Oct, 29
Computing finite models using free Boolean generators
A parallel method for computing Boolean expressions based on the properties of finite free Boolean algebras is presented. We also show how various finite combinatorial objects can be codded in the formalism of Boolean algebras and counted by this procedure. Particularly, using a translation of first order predicate formulas to propositional formulas, we give a […]
Oct, 27
Hybrid Parallel Light-Weight Programming of Hybrid Systems
The advent of homogeneous many-core processors has been widely noticed as a major shift in the architecture of commodity computer systems. It has influenced the design of operating systems and programming models and gives a boost to high-level parallelization libraries. Future commodity systems will combine homogeneous many-core processors with graphical processing units and other special […]
Oct, 27
Dynamical simulations of extrasolar planetary systems with debris disks using a GPU accelerated N-body code
This thesis begins with a description of a hybrid symplectic integrator named QYMSYM which is capable of planetary system simulations. This integrator has been programmed with the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) language which allows for implementation on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). With the enhanced compute performance made available by this choice, QYMSYM was used […]
Oct, 27
MPI Parallelization of GPU-based Lattice Boltzmann Simulations
In this thesis, a MPI parallelized LBM code for a Multi-GPU platform has been designed and implemented. The primary goal of the thesis is research on efficient and scalable Multi-GPU LBM code, which exploits advanced features of the modern GPUs, to adopt optimization techniques like overlapping of work and communication in heterogeneous CPU-GPU clusters. In […]
Oct, 27
Airborne Downward Looking Sparse Linear Array 3-D SAR Heterogeneous Parallel Simulation
The airborne downward looking sparse linear array three dimensional synthetic aperture radar (DLSLA 3-D SAR) operates nadir observation with the along-track synthetic aperture formulated by platform movement and the cross-track synthetic aperture formulated by physical sparse linear array. Considering the lack of DLSLA 3-D SAR data in the current preliminary study stage, it is very […]
Oct, 27
Real-Time Stereo Matching using Adaptive Window based Disparity Refinement
In this paper, we propose a real-time stereo matching method based on adaptive window, aiming at the trade-off between accuracy and efficiency in current local stereo matching, Considering that the Census transform has good adaptability to image amplitude distortion, but may introduce matching ambiguities in regions with noise or similar local structures, we combine the […]
Oct, 26
International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2014
The International Conference on Computational Science is an annual conference that brings together researchers and scientists from mathematics and computer science as basic computing disciplines, researchers from various application areas who are pioneering computational methods in sciences such as physics, chemistry, life sciences, and engineering, as well as in arts and humanitarian fields, to discuss […]
Oct, 26
22nd ACME Conference on Computational Mechanics
The purpose of this conference is to share state-of-the-art research findings and experience across the full range of Computational Mechanics. The conference organising committee is particularly keen to encourage the participation of young researchers, including PhD students and research assistants. The Conference will emphasize on recent developments in the field of Computational Mechanics through a […]
Oct, 26
Scalable Simulation of Tsunamis Generated by Submarine Landslides on GPU clusters
In this work we describe a GPU implementation of a first order two-layer Savage-Hutter type model introduced by E. D. Fernandez-Nieto et al in 2008 to simulate tsunamis generated by underwater landslides using the CUDA framework over structured meshes. We also describe an extension of this implementation which exploits the parallel power of a GPU […]
Oct, 26
A New Approach of Performance Analysis of Certain Graph Algorithms
Computer Network based problems often require searching a node from another and finding a path from one node to another. To solve this we use graph algorithms. Solving these problems takes a lot of time and knowledge when solved manually. For this purpose graph algorithms where devised and solving these problems became easier but the […]
Oct, 26
A Parallel Depth-aided Exemplar-based Inpainting for Real-time View Synthesis on GPU
Synthesizing new images from given image pair and their corresponding depth maps is an essential function for many 3D video applications. Exemplar-based inpainting methods have been proposed in recent years to be used to restore newly synthesized images by strategically filling the missing pixels which don’t have any references due to occlusion. Due to the […]
Oct, 25
A Datalog Engine for GPUs
We present the design and evaluation of a Datalog engine for execution in Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). The engine evaluates recursive and non-recursive Datalog queries using a bottom-up approach based on typical relational operators. It includes a memory management scheme that automatically swaps data between memory in the host platform (a multicore) and memory in […]