Mar, 22
Accelerating Low-Fidelity Aerodynamic Codes
Low-fidelity aerodynamic codes, including panel, lifting line and vortex lattice methods, are used in the preliminary aerodynamic studies in the early stages of the aircraft design and constitute an important and compute-intensive part of aircraft design process. This preliminary design phase is usually very time consuming as it involves parametric studies counting tens of Excellent […]
Mar, 22
CUDA Implementation of a Lattice Boltzmann Method and Code Optimization
We study fluid flow in a 2D lid driven cavity for large Reynolds numbers using multirelaxation time – Lattice Boltzmann Method(LBM). LBM is an alternative to conventional CFD methods that solve Navier-Stokes equations to simulate incompressible fluid dynamics. In LBM, one solves the linearized Boltzmann equation on a discrete lattice to study spatio-temporal evolution of […]
Mar, 22
Applying GPU Dynamic Parallelism to High-Performance Normalization of Gene Expressions
High-density oligonucleotide microarrays allow several millions of genetic markers in a single experiment to be observed. Current bioinformatics tools for gene expression quantile data normalization are unable to process such huge data sets. In parallel with this reality, the huge volume of molecular data produced by current high-throughput technologies in modern molecular biology has increased […]
Mar, 21
GPU Accelerated Process Planning For CNC-Machined Parts:Industrial Components to Bone Implants
For manufacturing a part using conventional 3-Axis CNC machining process, one must determine a set of machining orientations. Generally this process planning task is carried out manually by the machinist, considering decision parameters such as part visibility, machinability, machining depths, tool geometry, etc. In this work, we modelled this as a Linear optimization problem; the […]
Mar, 21
Concurrent learning of a Probabilistic Graphical Model on the GPU
We introduce an algorithm for determining optimal transition paths between given configurations. The solution is obtained by solving variational equations for Freidlin–Wentzell action functionals. One of the applications of the method presented is a system controlling motion and redeployment between unit’s formations. The efficiency of the algorithm has been evaluated in a simple sandbox environment […]
Mar, 21
Implementation of Parallel Fast Hartley Transform (FHT) Using Cuda
Implementation of Fast Hartley Transform in parallel manner on Graphics Processing Unit, using CUDA technology is presented in this paper. Calculating FHT in parallel, using multiple threads, gives us huge improvement in calculation speed. Developed CUDA based parallel algorithm, which experimental results compared with results of CPU based sequential algorithm. Edge detection algorithms can be […]
Mar, 20
An Efficient Parallel ISODATA Algorithm Based on Kepler GPUs
ISODATA is a well-known clustering algorithm based on the nearest neighbor rule, which has been widely used in various areas. It employs a heuristic strategy allowing the clusters to split and merge as appropriate. However, since the volume of the data to be clustered in the real world is growing continuously, the efficiency of the […]
Mar, 20
A pattern recognition system for prostate mass spectra discrimination based on the CUDA parallel programming model
The aim of the present study was to implement a pattern recognition system for the discrimination of healthy from malignant prostate tumors from proteomic Mass Spectroscopy (MS) samples and to identify m/z intervals of potential biomarkers associated with prostate cancer. One hundred and six MS-spectra were studied in total. Sixty three spectra corresponded to healthy […]
Mar, 20
2014 International Conference on Robotics and Computer Vision, ICRCV 2014
2014-08-20 Accepted papers will be published in the one of the following Journals with ISSN. International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE, ISSN: 1793-8201) Abstracting/Indexing: Index Copernicus, Electronic Journals Library, EBSCO, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Google Scholar, INSPEC, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Crossref, ProQuest, WorldCat, and EI (INSPEC, IET). Journal of Automation and Control […]
Mar, 20
2014 International conference on Networks and Information Security, ICNIS 2014
2014-08-20 The papers accepted by ICNIS 2014 will be published in Journal of Advances in Computer Networks (JACN; ISSN: 1793-8244), which will be included in Engineering & Technology Digital Library, EBSCO, DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, International Computer Science Digital Library (ICSDL), ProQuest, and Google Scholar. Access control Anti-malware Anonymity Applied cryptography Authentication […]
Mar, 20
2014 6th International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing, ICGIP 2014
2014-08-20 The Proceedings of this conference are published in the SPIE Digital Library along with nearly 300,000 papers from other outstanding conferences and articles from SPIE Journals, which will be included in the SPIE Digital Library, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Thomson ISI. Image acquisition Image processing Medical image processing Pattern recognition and analysis […]
Mar, 19
Multimodality imaging and state-of-art GPU technology in discriminating benign from malignant breast lesions on real time decision support system
The aim of this study was to design a pattern recognition system for assisting the diagnosis of breast lesions, using image information from Ultrasound (US) and Digital Mammography (DM) imaging modalities. State-of-art computer technology was employed based on commercial Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) cards and parallel programming. An experienced radiologist outlined breast lesions on both […]