May, 24
Accelerating Two Algorithms for Large-Scale Compound Selection on GPUs
Compound selection procedures based on molecular similarity and diversity are widely used in drug discovery. Current algorithms are often time consuming when applied to very large compound sets. This paper describes the acceleration of two selection algorithms (the leader and the spread algorithms) on graphical processing units (GPUs). We first parallelized the molecular similarity calculation […]
May, 24
Using a GPU-CPU architecture to speed up a GA-based real-time system for trading the stock market
The use of mechanical trading systems allows managing a huge amount of data related to the factors affecting investment performance (macroeconomic variables, company information, industrial indicators, market variables, etc.) while avoiding the psychological reactions of traders when they invest in financial markets. When trading is executed in an intra-daily frequency instead a daily frequency, mechanical […]
May, 24
A Modeling Approach based on UML/MARTE for GPU Architecture
Nowadays, the High Performance Computing is part of the context of embedded systems. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are more and more used in acceleration of the most part of algorithms and applications. Over the past years, not many efforts have been done to describe abstractions of applications in relation to their target architectures. Thus, when […]
May, 23
A GPU acceleration for FFT-based fast solvers for the integral equation
This paper presents the advantages that GPUs can bring when used in cooperation with the CPU in solving linear systems arising from electromagnetic applications. In particular we show how FFT-based methods for the integral equation can be speed up with very low effort. Two different applications are shown to prove the gain in computational times […]
May, 23
Real-Time Optical Flow Calculations on FPGA and GPU Architectures: A Comparison Study
FPGA devices have often found use as higher-performance alternatives to programmable processors for implementing a variety of computations. Applications successfully implemented on FPGAs have typically contained high levels of parallelism and have often used simple statically-scheduled control and modest arithmetic. Recently introduced computing devices such as coarse grain reconfigurable arrays, multi-core processors, and graphical processing […]
May, 23
A GPU based Algorithm for Determining the Optimal Cutting Direction in Deep Mold Machining
Large molds with very deep shape are well used in producing bumpers and inner panels of automobiles. In order to realize the precise and stable machining of such deep molds, 3-axis milling with inclined cutters are often applied. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for determining the optimal cutting direction in such inclined […]
May, 23
GPU-Assisted Ray Casting of Large Scenes
We implemented a pipelined rendering system that pre-renders a reduced set of a scene using the raster method built in the graphics hardware. The computation performed by the graphics card is used as an estimate for evaluating the initial traversal points for a ray caster running on the CPU. This procedure replaces the use of […]
May, 23
GPU-based color Doppler ultrasound processing
In this paper, we present the use of a graphics processing unit to perform color Doppler signal processing. Color Doppler has been mainly implemented on custom-designed hardware due to the large amount of data and number of computations that are involved. With an NVIDIA GeForce 260 GT, a frame rate of 45 fps for frames […]
May, 23
Maximum likelihood event estimation and list-mode image reconstruction on GPU hardware
The scintillation detectors commonly used in SPECT and PET imaging and in Compton cameras require estimation of the position and energy of each gamma ray interaction. Ideally, this process would yield images with no spatial distortion and the best possible spatial resolution. In addition, especially for Compton cameras, the computation must yield the best possible […]
May, 23
GPU-based framework for distributed interactive 3D visualization of multimodal remote sensing data
Interactive visualization of remote sensing data allows the user to explore the full scope of the data sets. Combining and comparing different modalities can give additional insight. In this paper, we present a 3D visualization framework for interactive exploration of remote sensing data. Data from different modalities can be combined into a single view. The […]
May, 23
Visualization and Analysis of GPU Summer School Applicants and Participants
With the development of petascale computing systems, a long-term effort is needed to educate and train the next generation of researchers. As part of its graduate education component, the Virtual School of Computational Science and Engineering held a summer school in August 2008 entitled "Accelerators for Science and Engineering Applications," providing participants with knowledge and […]
May, 23
Accelerating Algebraic Reconstruction Using CUDA-Enabled GPU
In this paper, we apply the compute unified device architecture (CUDA) to the 3D cone-beam CT reconstruction using simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART). With the hardware acceleration, the computationally complex SART can run at speed comparable to the commonly used filtered back-projection, and provide even better quality volume with less samples. The main contributions include […]