Jul, 16
Parallel Variable Pre-Selection and Lookahead Solving on GPUs
SAT solving strategies that perform backtracking or clause learning are usually difficult to implement efficiently on massively-parallel architectures because the necessary synchronization does not scale linear with the number of processors available. Strategies like Lookahead Solving and Cube and Conquer are more promising. In order to evaluate a potential GPU implementation of Cube and Conquer, […]
Jul, 15
Computational Simulation of Freely Falling Water Droplets on Graphics Processing Units
This work describes and demonstrates a novel numerical framework suitable for simulating the behaviour of freely falling liquid droplets. The specific case studied is designed such that the properties of the system are similar to those of raindrops falling through air. The study of raindrops is interesting from both an engineering standpoint and from a […]
Jul, 15
CUD@SAT: SAT Solving on GPUs
The parallel computing power offered by Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) has been recently exploited to support general purpose applications-by exploiting the availability of general API and the SIMT-style parallelism present in several classes of problems (e.g., numerical simulations, matrix manipulations) – where relatively simple computations need to be applied to all items in large sets […]
Jul, 14
On Development, Feasibility, and Limits of Highly Efficient CPU and GPU Programs in Several Fields
With processor clock speeds having stagnated, parallel computing architectures have achieved a breakthrough in recent years. Emerging many-core processors like graphics cards run hundreds of threads in parallel and vector instructions are experiencing a revival. Parallel processors with many independent but simple arithmetical logical units fail executing serial tasks efficiently. However, their sheer parallel processing […]
Jul, 14
A Fine Grained Cycle Sharing System with Cooperative Multitasking on GPUs
The emergence of compute unified device architecture (CUDA), which has relieved application developers from having to understand complex graphics pipelines, has made the graphics processing unit (GPU) useful not only for graphics applications but also for general applications. In this paper, we present a cycle sharing system named GPU grid, which exploits idle GPU cycles […]
Jul, 14
GPU Techniques Applied to Euler Flow Simulations and Comparison to CPU Performance
With the decrease in cost of computing, and the increasingly friendly programming environments, the demand for computer generated models of real world problems has surged. Each generation of computer hardware becomes marginally faster than its predecessor, allowing for decreases in required computation time. However, the progression is slowing and will soon reach a barrier as […]
Jul, 14
Infiniband-Verbs on GPU: A case study of controlling an Infiniband network device from the GPU
Due to their massive parallelism and high performance per watt GPUs gain high popularity in high performance computing and are a strong candidate for future exacscale systems. But communication and data transfer in GPU accelerated systems remain a challenging problem. Since the GPU normally is not able to control a network device, today a hybrid-programming […]
Jul, 14
Benchmarking the Memory Hierarchy of Modern GPUs
Memory access efficiency is a key factor for fully exploiting the computational power of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). However, many details of the GPU memory hierarchy are not released by the vendors. We propose a novel fine-grained benchmarking approach and apply it on two popular GPUs, namely Fermi and Kepler, to expose the previously unknown […]
Jul, 12
Parallel Implementations for Solving Shortest Path Problem using Bellman-Ford
In this paper, different parallel implementations of Bellman-Ford algorithm on GPU using OpenCL are presented. These variants include Bellman-Ford for solving single source shortest path (SSSP) having two variants and Bellman-Ford for all pair shortest path (APSP) problems. Also, a comparative analysis of their performances on CPU and GPU is discussed in this paper.Write-write consistency […]
Jul, 12
SPH Fluids for Viscous Jet Buckling
We present a novel meshfree technique for animating free surface viscous liquids with jet buckling effects, such as coiling and folding. Our technique is based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) fluids and allows more realistic and complex viscous behaviors than the preceding SPH frameworks in computer animation literature. The viscous liquid is modeled by a […]
Jul, 12
Collision Detection: Broad Phase Adaptation from Multi-Core to Multi-GPU Architecture
We have presented several contributions on the collision detection optimization centered on hardware performance. We focus on the first step (Broad-phase) and propose three new ways of parallelization of the well-known Sweep and Prune algorithm. We first developed a multi-core model takes into account the number of available cores. Multi-core architecture enables us to distribute […]
Jul, 12
Parallelized Hierarchical Expected Matching Probability for Multiple Sequence Alignment
Sequence alignment of two or more than two biological sequences such as protein, DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) or RNA (Ribonucleic acid) is called MSA (Multiple Sequence Alignment). Sequence homology can be inferred from the resulting MSA. Existing System uses dynamic programming technique which suffers from exponential growth of time as the sequence grows. A Hierarchical Expected […]