
Nov, 30

Computation on programmable graphics hardware

GPUs have evolved into powerful and flexible streaming processors with fully programmable floating-point pipelines and tremendous aggregate computational power and memory bandwidth. With these advances, modern GPUs can now perform more functions than the specific graphics computations for which they were designed. This article describes approaches to using GPU processing power to accelerate traditionally CPU-based […]
Nov, 30

Adaptive Line Tracking with Multiple Hypotheses for Augmented Reality

We present a real-time model-based line tracking approach with adaptive learning of image edge features that can handle partial occlusion and illumination changes. A CAD (VRML) model of the object to track is needed. First, the visible edges of the model with respect to the camera pose estimate are sorted out by a visibility test […]
Nov, 30

Efficient Geometry Compression for GPU-based Decoding in Realtime Terrain Rendering

We present a geometry compression scheme for restricted quadtree meshes and use this scheme for the compression of adaptively triangulated digital elevation models (DEMs). A compression factor of 8-9 is achieved by employing a generalized strip representation of quadtree meshes to incrementally encode vertex positions. In combination with adaptive error-controlled triangulation, this allows us to […]
Nov, 30

ClawHMMER: A Streaming HMMer-Search Implementation

The proliferation of biological sequence data has motivated the need for an extremely fast probabilistic sequence search. One method for performing this search involves evaluating the Viterbi probability of a hidden Markov model (HMM) of a desired sequence family for each sequence in a protein database. However, one of the difficulties with current implementations is […]
Nov, 30

Automatic tuning matrix multiplication performance on graphics hardware

In order to utilize the tremendous computing power of graphics hardware and to automatically adapt to the fast and frequent changes in its architecture and performance characteristics, this paper implements an automatic tuning system to generate high-performance matrix-multiplication implementation on graphics hardware. The automatic tuning system uses a parameterized code generator to generate multiple versions […]
Nov, 30

Efficient relational database management using graphics processors

We present algorithms using graphics processing units (GPUs) to efficiently perform database management queries. Our algorithms use efficient data memory representations and storage models on GPUs to perform fast database computations. We present relational database algorithms that successfully exploit the high memory bandwidth and the inherent parallelism available in GPUs. We implement these algorithms on […]
Nov, 30

Physically-Based Sound Synthesis on GPUs

Modal synthesis is a physically-motivated sound modeling method. It has been successfully used in many applications. However, if large number of modes are involved in a simulated scene, it becomes an overwhelming task to synthesize sounds in real time without special hardware support. An implementation based on commodity graphics hardware is proposed as an alternative […]
Nov, 30

Graphics Hardware Implementation of the Parameter-Less Self-organising Map

This paper presents a highly parallel implementation of a new type of Self-Organising Map (SOM) using graphics hardware. The Parameter-Less SOM smoothly adapts to new data while preserving the mapping formed by previous data. It is therefore in principle highly suited for interactive use, however for large data sets the computational requirements are prohibitive. This […]
Nov, 30

Model-Based 3D Object Tracking Using an Extended-Extended Kalman Filter and Graphics Rendered Measurements

This paper presents a model-based 3D object tracking system that uses an improved Extended Kalman filter (EKF) with graphics rendering as the measurement function. During tracking, features are automatically selected from the input images. For each camera, an estimated observation and multiple perturbed observations are rendered for the object. Corresponding features are extracted from the […]
Nov, 30

Taking the graphics processor beyond graphics

For several years, graphics processing units’ performance has been increasing faster than the pace predicted by Moore’s law. This has occurred because GPUs must meet the demands of increasingly complex visual effects in games and entertainment applications. The performance and functionality have made GPUs potentially attractive as coprocessors for general-purpose computation. Researchers have also developed […]
Nov, 30

Accelerated 2D Image Processing on GPUs

Graphics processing units (GPUs) in recent years have evolved to become powerful, programmable vector processing units. Furthermore, the maximum processing power of current generation GPUs is roughly four times that of current generation CPUs (central processing units), and that power is doubling approximately every nine months, about twice the rate of Moore’s law. This research […]
Nov, 30

Scientific computation for simulations on programmable graphics hardware

Graphics processor units (GPUs) have emerged as powerful parallel processors in recent years. Although floating point computations and high level programming languages are now available, the efficient use of the enormous computing power of GPUs still requires a significant amount of graphics specific knowledge. The paper explains how to use GPUs for scientific computations without […]

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