate immersive virtual environments for computer games and film visual effects. However, creating these landscapes is difficult – it usually involves an artist spending many hours sculpting a model in a 3D design program. Specialised terrain generation programs exist to rapidly create artificial terrains, such as […]
Feb, 2
Hardware Acceleration for Unstructured Big Data and Natural Language Processing
The confluence of the rapid growth in electronic data in recent years, and the renewed interest in domain-specific hardware accelerators presents exciting technical opportunities. Traditional scale-out solutions for processing the vast amounts of text data have been shown to be energy- and cost-inefficient. In contrast, custom hardware accelerators can provide higher throughputs, lower latencies, and […]
Feb, 2
Extracting Flow Features Using Bag-of-Features and Supervised Learning Techniques
Measuring the similarity between two streamlines is fundamental to many important flow data analysis and visualization tasks such as feature detection, pattern querying and streamline clustering. This dissertation presents a novel streamline similarity measure inspired by the bag-of-features concept from computer vision. Different from other streamline similarity measures, the proposed one considers both the distribution […]
Feb, 2
Kalman-Filter-Based Particle Tracking on Parallel Architectures at Hadron Colliders
Power density constraints are limiting the performance improvements of modern CPUs. To address this we have seen the introduction of lower-power, multi-core processors such as GPGPU, ARM and Intel MIC. To stay within the power density limits but still obtain Moore’s Law performance/price gains, it will be necessary to parallelize algorithms to exploit larger numbers […]
Feb, 2
GPGPU Multi Object Bayesian Tracking with an embedded System on a Chip
Current embedded multi object tracking system implementations are dominated by the use of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) as application accelerators. These offer many of the traits desirable for embedded and real time systems, including; task oriented architectures, deterministic latency and low power requirements. The drawbacks to these approaches […]