Jul, 3
Reducing the Code Degree Of Parallelism to Increase GPUs Reliability
A higher Degree of Parallelism decreases the code execution time. However, to manage the increased number of parallel processes a higher scheduling strain is required and caches, registers, and other resources utilization will be affected. All these parallelism management variations may have the countermeasure of increasing the GPU neutron sensitivity. The results of an extensive […]
Jul, 3
Toward Auto-tuned Krylov Basis Computations with minimized Communication on Clusters of Accelerators
Krylov Subspace Methods (KSMs) are widely used for solving large scale linear systems and eigenproblems. However, the computing of Krylov subspace basis for KSMs suffers from its intensive blocking scalar product computation and communication, especially in large clusters with accelerators like GPUs. In this paper, a Hyper Graph based communication optimization is applied to Arnoldi […]
Jul, 1
Mixed-precision Orthogonalization Scheme and Adaptive Step Size for CA-GMRES on GPUs
We propose a mixed-precision orthogonalization scheme that takes the input matrix in a standard 32 or 64-bit floating-point precision, but accumulates its intermediate results in the doubled-precision. For a 64-bit input matrix, we use software emulation for the higher-precision arithmetics. Compared with the standard orthogonalization scheme, we require about 8:5 more computation but a much […]
Jul, 1
Energy Efficiency Benefits of Reducing the Voltage Guardband on the Kepler GPU Architecture
Energy efficiency of GPU architectures has emerged as an important design criterion for both NVIDIA and AMD. In this paper, we explore the benefits of scaling a general-purpose GPU (GPGPU) core’s supply voltage to the near limits of execution failure. We find that as much as 21% of NVIDIA GTX 680’s core supply voltage guardband […]
Jul, 1
Accelerated Computation of Minimum Enclosing Balls by GPU Parallelization and Distance Filtering
Minimum enclosing balls are used extensively to speed up multidimensional data processing in, e.g., machine learning, spatial databases, and computer graphics. We present a case study of several acceleration techniques that are applicable in enclosing ball algorithms based on repeated farthest-point queries. Parallel GPU solutions using CUDA are developed for both low- and high-dimensional cases. […]
Jul, 1
Parallelizing the cellular potts model on GPU and multi-core CPU: An OpenCL cross-platform study
In this paper, we present the analysis and development of a cross-platform OpenCL parallelization of the Cellular Potts Model (CPM). In general, the evolution of the CPM is time-consuming. Using data-parallel programming model such as CUDA can accelerate the process, but it is highly dependent on the hardware type and manufacturer. Recently, OpenCL has attracted […]
Jul, 1
High-Level Programming Framework for Executing Streaming Applications on Heterogeneous OpenCL Platforms
As the computer industry is reaching more and more limits regarding processor speed and transistor size, they have to come up with complex new architectures and more efficient use of the available processing power. For application developers this can be a difficult task, because they have to be aware of low-level hardware properties and there […]
Jul, 1
4th International Conference on Information Computer Application, ICICA 2015
Submission Deadline: 2014-10-05 Publication: The ICICA 2015 conference proceeding will be published in the International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering (ISSN:2010-3743 ), which will be indexed by Google Scholar, Engineering & Technology Digital Library,ProQuest, and Crossref Call for Paper: Algorithms Automated Software Engineering Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing Compilers and Interpreters Computer Animation Artificial […]
Jul, 1
3rd International Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, ICSMO 2015
Submission Deadline: 2014-09-20 Publication: The ICSMO 2015 conference proceeding will be published in the International Journal of Modeling and Optimization (ISSN: 2010-3697 ), and will be included in the Engineering & Technology Digital Library, and indexed by ProQuest, Google Scholar and Crossref. Call for Paper: Agent Based Simulation Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and […]
Jul, 1
6th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, ICCMS 2015
Submission Deadline: 2014-09-30 Publication: As usual, all accepted papers for the ICCMS 2015 will be published in the International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (ISSN:1793-8201 ), will be indexed by Electronic Journals Library, EBSCO, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Google Scholar, INSPEC, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Crossref, ProQuest, WorldCat, and EI (INSPEC, IET). Call […]
Jul, 1
Kd-tree Based N-Body Simulations with Volume-Mass Heuristic on the GPU
N-body simulations represent an important class of numerical simulations in order to study a wide range of physical phenomena for which researchers demand fast and accurate implementations. Due to the computational complexity, simple brute-force methods to solve the long-distance interaction between bodies can only be used for small-scale simulations. Smarter approaches utilize neighbor lists, tree […]
Jul, 1
Fast Galactic Structure Finding using Graphics Processing Units
Cosmological simulations are used by astronomers to investigate large scale structure formation and galaxy evolution. Structure finding, that is, the discovery of gravitationally-bound objects such as dark matter halos, is a crucial step in many such simulations. During recent years, advancing computational capacity has lead to halo-finders needing to manage increasingly larger simulations. As a […]