
Jan, 30

Fast CT Image Processing using Parallelized Non-local Means

Reducing the radiation dose delivered to patients has been an important concern since the introduction of X-ray computed tomography (CT). However, low-dose CT images tend to be severely degraded by noise. This paper proposes using parallelized non-local means (PNM) under a computation framework for improving low-dose X-ray CT images. For the proposed PNM method, the […]
Jan, 30

Numerical Ocean Modeling and Simulation with CUDA

ROMS is software that models and simulates an ocean region using a finite difference grid and time stepping. ROMS simulations can take from hours to days to complete due to the compute-intensive nature of the software. As a result, the size and resolution of simulations are constrained by the performance limitations of modern computing hardware. […]
Jan, 30

On CUDA implementation of a multichannel room impulse response reshaping algorithm based on p-norm optimization

By using room impulse response shortening and shaping it is possible to reduce the reverberation effects and therefore improve speech intelligibility. This may be achieved by a prefilter that modifies the overall impulse response to have a stronger attenuation. For achieving a spatial robustness, multichannel approaches have been proposed. Unfortunately, these approaches suffer from a […]
Jan, 30

How well do STARLAB and NBODY compare? II: Hardware and accuracy

Most recent progress in understanding the dynamical evolution of star clusters relies on direct N-body simulations. Owing to the computational demands, and the desire to model more complex and more massive star clusters, hardware calculational accelerators, such as GRAPE special-purpose hardware or, more recently, GPUs (i.e. graphics cards), are generally utilised. In addition, simulations can […]
Jan, 30

Efficient Password and Key recovery using Graphic Cards

Passwords are without doubt the most common means for authentication throughout all kinds of applications on computer systems, ranging from local or online-service user logins to the protection of sensitive data by password based encryption. However, wherever passwords are employed, these are prone to loss or disremembering, an effect which, especially driven by the advent […]
Jan, 30

CUDA Expression Templates

Many algorithms require vector algebra operations such as the dot product, vector norms or component-wise manipulations. Especially for large-scale vectors, the efficiency of algorithms depends on an efficient implementation of those calculations. The calculation of vector operations benefits from the continually increasing chip level parallelism on graphics hardware. Very efficient basic linear algebra libraries like […]
Jan, 30

Performance Evaluation of Query Processing Algorithms on GPGPUs

Modern Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) can perform general purpose computing, next to standard graphical processing. Open frameworks, such as the OpenCL standard by the Khronos Group, enable developers to easily harness the computational power of GPUs. While in certain aspects, these are more powerful than standard CPUs, the latter are still a more suitable solution […]
Jan, 30

Towards a Tunable Multi-Backend Skeleton Programming Framework for Multi-GPU Systems

SkePU is a C++ template library that provides a simple and unified interface for specifying data-parallel computations with the help of skeletons on GPUs using CUDA and OpenCL. The interface is also general enough to support other architectures, and SkePU implements both a sequential CPU and a parallel OpenMP backend. It also supports multi-GPU systems. […]
Jan, 30

Dense Linear Algebra on Distributed Heterogeneous Hardware with a Symbolic DAG Approach

Among the various factors that drive the momentous changes occurring in the design of microprocessors and high end systems [1], three stand out as especially notable: 1. the number of transistors per chip will continue the current trend, i.e. double roughly every 18 months, while the speed of processor clocks will cease to increase; 2. […]
Jan, 29

Solving Discrete Logarithms in Smooth-Order Groups with CUDA

This paper chronicles our experiences using CUDA to implement a parallelized variant of Pollard’s rho algorithm to solve discrete logarithms in groups with cryptographically large moduli but smooth order using commodity GPUs. We first discuss some key design constraints imposed by modern GPU architectures and the CUDA framework, and then explain how we were able […]
Jan, 29

Virtual Viewpoint Disparity Estimation and Convergence Check for Real-Time View Synthesis

In this paper, we propose a new method for real-time disparity estimation and intermediate view synthesis from stereoscopic images. Some 3D video systems employ both the left and right depth images for virtual view synthesis; however, we estimate only one disparity map at a virtual viewpoint. In addition, we utilize hierarchical belief propagation and convergence […]
Jan, 29

A NPR System for Generating Floral Patterns based on L-System

In history, the decorative pattern represents the design of art. The styles of decorative patterns are unique according to different countries and cultures. Because of the decorative floral pattern giving human an elegant and abundance impression, it is applied to many fields including product packaging, advertising or multimedia materials design. In this paper, we simulate […]

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