
Nov, 27

Implications of the Turing completeness of reaction-diffusion models, informed by GPGPU simulations on an XBox 360: cardiac arrhythmias, re-entry and the Halting problem

In the arsenal of tools that a computational modeller can bring to bare on the study of cardiac arrhythmias, the most widely used and arguably the most successful is that of an excitable medium, a special case of a reaction-diffusion model. These are used to simulate the internal chemical reactions of a cardiac cell and […]
Nov, 27

Modeling of tsunami waves and atmospheric swirling flows with graphics processing unit

The faster growth curves in the speed of graphics processing units (GPUs) relative to CPUs have spawned a new area of development in computational technology. There is much potential in utilizing GPUs for solving evolutionary partial differential equations and producing the attendant visualization. We are concerned with modeling tsunami waves, where computational time is of […]
Nov, 27

Accelerating Lattice Boltzmann Fluid Flow Simulations Using Graphics Processors

Lattice Boltzmann Methods (LBM) are used for the computational simulation of Newtonian fluid dynamics. LBM-based simulations are readily parallelizable; they have been implemented on general-purpose processors, field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and graphics processing units (GPUs). Of the three methods, the GPU implementations achieved the highest simulation performance per chip. With memory bandwidth of up to […]
Nov, 27

Accelerating geoscience and engineering system simulations on graphics hardware

Many complex natural systems studied in the geosciences are characterized by simple local-scale interactions that result in complex emergent behavior. Simulations of these systems, often implemented in parallel using standard Central Processing Unit (CPU) clusters, may be better suited to parallel processing environments with large numbers of simple processors. Such an environment is found in […]
Nov, 27

Jitter analysis of PLL-generated clock propagation using Jitter Mitigation techniques with laser voltage probing

A new Jitter Mitigation feature in the latest generation laser voltage probing (LVP) tool effectively removes PLL jitter from LVP waveforms [Ng Yin S, Lo W, Wilsher K. Next generation laser voltage probing. In: Proceeding, international symposium on testing and failure analysis; 2008. p. 249]. It facilitates the probing of phase-locked loop (PLL) driven circuitry […]
Nov, 27

Optimizing the SUSAN corner detection algorithm for a high speed FPGA implementation

In many embedded systems for video surveillance distinctive features are used for the detection of objects. In this contribution a real-time FPGA implementation of a feature detector, namely the SUSAN algorithm is described. As the original SUSAN algorithm performs poorly on non-synthetic images a significant quality improvement of this algorithm is presented. The hardware accelerator […]
Nov, 27

Simulation of Shallow-Water systems using Graphics Processing Units

This paper addresses the speedup of the numerical solution of shallow-water systems in 2D domains by using modern Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). A first order well-balanced finite volume numerical scheme for 2D shallow water systems is considered. The potential data parallelism of this method is identified and the scheme is efficiently implemented on GPUs for […]
Nov, 27

A survey of BRDF models for computer graphics

To produce photo-realistic images in computer graphics, we must effectively describe the interactions between light and surfaces. In this paper, we focus on Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions (BRDFs), which characterize these interactions. We survey on most BRDF representations introduced so far and we investigate their usage, importance and applications. We look at in detail their […]
Nov, 27

A massively parallel adaptive fast-multipole method on heterogeneous architectures

We present new scalable algorithms and a new implementation of our kernel-independent fast multipole method (Ying et al. ACM/IEEE SC ’03), in which we employ both distributed memory parallelism (via MPI) and shared memory/streaming parallelism (via GPU acceleration) to rapidly evaluate two-body non-oscillatory potentials. On traditional CPU-only systems, our implementation scales well up to 30 […]
Nov, 27

Stream processing for fast and efficient rotated Haar-like features using rotated integral images

An extended set of Haar-like features for image sensors beyond the standard vertically and horizontally aligned Haar-like features and the 45 degrees twisted Haar-like features are introduced. The extended rotated Haar-like features are based on the standard Haar-like features that have been rotated based on whole integer pixel-based rotations. These rotated feature values can also […]
Nov, 27

An Extension of the StarSs Programming Model for Platforms with Multiple GPUs

While general-purpose homogeneous multi-core architectures are becoming ubiquitous, there are clear indications that, for a number of important applications, a better performance/power ratio can be attained using specialized hardware accelerators. These accelerators require specific SDK or programming languages which are not always easy to program. Thus, the impact of the new programming paradigms on the […]
Nov, 27

Parallel smoothing of quad meshes

Abstract For use in real-time applications, we present a fast algorithm for converting a quad mesh to a smooth, piecewise polynomial surface on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). The surface has well-defined normals everywhere and closely mimics the shape of Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces. It consists of bicubic splines wherever possible, and a new class of […]

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