
Jul, 7

Fast and Efficient Lossless Image Compression Based on CUDA Parallel Wavelet Tree Encoding

Lossless compression is still in high demand in medical image applications despite improvements in the computing capability and decrease in storage cost in recent years. With the development of General Purpose Graphic Processing Unit (GPGPU) computing techniques, sequential lossless image compression algorithms can be modified to achieve more efficiency and speed. Backward Coding of Wavelet […]
Jul, 7

Parallel Progressive Mesh Editing

Highly detailed models are commonly used in computer games and other interactive rendering applications. Intuitive editing methods are thus also required in addition to rendering algorithms. Progressive meshes are often employed to improve the rendering performance by reducing the number of rasterized triangles. The classical work flow is to generate a model and then use […]
Jul, 7

Latency considerations of depth-first GPU ray tracing

Despite the potential divergence of depth-first ray tracing [AL09], it is nevertheless the most efficient approach on massively parallel graphics processors. Due to the use of specialized caching strategies that were originally developed for texture access, it has been shown to be compute rather than bandwidth limited. Especially with recents developments however, not only the […]
Jul, 7

Color Me Noisy: Example-based Rendering of Hand-colored Animations with Temporal Noise Control

We present an example-based approach to rendering hand-colored animations which delivers visual richness comparable to real artwork while enabling control over the amount of perceived temporal noise. This is important both for artistic purposes and viewing comfort, but is tedious or even intractable to achieve manually. We analyse typical features of real hand-colored animations and […]
Jul, 6

Random Forests of Very Fast Decision Trees on GPU for Mining Evolving Big Data Streams

Random Forests is a classical ensemble method used to improve the performance of single tree classifiers. It is able to obtain superior performance by increasing the diversity of the single classifiers. However, in the more challenging context of evolving data streams, the classifier has also to be adaptive and work under very strict constraints of […]
Jul, 6

High performance MRI simulations of motion on multi-GPU systems

BACKGROUND: MRI physics simulators have been developed in the past for optimizing imaging protocols and for training purposes. However, these simulators have only addressed motion within a limited scope. The purpose of this study was the incorporation of realistic motion, such as cardiac motion, respiratory motion and flow, within MRI simulations in a high performance […]
Jul, 6

Massive Parallelism with GPUs for Centrality Ranking in Complex Networks

Many problems in Computer Science can be modelled using graphs. Evaluating node centrality in complex networks, which can be considered equivalent to undirected graphs, provides an useful metric of the relative importance of each node inside the evaluated network. The knowledge on which the most central nodes are, has various applications, such as improving information […]
Jul, 6

Two-way partitioning of a recursive Gaussian filter in CUDA

Recursive Gaussian filters are more efficient than basic Gaussian filters when its filter window size is large. Since the computation of a point should start after the computation of its neighborhood points, recursive Gaussian filters are line oriented. Thus, the degree of parallelism is restricted by the length of the data image. In order to […]
Jul, 6

SimCommSys: taking the errors out of error-correcting code simulations

In this study, we present SimCommSys, a simulator of communication systems that we are releasing under an open source license. The core of the project is a set of C + + libraries defining communication system components and a distributed Monte Carlo simulator. Of principal interest is the error-control coding component, where various kinds of […]
Jul, 6

A Parallelized Implementation for H. 264 Real-time Encoding Scheme

In this paper, a high-speed video stream encoder for the H.264 digital video codec standard specification is accelerated with nowadays parallel processing architectures. Based on the parallel processing techniques with GPU’s, we used an OpenCL-based GPU kernel programs, and finally achieved a high-level CPU-GPU interoperability. In its design, our system makes the CPU perform all […]
Jul, 6

High-level Parallel Programming Support for Heterogeneous Systems

This master thesis focuses on several high-level parallel programming models for heterogeneous systems that have been becoming increasingly popular in the field of high-performance computing. Heterogeneous systems are an inexpensive and effective way for further performance improvements. A powerful combination of graphics processing units (GPUs) and central processing units (CPUs) is one of the most […]
Jul, 4

Writing self-adaptive codes for heterogeneous systems

Heterogeneous systems are becoming increasingly common. Relatedly, the popularity of OpenCL is growing, as it provides a unified mean to program a wide variety of devices including GPUs or multicore CPUs. More recently, the Heterogeneous Programming Library (HPL) targets the same variety of systems as OpenCL, intending to improve their programmability. The main drawback of […]

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