Jan, 29
Construction of Efficient Kd-Trees for Static Scenes Using Voxel-visibility Heuristic
In the ray-tracing community, the surface-area heuristic (SAH) is used as a de facto standard strategy for building high-quality kd-trees. Although widely accepted as the best kd-tree construction method, it is based only on the surface-area measure, which often fails to re ect effectively the rendering characteristics of a given scene. This paper presents new […]
Jan, 27
Parallelization of Myers Fast Bit-Vector Algorithm using GPGPU
Myers Fast Bit-Vector Algorithm for Approximate String Matching, further on referred as Myers algorithm only, is used to solve a string-matching problem in the informatics. String matching problems occurs if one text has to be compared with another text -a matching pattern or needle- for finding equalities, dissimilarities, or occurrences of this pattern in the […]
Jan, 27
The system for visualization of synoptic objects
This work is devoted to developing tools for the visual analysis of tropical cyclones based on satellite data. The implemented system has an extensible set of algorithms for the loading, processing and visualization of data, mainly the spatial scalar fields. The well-known algorithms and author’s developments using CUDA technology, and shaders were used in creation […]
Jan, 27
SMAA: Enhanced Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing
We present a new image-based, post-processing antialiasing technique, which offers practical solutions to the common, open problems of existing filter-based real-time antialiasing algorithms. Some of the new features include local contrast analysis for more reliable edge detection, and a simple and effective way to handle sharp geometric features and diagonal lines. This, along with our […]
Jan, 27
Bilateral Filtering with CUDA
This paper implements the Bilateral filter, using CUDA enhanced parallel computations. The Bilateral filter allows smoothing images, while preserving edges, in contrast to e.g. the Gaussian filter, which smoothes across edges. While delivering visually stunning results, Bilateral filtering is a costly operation. Using NVidia’s CUDA technology the filter can be parallelized to run on the […]
Jan, 27
Accelerating incoherent dedispersion
Incoherent dedispersion is a computationally intensive problem that appears frequently in pulsar and transient astronomy. For current and future transient pipelines, dedispersion can dominate the total execution time, meaning its computational speed acts as a constraint on the quality and quantity of science results. It is thus critical that the algorithm be able to take […]
Jan, 26
Parallel particle swarm optimization using GPGPU
This work presents a parallelization method for the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm using a low-cost architecture: a General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit (GPGPU). The strategies to better suit the architecture main characteristics are addressed along success rates and convergence times for the optimization of Rastrigin’s and Ackley’s functions on a 30-dimensional search space, and compared […]
Jan, 26
Defocus Magnification with CUDA
In photography, the application of depth-of-field can be used to make the main subject more prominent. Photographer can modify the range of depthof-field by adjusting the aperture size. Unfortunately, due to the limitation caused by the physical diameter of the lens aperture and the area of the photodiode, the compact camera cannot control the depth-of-field […]
Jan, 26
GPU Nonlinear Fixed Points, with an application to GPU IFS Rendering
Nonlinear functions, including nonlinear iterated function systems, have interesting fixed points. We present a non-Lipschitz theoretical approach to nonlinear function system fixed points which generalizes to non-contractive functions, compare several methods for evaluating such fixed points on modern graphics hardware, and present a nonlinear generalization of Barnsley’s Deterministic Iteration Algorithm. Unlike the many existing randomized […]
Jan, 26
Accounting for Uncertainty in Medical Data: A CUDA Implementation of Normalized Convolution
The domain of medical imaging is naturally moving towards methods that can represent, and account for, local uncertainties in the image data. Even so, fast and efficient solutions that take uncertainty into account are not readily available even for common problems such as gradient estimation. In this work we present a CUDA implementation of Normalized […]
Jan, 26
CUDA raytracing algorithm for visualizing discrete element model output
A raytracing algorithm is constructed using the CUDA API for visualizing output from a CUDA discrete element model, which outputs spatial information in dynamic particle systems. The raytracing algorithm is optimized with constant memory and compilation flags, and performance is measured as a function of the number of particles and the number of pixels. The […]
Jan, 26
CUDA Fortran for Scientists and Engineers
This document in intended for scientists and engineers who develop or maintain computer simulations and applications in Fortran, and who would like to harness parallel processing power of graphics processing units (GPUs) to accelerate their code. The goal here is to provide the reader with the fundamentals of GPU programming using CUDA Fortran as well […]