Papers on (.txt-file)
Implementation of a motion estimation algorithm for Intel FPGAs using OpenCL
Implementation of a Multi-User Detector for Satellite Return Links on a GPU Platform
Implementation of a multigrid solver on GPU for Stokes equations with strongly variable viscosity based on Matlab and CUDA
Implementation of a Parallel Tree Method on a GPU
Implementation of a PIC simulation using WebGL
Implementation of a Power Efficient Synthetic Aperture Radar Back Projection Algorithm on FPGAs Using OpenCL
Implementation of a Practical Distributed Calculation System with Browsers and JavaScript, and Application to Distributed Deep Learning
Implementation of a programming environment with a multithread model for reconfigurable systems
Implementation of a Soft Morphological Filter Based on GPU Framework
Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard for encryption and decryption of images and text on a GPU
Implementation of algorithms for relativistic hydrodynamics using graphics processing units in CUDA framework
Implementation of algorithms with a fine-grained parallelism on GPUs
Implementation of Ant Colony Algorithm Based on GPU
Implementation of association rule mining using CUDA
Implementation of Autoencoders with Systolic Arrays through OpenCL
Implementation Of Decoders for LDPC Block Codes and LDPC Convolutional Codes Based on GPUs
Implementation of Diamond Search Algorithm Using Parallel Processing Architecture
Implementation of digital down converter in GPU
Implementation of Fast Artificial Neural Network for Pattern Classification on Heterogeneous System
Implementation of FDTD-Compatible Green’s Function on Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Parallel Processing System
Implementation of Filtering Beamforming Algorithms for Sonar Devices Using GPU
Implementation of float-float operators on graphics hardware
Implementation of Frequency Domain Convolution for the Caffe-Framework
Implementation of high speed hash function Keccak on GPU
Implementation of Jacobi iterative method on graphics processor unit
Implementation of Just In Time Value Specialization for the Optimization of Data Parallel Kernels
Implementation of k-Means Clustering Algorithm in CUDA
Implementation of K-shortest Path Algorithm in GPU Using CUDA
Implementation of Kd-Trees on the GPU to Achieve Real Time Graphics Processing
Implementation of Keccak hash function in Tree hashing mode on Nvidia GPU
Implementation of Kernel Methods on the GPU
Implementation of Kirchhoff prestack depth migration on GPU
Implementation of large-scale FIR adaptive filters on NVIDIA GeForce graphics processing unit
Implementation of LTE Mini receiver on GPUs
Implementation of Massive Artificial Neural Networks with CUDA
Implementation of medical image segmentation in CUDA
Implementation of Motion Estimation Based on Heterogeneous Parallel Computing System with OpenCL
Implementation of Parallel Fast Hartley Transform (FHT) Using Cuda
Implementation of Parallel Genetic Algorithms on Graphics Processing Units
Implementation of Parallel Simplified Swarm Optimization in CUDA
Implementation of PDE models of cardiac dynamics on GPUs using OpenCL
Implementation of QR Updating Algorithms on the GPU
Implementation of random linear network coding on OpenGL-enabled graphics cards
Implementation of Sequential Importance Sampling in GPGPU
Implementation of Smith-Waterman Algorithm in OpenCL for GPUs
Implementation of Smith-Waterman algorithm in OpenCL for GPUs
Implementation of Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) Algorithm on a Graphic processing unit (GPU)
Implementation of Stereo Matching Using High Level Compiler for Parallel Computing Acceleration
Implementation of stereophonic acoustic echo canceller on nVIDIA GeForce graphics processing unit
Implementation of the "Local Rank Differences" Image Feature Using SIMD Instructions of CPU
Implementation of the FDTD Method Based on Lorentz-Drude Dispersive Model on GPU for Plasmonics Applications
Implementation of the genetic algorithm by means of CUDA technology involved in travelling salesman problem
Implementation of the Lucas-Kanade image registration algorithm on a GPU for 3D computational platform stabilisation
Implementation of the Neuberger-Dirac operator on GPUs
Implementation of the optimization algorithms on GPGPU architecture and multi-cores
Implementation of the r.cuda.los module in the open source GRASS GIS by using parallel computation on the NVIDIA CUDA graphic cards
Implementation of the SYCL Heterogeneous Computing Library
Implementation of the twisted mass fermion operator in the QUDA library
Implementation of Variable Preconditioned GCR with mixed precision on GPU using CUDA
Implementation of Virtual Embryology using the Thrust library for CUDA
Implementation Techniques for SPMD Kernels on CPUs
Implementations of a Parallel Algorithm for Computing Euclidean Distance Map in Multicore Processors and GPUs
Implementations of hardware acceleration for MD4-family algorithms based on GPU
Implementations of Parallel Computation of Euclidean Distance Map in Multicore Processors and GPUs
Implementations of the FFT algorithm on GPU
Implementations of the Hough Transform on the Embedded Multicore Processors
Implementing a Code Generator for Fast Matrix Multiplication in OpenCL on the GPU
Implementing a Finite Difference-Based Real-time Sound Synthesizer using GPUs
Implementing a GPU Programming Model on a non-GPU Accelerator Architecture
Implementing a GPU-Enhanced Cluster for Large-Scale Simulations
Implementing a Photorealistic Rendering System using GLSL
Implementing a Preconditioned Iterative Linear Solver Using Massively Parallel Graphics Processing Units
Implementing a Sparse Matrix Vector Product for the SELL-C/SELL-C-sigma formats on NVIDIA GPUs
Implementing AES on GPU: Final Report
Implementing an architecture for efficient network traffic processing on modern graphics hardware
Implementing an efficient method of check-pointing on CPU-GPU
Implementing an embedded GPU language by combining translation and generation
Implementing an Interior Point Method for Linear Programs on a CPU-GPU System
Implementing and evaluating an heterogeneous, scalable, tridiagonal linear system solver with OpenCL to target FPGAs, GPUs, and CPUs
Implementing and Evaluating Candidate-Based Invariant Generation
Implementing cartesian genetic programming classifiers on graphics processing units using GPU.NET
Implementing CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) in OpenCL for Building Simulation
Implementing Computer Vision Functions with OpenCL on the Qualcomm Adreno 420
Implementing Continuous Integration Software in an Established Computational Chemistry Software Package
Implementing Decision Trees and Forests on a GPU
Implementing Deep Neural Networks for Financial Market Prediction on the Intel Xeon Phi
Implementing density functional theory (DFT) methods on many-core GPGPU accelerators
Implementing Domain-Specific Languages for Heterogeneous Parallel Computing
Implementing Efficient, Portable Computations for Machine Learning
Implementing general matrix-matrix multiplication algorithm on the Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing Processor
Implementing Genetic Algorithms to CUDA Environment Using Data Parallelization
Implementing implicit OpenMP data sharing on GPUs
Implementing Independent Component Analysis in General-Purpose GPU Architectures
Implementing Interactive 3D Segmentation on CUDA Using Graph-Cuts and Watershed Transformation
Implementing Level-3 BLAS Routines in OpenCL on Different Processing Units
Implementing LNS using filtering units of GPUs
Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms on GPUs for Real-Time Traffic Sign Classification
Implementing mesh-based approaches for deformable objects on GPU
Implementing modular arithmetic using OpenCL
Titles: 100
open PDFs: 88
packages: 12