
Apr, 4

Parallel connected-component labeling algorithm for GPGPU applications

This paper proposes a new connected component labeling algorithm for GPGPU applications based on NVIDIA’s CUDA. Various approaches and algorithms for connected component labeling with minimal execution time were designed, but the most of them have been focused on optimizing CPU algorithm. Therefore it is hard to apply these approaches to GPGPU programming models such […]
Apr, 4

Exploring GPGPU workloads: Characterization methodology, analysis and microarchitecture evaluation implications

The GPUs are emerging as a general-purpose high-performance computing device. Growing GPGPU research has made numerous GPGPU workloads available. However, a systematic approach to characterize these benchmarks and analyze their implication on GPU microarchitecture design evaluation is still lacking. In this research, we propose a set of microarchitecture agnostic GPGPU workload characteristics to represent them […]
Apr, 4

Parallel Exact Inference on a CPU-GPGPU Heterogenous System

Exact inference is a key problem in exploring probabilistic graphical models. The computational complexity of inference increases dramatically with the parameters of the graphical model. To achieve scalability over hundreds of threads remains a fundamental challenge. In this paper, we use a lightweight scheduler hosted by the CPU to allocate cliques in junction trees to […]
Apr, 4

A Static Task Partitioning Approach for Heterogeneous Systems Using OpenCL

Heterogeneous multi-core platforms are increasingly prevalent due to their perceived superior performance over homogeneous systems. The best performance, however, can only be achieved if tasks are accurately mapped to the right processors. OpenCL programs can be partitioned to take advantage of all the available processors in a system. However, finding the best partitioning for any […]
Apr, 3

GPU Accelerated Solver of Time-Dependent Air Pollutant Transport Equations

Main objective of this paper is to outline possible ways how to achieve a substantial acceleration in case of advection-diffusion equation (A-DE) calculation, which is commonly used for a description of the pollutant behavior in atmosphere. A-DE is a land of partial differential equation (PDE) and in general case it is usually solved by numerical […]
Apr, 3

GPU-Accelerated Method of Moments by Example: Monostatic Scattering

In this paper, we combine and extend two of our previous works to provide a more complete solution for the GPU acceleration of the Method of Moments, using CUDA by NVIDIA. To this end, the formulations of the original 1982 Rao-Wilton-Glisson paper are revisited, and the scattering analysis of a square PEC plate is considered […]
Apr, 3

An Accelerated IHS Transform Fusion of Remote Sensing Image Data Based on GPU

In this paper we designed a remote sensing image data fusion algorithm on GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) using the programmability of GPU which is a parallel vector processor. Both of the forward IHS and inverse IHS transform computation were mapped into GPU. We realized parallel rendering and output of the three components of the IHS, […]
Apr, 3

A New GPU-Based Neighbor Search Algorithm for Fluid Simulations

Fluid simulations based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) have been widely used for generating complex motion of fluid. However,implementation of searching particle neighbors on graphics processing unit (GPU) can not be satisfied till now. In this paper, we present a new grid-based neighbor search method on GPU for GPU-based SPH fluid simulation. Using this new […]
Apr, 3

Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction on GPU

Advances in nonlinear dimensionality reduction provide a way to understand and visualize the underlying structure of complex data sets. The performance of large-scale nonlinear dimensionality reduction is of key importance in data mining, machine learning, and data analysis. In this paper, we concentrate on improving the performance of nonlinear dimensionality reduction using large-scale data sets […]
Apr, 3

Accelerate Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics using GPU

Physic-based fluid simulation is used extensively nowadays; however the traditional serial algorithm can’t satisfy the real-time requirement due to its complexity and computeintensive. The development of modern GPU makes this possible. In this paper, a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method for incompressible fluid was implemented using CUDA on GPU. Since the algorithm was executed on […]
Apr, 3

GPU acceleration of MOLAR for HRRT List-Mode OSEM reconstructions

The Siemens ECAT HRRT PET scanner has the potential to produce images of the human brain with spatial resolution better than 3 mm. MOLAR (a motion-compensation OSEM List-mode Algorithm for Resolution-recovery) was developed to provide reconstructions of HRRT data with the best possible accuracy and precision. However, a computer cluster is required to generate reconstructions […]
Apr, 3

A Light-weight API for Portable Multicore Programming

Multicore nodes have become ubiquitous in just a few years. At the same time, writing portable parallel software for multicore nodes is extremely challenging. Widely available programming models such as OpenMP and Pthreads are not useful for devices such as graphics cards, and more flexible programming models such as RapidMind are only available commercially. OpenCL […]

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