
Sep, 12

A scripting language for Digital Content Creation applications

Digital Content Creation (DCC) Applications (e.g. Blender, Autodesk 3ds Max) have long been used for the creation and editing of digital content. Due to current advancement in the field, the need for controlled automated work forced these applications to add support for small programming languages that gave power to artists without diving into many details. […]
Sep, 12

Symbolic crosschecking of floating-point and SIMD code

We present an effective technique for crosschecking an IEEE 754 floating-point program and its SIMD-vectorized version, implemented in KLEE-FP, an extension to the KLEE symbolic execution tool that supports symbolic reasoning on the equivalence between floating-point values. The key insight behind our approach is that floatingpoint values are only reliably equal if they are essentially […]
Sep, 12

Implementing cartesian genetic programming classifiers on graphics processing units using GPU.NET

This paper investigates the use of a new Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) programming tool called ‘GPU.NET’ for implementing a Genetic Programming fitness evaluator. We find that the tool is able to help write software that accelerates fitness evaluation. For the first time, Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) was used with a GPU-based interpreter. With its code […]
Sep, 12

Optimizing a shared virtual memory system for a heterogeneous CPU-accelerator platform

The client computing platform is moving towards a heterogeneous architecture that combines scalar-oriented CPU cores and throughput-oriented accelerator cores. Recognizing that existing programming models for such heterogeneous platforms are still difficult for most programmers, we advocate a shared virtual memory programming model to improve programmability. In this paper, we focus on performance, and demonstrate that […]
Sep, 12

Simulating vehicle kinematics with SimVis3D and Newton

This paper discusses the simulation of vehicle kinematics with SimVis3D and the Newton Game Dynamics Engine. As running example a Pioneer like robot is used. First its differential drive is simulated manually, without physical effects. Then the dynamics engine is applied to simulate this drive mechanism based on rolling friction between wheels and ground. Comparing […]
Sep, 12

High-performance Computing in China: Research and Applications

In this report we review the history of high-performance computing (HPC) system development and applications in China and describe the current status of major government programs, HPC centers and facilities, major research institutions, important HPC application fields, and domestic vendor activities. A comparison between China and developed nations, such as the United States, European countries, […]
Sep, 11

Unified Tables for Exponential and Logarithm Families

Accurate table methods allow for very accurate and efficient evaluation of elementary functions. We present new single-table approaches to logarithm and exponential evaluation, by which we mean that a single table of values works for both log(x) and log(1+x), and a single table for ex and ex-1. This approach eliminates special cases normally required to […]
Sep, 11

Translation-invariant two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform on graphics processing units

The Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is used in several signal and image processing applications. Due to the computational expense various approaches have been proposed. One approach is using graphics processing units (GPUs) as stream processors to speed up the calculation of the DWT. This paper presents a GPU implementation of the translation-invariant wavelet transform computed […]
Sep, 11

SSLPV: subsurface light propagation volumes

This paper presents the Subsurface Light Propagation Volume (SSLPV) method for real-time approximation of subsurface scattering effects in dynamic scenes with changing mesh topology and lighting. SSLPV extends the Light Propagation Volume (LPV) technique for indirect illumination in video games. We introduce a new consistent method for injecting flux from point light sources into an […]
Sep, 11

High performance technique for database applications using a hybrid GPU/CPU platform

Many database applications, such as sequence comparing, sequence searching, and sequence matching, etc, process large database sequences. we introduce a novel and efficient technique to improve the performance of database applications by using a Hybrid GPU/CPU platform. In particular, our technique solves the problem of the low efficiency resulting from running short-length sequences in a […]
Sep, 11

Collision-streams: fast GPU-based collision detection for deformable models

We present a fast GPU-based streaming algorithm to perform collision queries between deformable models. Our approach is based on hierarchical culling and reduces the computation to generating different streams. We present a novel stream registration method to compact the streams and efficiently compute the potentially colliding pairs of primitives. We also use a deferred front […]
Sep, 11

Texture compression of light maps using smooth profile functions

Light maps have long been a popular technique for visually rich real-time rendering in games. They typically contain smooth color gradients which current low bit rate texture compression techniques, such as DXT1 and ETC2, do not handle well. The application writer must therefore choose between doubling the bit rate by choosing a codec such as […]

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