Apr, 7
Full-System Simulation of Mobile CPU/GPU Platforms
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) critically rely on a complex system software stack comprising kernel- and userspace drivers and Just-in-time (JIT) compilers. Yet, existing GPU simulators typically abstract away details of the software stack and GPU instruction set. Partly, this is because GPU vendors rarely release sufficient information about their latest GPU products. However, this is […]
Apr, 7
The Study of the OpenCL Processing Models for the FPGA Devices
In our study, we present the results of the implementation of the SHA-512 algorithm in FPGAs. The distinguished element of our work is that we conducted the work using OpenCL for FPGA, which is a relatively new development method for reconfigurable logic. We examine loop unrolling as an OpenCL performance optimization method and compare the […]
Apr, 7
TonY: An Orchestrator for Distributed Machine Learning Jobs
Training machine learning (ML) models on large datasets requires considerable computing power. To speed up training, it is typical to distribute training across several machines, often with specialized hardware like GPUs or TPUs. Managing a distributed training job is complex and requires dealing with resource contention, distributed configurations, monitoring, and fault tolerance. In this paper, […]
Apr, 7
fairseq: A Fast, Extensible Toolkit for Sequence Modeling
fairseq is an open-source sequence modeling toolkit that allows researchers and developers to train custom models for translation, summarization, language modeling, and other text generation tasks. The toolkit is based on PyTorch and supports distributed training across multiple GPUs and machines. We also support fast mixed-precision training and inference on modern GPUs. A demo video […]
Mar, 31
Methods for Accelerating Machine Learning in High Performance Computing
Driven by massive dataset corpuses and advances and programmability in accelerator architectures, such as GPUs and FPGAs, machine learning (ML) has delivered remarkable, human-like accuracy in tasks such as image recognition, machine translation and speech processing. Although ML has improved accuracy in selected human tasks, the time to train models can range from hours to […]
Mar, 31
Dynamic Application Autotuning for Self-Aware Approximate Computing
In the autonomic computing context, we perceive the system as an ensemble of autonomous elements capable of self-managing, where endusers define high-level goals and the system shall adapt to achieve the desired behaviour. This runtime adaptation creates several optimisation opportunities, especially if we consider approximate computing applications, where it is possible to trade off the […]
Mar, 31
Machine Learning and Deep Learning frameworks and libraries for large-scale data mining: a survey
The combined impact of new computing resources and techniques with an increasing avalanche of large datasets, is transforming many research areas and may lead to technological breakthroughs that can be used by billions of people. In the recent years, Machine Learning and especially its subfield Deep Learning have seen impressive advances. Techniques developed within these […]
Mar, 31
Hybrid CPU-GPU execution support in the skeleton programming framework SkePU
In this paper, we present a hybrid execution backend for the skeleton programming framework SkePU. The backend is capable of automatically dividing the workload and simultaneously executing the computation on a multi-core CPU and any number of accelerators, such as GPUs. We show how to efficiently partition the workload of skeletons such as Map, MapReduce, […]
Mar, 31
HeteroMap: A Runtime Performance Predictor for Efficient Processing of Graph Analytics on Heterogeneous Multi-Accelerators
With the ever-increasing amount of data and input variations, portable performance is becoming harder to exploit on today’s architectures. Computational setups utilize single-chip processors, such as GPUs or large-scale multicores for graph analytics. Some algorithm-input combinations perform more efficiently when utilizing a GPU’s higher concurrency and bandwidth, while others perform better with a multicore’s stronger […]
Mar, 24
swCaffe: a Parallel Framework for Accelerating Deep Learning Applications on Sunway TaihuLight
This paper reports our efforts on swCaffe, a highly efficient parallel framework for accelerating deep neural networks (DNNs) training on Sunway TaihuLight, the current fastest supercomputer in the world that adopts a unique many-core heterogeneous architecture, with 40,960 SW26010 processors connected through a customized communication network. First, we point out some insightful principles to fully […]
Mar, 24
Surface Compression Using Dynamic Color Palettes
Off-chip memory traffic is a major source of power and energy consumption on mobile platforms. A large amount of this off-chip traffic is used to manipulate graphics framebuffer surfaces. To cut down the cost of accessing off-chip memory, framebuffer surfaces are compressed to reduce the bandwidth consumed on surface manipulation when rendering or displaying. In […]
Mar, 24
The ANTAREX Domain Specific Language for High Performance Computing
The ANTAREX project relies on a Domain Specific Language (DSL) based on Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) concepts to allow applications to enforce extra functional properties such as energy-efficiency and performance and to optimize Quality of Service (QoS) in an adaptive way. The DSL approach allows the definition of energy-efficiency, performance, and adaptivity strategies as well […]