
Jul, 14

Impact of the channel count on the nonlinear tolerance in coherently-detected POLMUX-QPSK modulation

GPU-based transmission simulations with different channel counts (1~81) are used to determine the minimum required channel number for correctly simulating fiber nonlinearities that impact 40G/100G CP-QPSK signals in dispersion un-compensated transmission systems.
Jul, 14

A novel stereo camera based collision warning system for automotive applications

In collision warning systems for automotive applications the response time of a system is very important, since a precise response is useless if it comes too late. In this paper a fast collision warning system is presented, which uses a stereo camera as a sensor. The used algorithms allow a fast response of the system […]
Jul, 12

Accelerating the Nussinov RNA folding algorithm with CUDA/GPU

Graphics processing units (GPU) on commodity video cards have evolved into powerful computational devices. The RNA secondary structure arises from the primary structure and a backbone of canonical, Watson-Crick base pairings (A-U, C-G), and to a lesser extent, the G-U pairing. Early computational work by Nussinov formulated the problem of RNA secondary structure prediction as […]
Jul, 12

Harnessing the power of idle GPUs for acceleration of biological sequence alignment

This paper presents a parallel system capable of accelerating biological sequence alignment on the graphics processing unit (GPU) grid. The GPU grid in this paper is a desktop grid system that utilizes idle GPUs and CPUs in the office and home. Our parallel implementation employs a master-worker paradigm to accelerate Liu’s OpenGL-based algorithm that runs […]
Jul, 12

Design and performance evaluation of a digital wideband receiver on a hybrid computing platform

Design and implementation of a modern radar receiver that is capable of rapidly searching a large frequency range with maximum sensitivity in real time presents a challenge. Such a receiver not only has stringent operational requirements like high instantaneous dynamic range (IDR), multiple signal detection capability, wider bandwidth and also high frequency resolution. Currently, operating […]
Jul, 12

GPU-based acoustic feature extraction for electronic media processing

Multicore architectures are frequently utilized if very high computation power is required. At the same time current multicore graphic processing units (GPUs), designed for parallel data processing, have become applicable for general purpose computation. Thus, in current research projects the usage of GPUs is examined for a variety of applications. Thereby, GPUs are attractive for […]
Jul, 12

Cloudlet-screen computing: A multi-core-based, cloud-computing-oriented, traditional-computing-compatible parallel computing Paradigm for the masses

This paper proposes a computing paradigm where many users share a host platform consisting of one or more multicore CPU(s) and GPU(s). Each user is connected to the host by a link transferring primarily compressed compound video of screen, mouse and keyboard data. All computation and processing tasks including but not limited to 2D/3D graphics […]
Jul, 12

Towards a robust, real-time face processing system using CUDA-enabled GPUs

Processing of human faces finds application in various domains like law enforcement and surveillance, entertainment (interactive video games), information security, smart cards etc. Several of these applications are interactive and require reliable and fast face processing. A generic face processing system may comprise of face detection, recognition, tracking and rendering. In this paper, we develop […]
Jul, 12

A Program Behavior Study of Block Cryptography Algorithms on GPGPU

Recently many studies have been made to map cryptography algorithms onto graphics processors (GPU), and gained great performances. This paper does not focus on the performance of a specific program exploited by using all kinds of optimization methods algorithmically, but the intrinsic reason which lies in GPU architectural features for this performance improvement. Thus we […]
Jul, 12

Improved Real-Time Stereo on Commodity Graphics Hardware

This paper presents a detailed description of an advanced real-time correlation-based stereo algorithm running completely on the graphics processing unit (GPU). This is important since it allows to free up the main processor for other tasks including high-level interpretation of the stereo results. Compared to previous GPU-based stereo implementations our implementation includes some advanced features […]
Jul, 12

Graphics processing unit parallel accelerated solution of the discrete ordinates for photon transport in biological tissues

As a widely used numerical solution for the radiation transport equation (RTE), the discrete ordinates can predict the propagation of photons through biological tissues more accurately relative to the diffusion equation. The discrete ordinates reduce the RTE to a serial of differential equations that can be solved by source iteration (SI). However, the tremendous time […]
Jul, 12

Real-time simulation of a spiking neural network model of the basal ganglia circuitry using general-purpose computing on graphics processing units

Real-time simulation of a biologically realistic spiking neural network is necessary for evaluation of its capacity to interact with real environments. However, the real-time simulation of such a neural network is difficult due to its high computational costs that arise from two factors: (1) vast network size and (2) the complicated dynamics of biologically realistic […]

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