Jun, 14
Image Denoising Using Wavelet Transform and CUDA
The discrete wavelet transform has a huge number of applications in science, engineering, mathematics and computer science. Most notably, it is used for signal coding to represent a discrete signal in a more redundant form, often as a preconditioning for data compression. Beginning in the 1990s, wavelets have been found to be a powerful tool […]
Jun, 14
Dynamic loop vectorization for executing OpenCL kernels on CPUs
Heterogeneous computing platforms are becoming increasingly important in supercomputing. Many systems now integrate CPUs and GPUs cooperating together on a single node. Much effort is invested in tuning GPU-kernels. However, it can be the case that some systems may not have GPUs or the GPUs are busy. Maintaining two versions of the same code for […]
Jun, 14
A GPU Implementation of Large Neighborhood Search for Solving Constraint Optimization Problems
Constraint programming has gained prominence as an effective and declarative paradigm for modeling and solving complex combinatorial problems. In particular, techniques based on local search have proved practical to solve real-world problems, providing a good compromise between optimality and efficiency. In spite of the natural presence of concurrency, there has been relatively limited effort to […]
Jun, 14
Parallel technologies for solving system of the linear equations by the conjugate gradient method
The main purpose of this work is to show the clear advantages of using modern parallel tools in solving the SLAE. The BiCGStab method was used for solving system of the linear equations. This paper contains some details about this method. To accelerate computations on the GPU several technologies (such as CUBLAS, OpenACC) were used. […]
Jun, 14
Unified Development for Mixed Multi-GPU and Multi-Coprocessor Environments using a Lightweight Runtime Environment
Many of the heterogeneous resources available to modern computers are designed for different workloads. In order to efficiently use GPU resources, the workload must have a greater degree of parallelism than a workload designed for multicore-CPUs. And conceptually, the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors are capable of handling workloads somewhere in between the two. This multitude […]
Jun, 13
International Conference on Computer Engineering, ICOCE 2014
Publication All papers, both invited and contributed, will be reviewed by two or three experts from the PC. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted paper will be publishedin WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies (ISSN: 1743-3517), which will be indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus and ISI. Topics: The topics of ICOCE2014 are included […]
Jun, 13
Realizing Accelerated Cost-Effective Distributed RAID
The exponential growth in user and application data entails new means for providing fault tolerance and protection against data loss. High Performance Computing (HPC) storage systems, which are at the forefront of handling the data deluge, typically employ hardware RAID at the backend. However, such solutions are costly, do not ensure end-to-end data integrity, and […]
Jun, 13
LTE Physical Layer Implementation Using GPU Based High Performance Computing
In recent years Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) has evolved as a high performance data processing technology allowing users to compute large blocks of parallel data using an array of low complexity processors. This paper proposes the implementation of compute intensive portions of 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Long Term Evolution (LTE) physical layer using GPU. […]
Jun, 13
GPU-accelerated Computation for Statistical Analysis of the Next-Generation Sequencing Data
The next-generation sequencing technologies are pouring big data and pushing the frontier of life sciences toward new territories that were never imagined before. However, such big data impose great computational challenges to statistical analysis of these data. It is important to utilize Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)’s large throughput and massive parallelism to process large data […]
Jun, 13
Performance Improvement of Data Mining in Weka through GPU Acceleration
Data mining tools may be computationally demanding, so there is an increasing interest on parallel computing strategies to improve their performance. The popularization of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) increased the computing power of current desktop computers, but desktop-based data mining tools do not usually take full advantage of these architectures. This paper exploits an approach […]
Jun, 13
Secure Distributed Computing on a Manycore Cloud
Computation outsourcing is an increasingly successful paradigm today. Private and public organizations, as well as common users, can access a large number of economically viable resources to perform the desired computations or access data. The cloud approach allows outsourcers to offer on-demand scalable services to third parties or to perform large computations without high server […]
Jun, 12
2nd Int. Conf. on Information Networking and Automation ICINA-II 2014
Publication: All papers, both invited and contributed, will be reviewed by two or three experts from the PC. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted paper will be publishedin WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies (ISSN: 1743-3517), which will be indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus and ISI. Topics (not limited to): ■ Modern and […]