Sep, 15
A GPU-based Parallel Ant Colony Algorithm for Scientific Workflow Scheduling
Scientific workflow scheduling problem is a combinatorial optimization problem. In the real application, the scientific workflow generally has thousands of task nodes. Scheduling large-scale workflow has huge computational overhead. In this paper, a parallel algorithm for scientific workflow scheduling is proposed so that the computing speed can be improved greatly. Our method used ant colony […]
Sep, 10
5th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management (ICITM), 2016
Topics: Decision Analysis and Methods E-Business and E-Commerce Engineering Economy and Cost Analysis Engineering Education and Training Facilities Planning and Management Global Manufacturing and Management Human Factors Information Processing and Engineering Intelligent Systems Manufacturing Systems Operations Research Production Planning and Control Project Management Quality Control and Management Reliability and Maintenance Engineering Safety, Security and Risk […]
Sep, 10
5th International Conference on Educational and Information Technology (ICEIT), 2016
Topics: Database Technology Artificial Intelligence Computer architecture Software Engineering Computer Graphics Computer Application Control Technology Systems Engineering Service learning Learning models Faculty development Distance Education for Computers Life-long education Computer Education for Particular Group Other Computer Education Active learning Computer Education for Graduates Computer Education for Undergraduates Network Technology Communication Technology Other Advanced Technology Undergraduate […]
Sep, 10
2nd International Conference on Knowledge (ICK), 2016
Topics: T1 • Novel Algorithms T2 • Association Rules T3 • Knowledge engineering and management T4 • Classification and T5 • Clustering T6 • Text analysis and text understanding T7 • Machine Learning T8 • Privacy Preserving Data Mining T9 • Statistical Methods T10 • Parallel and Distributed Data Mining T11 • Interactive and Online […]
Sep, 10
International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Design (ICAMD), 2016
Submission Methods: Please log in Electronic Submission System (.pdf). Paper Publication: Paper accepted by ICAMD 2016 will be published in one of the following publications after review process. * International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research (ISSN: 2278-0149) Indexing: Index Corpernicus, ProQuest, UDL, Google Scholar, Open J-Gate; etc. Call 4 Papers: Actuator Systems […]
Sep, 10
7th International Conference on Mechatronics and Manufacturing (ICMM), 2016
Submission Methods: Please log in Electronic Submission System (.pdf). Paper Publication: Paper accepted by ICMM 2016 will be published in one of the following publications after review process. *Applied Mechanics and Materials Journal (ISSN: 1660-9336) Indexing: Volumes are submitted for indexing to Elsevier: SCOPUS and Ei Compendex (CPX). Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts […]
Sep, 9
Experimentation Procedure for Offloaded Mini-Apps Executed on Cluster Architectures with Xeon Phi Accelerators
A heterogeneous cluster architecture is complex. It contains hundreds, or thousands of devices connected by a tiered communication system in order to solve a problem. As a heterogeneous system, these devices will have varying performance capabilities. To better understand the interactions which occur between the various devices during execution, an experimentation procedure has been devised […]
Sep, 9
Parallel waveform extraction algorithms for the Cherenkov Telescope Array Real-Time Analysis
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next generation observatory for the study of very high-energy gamma rays from about 20 GeV up to 300 TeV. Thanks to the large effective area and field of view, the CTA observatory will be characterized by an unprecedented sensitivity to transient flaring gamma-ray phenomena compared to both current […]
Sep, 9
A Performance Comparison of Algebraic Multigrid Preconditioners on CPUs, GPUs, and Xeon Phis
Algebraic multigrid preconditioners for accelerating iterative solvers are a popular choice for a broad range of applications, because they are able to obtain asymptotic optimality, yet can be applied in a black-box manner. However, only a few variants of algebraic multigrid preconditioners can fully benefit from finegrained parallelization available on multi- and many-core architectures. Previous […]
Sep, 9
Three storage formats for sparse matrices on GPGPUs
The multiplication of a sparse matrix by a dense vector is a centerpiece of scientific computing applications: it is the essential kernel for the solution of sparse linear systems and sparse eigenvalue problems by iterative methods. The efficient implementation of the sparse matrixvector multiplication is therefore crucial and has been the subject of an immense […]
Sep, 9
Dissecting GPU Memory Hierarchy through Microbenchmarking
Memory access efficiency is a key factor in fully utilizing the computational power of graphics processing units (GPUs). However, many details of the GPU memory hierarchy are not released by GPU vendors. In this paper, we propose a novel fine-grained microbenchmarking approach and apply it to three generations of NVIDIA GPUs, namely Fermi, Kepler and […]
Sep, 8
Accelerating Multiple Compound Comparison Using LINGO-based Load-Balancing Strategies on Multi-GPUs
Compound comparison is an important task for the computational chemistry. By the comparison results, potential inhibitors can be found and then used for the pharmacy experiments. The time complexity of a pairwise compound comparison is O(n^2), where n is the maximal length of compounds. In general, the length of compounds is tens to hundreds, and […]