Hubert Nguyen
Mark Harris
Michael A. Gray
Ming C. Che, Jie Liang
Shane Ryoo, Christopher I. Rodrigues, Sara S. Baghsorkhi, Sam S. Stone, David B. Kirk, Wen-mei W. Hwu
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James Fung,Steve Mann
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S. Popov,J. Gunther,H. P. Seidel,P. Slusallek
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Andreas Klockner,Nicolas Pinto,Yunsup Lee,Bryan Catanzaro,Paul Ivanov,Ahmed Fasih
Victor W. Lee,Changkyu Kim,Jatin Chhugani,Michael Deisher,Daehyun Kim,Anthony D. Nguyen,Nadathur Satish,Mikhail Smelyanskiy,Srinivas Chennupaty,Per Hammarlund,Ronak Singhal,Pradeep Dubey
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Daniel Ruijters,Bart ter Haar Romeny,Paul Suetens
K. Fatahalian,J. Sugerman,P. Hanrahan
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Vaclav Simek, Michal Kraus, Kunovsky Jiri, Jiri Petrek
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