Papers on (.txt-file)
Critical Links Detection using CUDA
Criticality of the XY model in complex topologies
Cropped Quad-Tree Based Solid Object Colouring with CUDA
Cross Teaching Parallelism and Ray Tracing: A Project-based Approach to Teaching Applied Parallel Computing
Cross-Compiling Shading Languages
Cross-Platform OpenCL Code and Performance Portability for CPU and GPU Architectures Investigated with a Climate and Weather Physics Model
Cross-Platform Performance Portability Using Highly Parametrized SYCL Kernels
Cross-platform programming model for many-core lattice Boltzmann simulations
CrowdCL: Web-Based Volunteer Computing with WebCL
CRUM: Checkpoint-Restart Support for CUDA’s Unified Memory
Cryptanalysis of the Full AES Using GPU-Like Special-Purpose Hardware
Cryptanalysis of the McEliece Cryptosystem on GPGPUs
CryptGPU: Fast Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning on the GPU
CryptoGraphics: Secret Key Cryptography Using Graphics Cards
Cryptography on Graphics Processing Unit: A Survey
CrystalGPU: Transparent and Efficient Utilization of GPU Power
CSR5: An Efficient Storage Format for Cross-Platform Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication
CST: Constructive Solid Trimming for Rendering BReps and CSG
CT image reconstruction using hexagonal grids
CT image reconstruction with half precision floating-point values
CT to Cone-beam CT Deformable Registration With Simultaneous Intensity Correction
CU2CL: A CUDA-to-OpenCL Translator for Multi-and Many-core Architectures
CU2rCU: A CUDA-to-rCUDA Converter
CuBA – a CUDA implementation of BAMPS
cuBLASTP: Fine-Grained Parallelization of Protein Sequence Search on a GPU
CUBPT: Lock-free bulk insertions to B+ tree on GPU architecture
cuCatch: A Debugging Tool for Efficiently Catching Memory Safety Violations in CUDA Applications
CUD@ASP: Experimenting with GPUs in ASP solving
CUDA 2D Stencil Computations for the Jacobi Method
CUDA Accelerated Entropy Constrained Vector Quantization and Multiple K-Means
CUDA Accelerated Face Recognition Using Local Binary Patterns
CUDA accelerated iris template matching on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)
CUDA accelerated large scale vehicular area network simulator
CUDA Accelerated LTL Model Checking
CUDA Accelerated Robot Localization and Mapping
CUDA and OpenCL Implementations of 3D CT Reconstruction for Biomedical Imaging
CUDA and OpenCL-based asynchronous PSO
CUDA Application Design and Development
CUDA au Coq: A Framework for Machine-validating GPU Assembly Programs
CUDA Based CAMshift Algorithm for Object Tracking Systems
CUDA Based Enhanced Differential Evolution: a Computational Analysis
CUDA Based Fast Implementation of Very Large Matrix Computation
CUDA Based GPU Programming to Simulate 3D Tissue Deformation
CUDA based iterative methods for linear systems
CUDA Based Multi Objective Parallel Genetic Algorithms: Adapting Evolutionary Algorithms for Document Searches
CUDA Based Performance Evaluation of the Computational Efficiency of the DCT Image Compression Technique on Both the CPU and GPU
CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming
CUDA Compatible GPU as an Efficient Hardware Accelerator for AES Cryptography
CUDA compatible GPU cards as efficient hardware accelerators for Smith-Waterman sequence alignment
CUDA cuts: Fast graph cuts on the GPU
CUDA Enhanced Filtering in a Pipelined Video Processing Framework
CUDA Enhanced Simulated Annealing for Chip Layout Problem
CUDA Fortran for Scientists and Engineers
CUDA Implementation in the EM Scattering of a Three-Layer Canopy
CUDA Implementation of ${rm TE}^{z}$-FDTD Solution of Maxwell’s Equations in Dispersive Media
CUDA Implementation of a Lattice Boltzmann Method and Code Optimization
CUDA Implementation of Parallel Algorithms for Animal Noseprint Identification
CUDA implementation of the algorithm for simulating the epidemic spreading over large networks
CUDA implementation of the solution of a system of linear equations arising in an hp-Finite Element code
CUDA implementation of Wagener’s 2D convex hull PRAM algorithm
Cuda K-Nn: application to the segmentation of the retinal vasculature within SD-OCT volumes of mice
CUDA Kernel Design for GPU-Based Beam Dymanics Simulations
CUDA Kernel Design for GPU-Based Beam Dynamics Simulations
CUDA Leaks: Information Leakage in GPU Architectures
CUDA Memory Optimizations for Large Data-Structures in the Gravit Simulator
CUDA method for the FDTD simulation by GPU
CUDA optimization strategies for compute- and memory-bound neuroimaging algorithms
CUDA Parallel Algorithms for Forward and Inverse Structural Gravity Problems
CUDA Programming: A Developer’s Guide to Parallel Computing with GPUs
CUDA programs for GPU computing of Swendsen-Wang multi-cluster spin flip algorithm: 2D and 3D Ising, Potts, and XY models
CUDA raytracing algorithm for visualizing discrete element model output
CUDA simulations of active dumbbell suspensions
CUDA Tutorial – Cryptanalysis of Classical Ciphers Using Modern GPUs and CUDA
CUDA-Accelerated Data-Mining for Putative Heteromeric Transcription Factors and Target Genes Using Microarray Gene Expression Profiles
CUDA-Accelerated Geodesic Ray-Tracing for Fiber Tracking
CUDA-Accelerated HD-ODETLAP: Lossy High Dimensional Gridded Data Compression
CUDA-accelerated Hierarchical K-means
CUDA-Accelerated ODETLAP: A Parallel Lossy Compression Implementation
CUDA-API-wrappers: Thin C++-flavored wrappers for the CUDA runtime API
CUDA-based acceleration and algorithm refinement for volume image registration
CUDA-based AES parallelization with fine-tuned GPU memory utilization
CUDA-based GPU Implementation of Hierarchical Belief Propagation for Fast Stereo Matching
CUDA-Based Jacobi’s Iterative Method
CUDA-based real time surgery simulation
CUDA-based Signed Distance Field Calculation for Adaptive Grids
CUDA-BLASTP: Accelerating BLASTP on CUDA-Enabled Graphics Hardware
CUDA-C implementation of the ADER-DG method for linear hyperbolic PDEs
CUDA-enabled LBM Flow Simulation around Three Equilateral Cylinders using GPU Computing Processor
CUDA-enabled Optimisation of Technical Analysis Parameters
cuda-kat: The CUDA Kernel Author’s Toolkit
CUDA-level performance with python-level productivity for Gaussian mixture model applications
CUDA-Lite: Reducing GPU programming complexity
CUDA-OpenGL Interoperability to Visualize Electromagnetic Fields Calculated by FDTD
CUDA-Zero: a framework for porting shared memory GPU applications to multi-GPUs
Titles: 100
open PDFs: 87
packages: 14