Jun, 22
The Fast and Wideband MoM Based on GPU and Two-Path AFS Acceleration
In this paper, a General Purpose Unit (GPU) accelerated full-wave method of moment (MoM) is combined with a two-path adaptive frequency sampling (AFS) approach to analyze the wideband characteristic of the body-wire structures. An equivalent principle is employed to treat the wire as surface so that the model which is analyzed based on the electric-field […]
Jun, 22
Solving the Caputo Fractional Reaction-Diffusion Equation on GPU
We present a parallel GPU solution of the Caputo fractional reaction-diffusion equation in one spatial dimension with explicit finite difference approximation. The parallel solution, which is implemented with CUDA programming model, consists of three procedures: preprocessing, parallel solver, and postprocessing. The parallel solver involves the parallel tridiagonal matrix vector multiplication, vector-vector addition, and constant vector […]
Jun, 22
Real-Time Deformation of Subdivision Surfaces from Object Collisions
We present a novel real-time approach for fine-scale surface deformations resulting from collisions. Deformations are represented by a high-resolution displacement function. When two objects collide, these offsets are updated directly on the GPU based on a dynamically generated binary voxelization of the overlap region. Consequently, we can handle collisions with arbitrary animated geometry. Our approach […]
Jun, 22
Comparison of Random Number Generators in Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Intelligent optimization algorithms are very effective to tackle complex problems that would be difficult or impossible to solve exactly. A key component within these algorithms is the random number generators (RNGs) which provide random numbers to drive the stochastic search process. Much effort is devoted to develop efficient RNGs with good statistical properties, and many […]
Jun, 20
Acceleration of GPU-based ultrasound simulation via data compression
The realistic simulation of ultrasound wave propagation is computationally intensive. The large size of the grid and low degree of reuse of data means that it places a great demand on memory bandwidth. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have attracted attention for performing scientific calculations due to their potential for efficiently performing large numbers of floating […]
Jun, 20
GPU based FDTD method for investigation on the electromagnetic scattering from 1-D rough soil surface
In this paper, the graphic processor unit (GPU) implementation of the finite-difference time domain (FDTD) algorithm is presented to investigate the electromagnetic (EM) scattering from one dimensional (1-D) Gaussian rough soil surface. The FDTD lattices are truncated by uniaxial perfectly matched layer (UPML), in which the finite-difference equations are carried out for the total computation […]
Jun, 20
A Fast Mixed-Band Lifting Wavelet Transform on the GPU
Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) has been widely used in many image compression applications, such as JPEG2000 and compressive sensing MRI. Even though a lifting scheme [1] has been widely adopted to accelerate DWT, only a handful of research has been done on its efficient implementation on many-core accelerators, such as graphics processing units (GPUs). Moreover, […]
Jun, 20
MIC-SVM: Designing A Highly Efficient Support Vector Machine For Advanced Modern Multi-Core and Many-Core Architectures
Support Vector Machine (SVM) has been widely used in data-mining and Big Data applications as modern commercial databases start to attach an increasing importance to the analytic capabilities. In recent years, SVM was adapted to the field of High Performance Computing for power/performance prediction, auto-tuning, and runtime scheduling. However, even at the risk of losing […]
Jun, 20
GPU Based Fast Free-Wake Calculations For Multiple Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Rotors
Unsteady free-wake solutions of wind turbine flow fields involve computationally intensive interaction calculations, which generally limit the total amount of simulation time or the number of turbines that can be simulated by the method. This problem, however, can be addressed easily using high-level of parallelization. Especially when exploited with a GPU, a Graphics Processing Unit, […]
Jun, 19
Accelerated SQLite Database using GPUs
This paper introduces the development of a new GPU-based database to accelerate data retrieval. The main goal is to explore new ways of handling complex data types and managing data and workloads in massively parallel databases. This paper presents three novel innovations to create an efficient virtual database engine that executes the majority of database […]
Jun, 19
Parallel track reconstruction in CMS using the cellular automaton approach
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a general-purpose particle detector and comprises the largest silicon-based tracking system built to date with 75 million individual readout channels. The precise reconstruction of particle tracks from this tremendous amount of input channels is a compute-intensive task. The foreseen LHC beam parameters […]
Jun, 19
GPU/CPU Parallel Computation of Material Damage
In this paper CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) programming and OpenMP (Open Multi-Processing) are used for the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) and CPU (Central Processing Unit) parallel computation of material damage. The material damage is evaluated by a multilevel finite element analysis within material domains reconstructed from a high-resolution micro-focus X-ray computed tomography system. An […]