QCDGPU: open-source package for Monte Carlo lattice simulations on OpenCL-compatible multi-GPU systems

Vadim Demchik, Natalia Kolomoyets
Dnipropetrovsk National University, 49010 Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Third International Conference "High Performance Computing" (HPC-UA 2013), 2013


   title={QCDGPU: open-source package for Monte Carlo lattice simulations on OpenCL-compatible multi-GPU systems},

   author={Demchik, Vadim and Kolomoyets, Natalia},



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The multi-GPU open-source package QCDGPU for lattice Monte Carlo simulations of pure SU(N) gluodynamics in external magnetic field at finite temperature and O(N) model is developed. The code is implemented in OpenCL, tested on AMD and NVIDIA GPUs, AMD and Intel CPUs and may run on other OpenCL-compatible devices. The package contains minimal external library dependencies and is OS platform-independent. It is optimized for heterogeneous computing due to the possibility of dividing the lattice into non-equivalent parts to hide the difference in performances of the devices used. QCDGPU has client-server part for distributed simulations. The package is designed to produce lattice gauge configurations as well as to analyze previously generated ones. QCDGPU may be executed in fault-tolerant mode. Monte Carlo procedure core is based on PRNGCL library for pseudo-random numbers generation on OpenCL-compatible devices, which contains several most popular pseudo-random number generators.
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