May, 7
Survey of GPU water simulation in game engine
We, in this paper, give a general survey of water simulation adaptable to real-time application like 3D game engine. After that, we implement GPU accompany with CPU to tackle several key point in water simulation ranging from heightmap and normalmap to water geometry modelling. In last part of this paper, we display our experiment to […]
May, 7
Computation of Troposphere Slant Delays on a GPU
The computation of ray-traced troposphere delays which can be utilized for space geodetic applications is a time-consuming effort when a large number of rays has to be calculated. On the other hand, computation time can be tremendously reduced when algorithms are capable of supporting parallel processing architectures. Thus, by the use of an off-the-shelf graphics […]
May, 7
A Parallel Immune Algorithm Based on Fine-Grained Model with GPU-Acceleration
Fine-grained parallel immune algorithm (FGIA), though a popular and robust strategy for solving complicated optimization problems, is sometimes inconvenient to use as its population size is restricted by heavy data communication and the parallel computers are relatively difficult to use, manage, maintain and may not be accessible to most researchers. In this paper, we propose […]
May, 7
GPU accelerated elliptic curve cryptography in GF(2m)
This paper presents the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) accelerated version of the LSB Invariant scalar point multiplication for binary elliptic curves. This method was implemented using the CUDA programming language for nVidia graphics cards. With a parallel factor of (length+1) and Lopez-Dahab projective coordinate Pi’s, on an nVidia GTX 285 graphics card precomputation takes 190.203995 […]
May, 7
Stereo Matching Algorithm Using Population-Based Incremental Learning on GPU
To solve the general problems of genetic algorithms applied in stereo matching, two measures are proposed. Firstly, the strategy of the simplified population-based incremental learning (PBIL) is adopted to decrease the problems in memory consumption and searching inefficiency, as well as a scheme controlling the distance of neighbors for disparity smoothness is inserted to obtain […]
May, 6
A GPU-based computing framework for CSCW
Graphics processing units (GPUs) have evolved from fixed graphics pipeline processors into more flexible and powerful data-parallel processors. Their ever-increasing computing power makes them an attractive platform for high performance computing at a low cost. Up to the present, most efforts that exploit GPUs are graphical and scientific applications. Nevertheless, little attention has been paid […]
May, 6
Accelerating InSAR raw data simulation on GPU using CUDA
This paper describes a scalable parallel method for interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) raw data simulation on graphic processing unit (GPU) with common unified device architecture (CUDA). The advantages of the new method rely on the three contributions: GPU hardware provides lots of stream processors for threads calculating, CUDA software environment runs thousands of threads […]
May, 6
GPU-Accelerated Evaluation Platform for High Fidelity Network Modeling
High-fidelity simulations of mixed wired and wireless network systems are dependent on detailed simulation models, especially in the lower layers of the network stack. However, detailed modeling can result in prohibitive computation cost. In recent years, commercial graphics cards (GPUs) have drawn attention from the general computing community due to the superior computation capability. In […]
May, 6
High speed 3-D registration using GPU
This paper describes high speed 3D object recognition based on DAI (depth aspect image) matching and M-ICP (modified iterative closest point). We regards GPU(graphic processing units) as coprocessor which are capable of computation for general purpose. We proposed 3D object recognition method which consists of two step pose estimation and positioning, i.e. the DAI matching […]
May, 6
Real-time 3D registration of stereo-vision based range images using GPU
3D registration is a computer vision technique of aligning multi-view range images with respect to a reference co-ordinate system. Aligning range images is an important and time-complex step in complete 3D reconstruction. In this paper, we propose a real-time 3D registration technique by employing the accelerated computing power of GPU (graphic processing unit). In the […]
May, 6
Performance Evaluation of Optimized Implementations of Finite Difference Method for Wave Propagation Problems on GPU Architecture
The scattering of acoustic waves in non-homogeneous media has been of practical interest for the petroleum industry, mainly in the determination of new oil deposits. A family of computational models that represent this phenomenon is based on finite difference methods. The simulation of these phenomena demands a high computational cost. In this work we employ […]
May, 6
Efficient nearest-neighbor computation for GPU-based motion planning
We present a novel k-nearest neighbor search algorithm (KNNS) for proximity computation in motion planning algorithm that exploits the computational capabilities of many-core GPUs. Our approach uses locality sensitive hashing and cuckoo hashing to construct an efficient KNNS algorithm that has linear space and time complexity and exploits the multiple cores and data parallelism effectively. […]