May, 19
An efficient out-of-core volume rendering method based on ray casting and GPU acceleration
Volume rendering techniques have been used widely for high quality visualization of 3D data sets, especially in the fields of biomedical image processing. However, when rendering very large (out-of-core) volume data sets, the conventional in-core volume rendering algorithms cannot run efficiently due to the impossibility of fitting the entire input data in the internal memory […]
May, 19
Practical considerations for GPU-accelerated CT
The introduction of programmability into commodity graphics hardware (GPUs) has enabled their use much beyond their native domain of computer graphics, in many areas of high performance computing. We have shown in previous work that many types of CT algorithms, both iterative and non-iterative, can also greatly benefit from the high degree of SIMD (same […]
May, 19
High-throughput stream categorization and intrusion detection on GPU
We present a design and implementation of a high-throughput deep packet inspection performing both stream categorization and intrusion detection on GPU platform using CUDA. This implementation is capable of matching 64 ethernet packet streams against 25 given regular expressions at 524 Mb/s rate on a computer system with GeForce GTX 295 graphic card.
May, 19
GPU acceleration of a fully 3D Iterative Reconstruction Software for PET using CUDA
A CUDA implementation of the existing software FIRST (Fast Iterative Reconstruction Software for (PET) Tomography) is presented. This implementation uses consumer graphics processing units (GPUs) to accelerate the compute-intensive parts of the reconstruction: forward and backward projection. FIRST was originally developed in FORTRAN, and it has been migrated to C language to be used with […]
May, 19
Astrophysical Particle Simulations with Custom GPU Clusters
We present our new parallel GPU clusters in Beijing and Heidelberg and demonstrate the nearly optimal speedup and performance for parallel direct astrophysical N-body simulations with up to six million bodies. We reach about 1/3 of the peak performance for a real application code. The clusters are used to simulate dense star clusters with many […]
May, 18
Ray Casting of Trimmed NURBS Surfaces on the GPU
We propose a conceptual extension of the standard triangle-based graphics pipeline by an additional intersection stage. The corresponding intersection program performs ray-object intersection tests for each fragment of an object’s bounding volume. The resulting hit fragments are transferred to the fragment shading stage for computing the illumination and performing further fragment operations. Our approach combines […]
May, 18
Graphics processor unit (GPU) acceleration of finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) algorithm
The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) algorithm has become a tool of choice in many areas of RF and microwave engineering and optics. However, FDTD runs too slow for some simulations to be practical, even when carried out on supercomputers. The development of dedicated hardware to accelerate FDTD computations has been investigated. In this paper, we demonstrate […]
May, 18
Fast 2D-3D registration using GPU-based preprocessing
This paper describes the fast point-based 2-D/3-D registration that will increase the registration speed of intraoperative two-dimensional (2-D) fluoroscopy and preoperative three-dimensional (3-D) CT images using GPU (graphics processing unit)-based DRR’s preprocessing. Rigid 2-D/3-D registration of 2-D fluoroscopy images with 3-D CT images can be used for image-guided surgery or intraoperative navigation. X-ray fluoroscopy images […]
May, 18
Real-time screen image scaling and its GPU acceleration
In this paper, we propose a simple and effective scheme for screen image scaling, targeting at real-time applications like remote desktop and screen sharing. To balance visual quality and complexity, we build our scheme upon bilinear interpolation and devise a content adaptive post-processing method. Our scheme keeps the text/graphics regions of screen images as sharp […]
May, 18
GPU-Based Distance Map Calculation for Vector Field Haptic Rendering
Our current research focuses on haptically assisted fragment reassembly. To this end, we examined vector field methods for handling collisions of complex, non-convex, rigid objects as well as for haptic rendering. A GPU-based approach is used to pre-compute 3D Voronoi cells. Furthermore, inside/outside information, normals and distances to object surfaces are determined on a sample […]
May, 18
GPU based detection and mapping of collisions for haptic rendering in Immersive Virtual Reality
We present a method that maps collisions on a dynamic deformable virtual character designed to be used for tactile haptic rendering in Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR). Our method computes exact intersections by relying on the use of programmable graphics hardware. Based on interference tests between deformable meshes (an avatar controlled by a human participant) and […]
May, 18
GPU-Based Interactive, Stereoscopic Visualization of Automotive Crash Simulations
The automotive industry is aggressively moving from physical prototyping to virtual prototyping.This trend is imperative for staying competitive in an industry that faces many challenges. The industry has recognized that simulation in key disciplines such as crash worthiness, noise and vibration, and fluid mechanics has matured to a high level. The decision is, no longer […]