
Apr, 29

Local Histogram Modification Based Contrast Enhancement with GPU Acceleration

This paper presents a novel local contrast enhancement algorithm based on local histogram modification. The computation of local contrast enhancement operators is usually slow though they produce better local contrast and details. We have addressed this issue by subtly designing a highly parallel algorithm, which could be easily implemented on Graphics Processing Units (GPU) to […]
Apr, 29

Split tiling for GPUs: automatic parallelization using trapezoidal tiles

Tiling is a key technique to enhance data reuse. For computations structured as one sequential outer "time" loop enclosing a set of parallel inner loops, tiling only the parallel inner loops may not enable enough data reuse in the cache. Tiling the inner loops along with the outer time loop enhances data locality but may […]
Apr, 27

CUDA Based CAMshift Algorithm for Object Tracking Systems

In this paper, we present an image object tracking system for GPGPU based CAMshift algorithm. For image object tracking, we use the parallel CAMshift tracking algorithm based on the HSV color image distribution of detected moving objects. In this, RGB-to-HSV color conversion, image masking such as open and close operation for image morphology, and computing […]
Apr, 27

Efficient Computation of the Kleene Star in Max-Plus Algebra using a CUDA GPU

This research aims to accelerate the computation of the Kleene star in max-plus algebra using CUDA technology on graphics processing units (GPUs). The target module is the Kleene star of a weighted adjacency matrix for directed acyclic graph (DAGs) which plays an essential role in calculating the earliest and/or latest schedule for a class of […]
Apr, 27

Modeling and Optimization of Parallel Matrix-based Computations on GPU

As graphics processing units (GPUs) are continually being utilized as coprocessors, the demand for optimally utilizing them for various applications continues to grow. This work narrows the gap between programmers and minimum execution time for matrix-based computations on a GPU. To minimize execution time, computation and communication time must be considered. For computation, the placement […]
Apr, 27

Orchestrated Scheduling and Prefetching for GPGPUs

In this paper, we present techniques that coordinate the thread scheduling and prefetching decisions in a General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit (GPGPU) architecture to better tolerate long memory latencies. We demonstrate that existing warp scheduling policies in GPGPU architectures are unable to effectively incorporate data prefetching. The main reason is that they schedule consecutive warps, […]
Apr, 27

H. 264 Parallel Optimization on Graphics Processors

Multimedia applications are present in most mobile hand-held devices. The H.264 standard is currently dominating the video compression world. H.264 has high computational complexity requiring large amount of processing resources. Many techniques emerged that optimize H.264 using parallelization on multicore systems ranging from groups of pictures until the smallest block of pixels. We propose a […]
Apr, 26

Using High Performance Computing for Optimizing Credit Risk Calculation

The volume of banks data calculation is increasing each year with extraordinary scale and with that, new forms of computation is needed. High performance computing is a very attractive field for optimization such bank calculous, which can give promising results. This paper shows a implementation of know model for assessing the credit risk of a […]
Apr, 26

A method for speeding up beam-tracing simulation using thread-level parallelization

In recent years, the computational power of modern processors has been increasing mainly because of the increase in the number of processor cores. Computationally intensive applications can gain from this trend only if they employ parallelism, such as thread-level parallelization. Geometric simulations can employ thread-level parallelization because the main part of a geometric simulation can […]
Apr, 26

Parallel Variable Distribution Algorithm for Constrained Optimization with Nonmonotone Technique

A modified parallel variable distribution (PVD) algorithm for solving large-scale constrained optimization problems is developed, which modifies quadratic subproblem QPl at each iteration instead of the QPl of the SQP-type PVD algorithm proposed by C. A. Sagastizabal and M. V. Solodov in 2002. The algorithm can circumvent the difficulties associated with the possible inconsistency of […]
Apr, 26

Design and Performance Analysis of Parallel Processing of SRTP Packets

Encryption of real-time multimedia data transfers is one of the tasks for telecommunication infrastructure which should be considered in order to reach essential level of security. Execution time of ciphering algorithm could play fundamental role in delay of the packets, therefore, it provides interesting challenge in terms of optimization methods. This work focuses on parallelization […]
Apr, 26

Accelerating Population Balance Model-based particulate process simulations via parallel computing

The use of Population Balance Models (PBM) for simulating dynamics of particulate systems are inevitably limited at some point by the demands they place on computational resources. PBMs are widely used to describe the time evolutions and distributions of many industrial particulate processes, and its efficient and quick simulation would certainly be beneficial for process […]

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