Kun Zhou, Qiming Hou, Zhong Ren, Minmin Gong, Xin Sun, Baining Guo
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Mark Silberstein,Assaf Schuster,Dan Geiger,Anjul Patney,John D. Owens
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Frederico Pratas,Ricardo A. Mata,Leonel Sousa
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Anthony Danalis,Gabriel Marin,Collin McCurdy,Jeremy S. Meredith,Philip C. Roth,Kyle Spafford,Vinod Tipparaju,Jeffrey S. Vetter
Nadathur Satish,Mark Harris,Michael Garland
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Surendra Byna,Jiayuan Meng,Anand Raghunathan,Srimat Chakradhar,Srihari Cadambi
Jeff Bolz,Ian Farmer,Eitan Grinspun,Peter Schrooder
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John D. Owens, David Luebke, Naga Govindaraju, Mark Harris, Jens Kruger, Aaron E. Lefohn, and Timothy J. Purcell
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Erik Lindholm, J. Nickolls, S. Oberman, J. Montrym
David Tarditi, Sidd Puri, Jose Oglesby
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Wenjing Ma, Gagan Agrawal
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Tomohiro Okuyama, Fumihiko Ino, Kenichi Hagihara
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