A Fast and Secure Way to Prevent SQL Injection Attacks using Bitslice Technique and GPU Support

Piyush Mittal
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Rourkela – 769 008, India
National Institute of Technology Rourkela, 2013


   title={A Fast and Secure Way to Prevent SQL Injection Attacks using Bitslice Technique and GPU Support},

   author={Mittal, Piyush},



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Most of the web applications are associated with database as back-end so there are possibilities of SQL injection attacks (SQLIA) on it. Even SQLIA is among top ten attacks according to Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) but still approaches are not able to give proper solution to this problem. Numbers of measures are also discovered to overcome this attack, but which measure is more convenient and can also provide fast access to application without compromising the security is also a major concern. Some existing approaches are good in security but they are not efficient to handle large user’s requests. To overcome these two issues at the same moment Bitslice AES encryption and parallel AES encryption using CUDA are used to prevent this attack. Bitslice AES uses a non-standard representation and view the processor as a SIMD computer, i.e. as 64 parallel one bit processors computing the same instruction. As AES round functions are good candidate for parallel computations, AES encryption using CUDA gives tremendous encryptions per second and application response remains constant even if users requests increase.
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