
Aug, 4

Image-Based Proxy Accumulation for Real-Time Soft Global Illumination

We present a new, general, and real-time technique for soft global illumination in low-frequency environmental lighting. It accumulates over relatively few spherical proxies which approximate the light blocking and re-radiating effect of dynamic geometry. Soft shadows are computed by accumulating log visibility vectors for each sphere proxy as seen by each receiver point. Inter-reflections are […]
Aug, 4

Tradeoffs in designing accelerator architectures for visual computing

Visualization, interaction, and simulation (VIS) constitute a class of applications that is growing in importance. This class includes applications such as graphics rendering, video encoding, simulation, and computer vision. These applications are ideally suited for accelerators because of their parallelizability and demand for high throughput. We compile a benchmark suite, VIS- Bench, to serve as […]
Aug, 4

Global Illumination for Interactive Lighting Design Using Light Path Pre-Computation and Hierarchical Histogram Estimation

In this paper, we propose a fast global illumination solution for interactive lighting design. Using our method, light sources and the viewpoint are movable, and the characteristics of materials can be modified (assuming low-frequency BRDF) during rendering. Our solution is based on particle tracing (a variation of photon mapping) and final gathering. We assume that […]
Aug, 4

A lighting model for fast rendering of forest ecosystems

Real-time rendering of large-scale, forest ecosystems remains a challenging problem, in that important global illumination effects, such as leaf transparency and inter-object light scattering, are difficult to capture, given tight timing constraints and models that typically contain hundreds of millions of primitives. This paper proposes a new lighting model, adapted from a model previously used […]
Aug, 4

Visibility Cuts: A System for Rendering Dynamic Virtual Environments

The subject of occlusion culling of large 3D environments has received substantial contribution. However the major amount of research into the area has focussed on occlusion culling of static scenes using spatial partitioning. The primary aim of all these schemes is to minimize the load on the GPU by reducing the number of primitives to […]
Aug, 4

High-Performance Multi-View Reconstruction

We present a high performance reconstruction approach, which generates true 3D models from multiple views with known camera parameters. The complete pipeline from depth map generation over depth image integration to the final 3D model visualization is performed on programmable graphics processing units (GPUs). The proposed pipeline is suitable for long image sequences and uses […]
Aug, 4

High Quality Image Reconstruction of Point Models

The parallel and discrete nature of many image-based techniques, such as interpolation methods, are highly suitable for GPU implementations. An important advantage is their bounded complexity by the screen resolution as opposed to the data size. Consequently, the direct surface reconstruction of points using image-based methods is an attractive solution to interactively render large data-sets. […]
Aug, 4

Using Graphics Processors to Accelerate the Solution of Out-of-Core Linear Systems

We investigate the use of graphics processors (GPUs) to accelerate the solution of large-scale linear systems when the problem data is larger than the main memory of the system and storage on disk is employed. Our solution addresses the programmability problem with a combination of the high-level approach in libflame (the FLAME library for dense […]
Aug, 4

Efficient MIMD architectures for high-performance ray tracing

Ray tracing efficiently models complex illumination effects to improve visual realism in computer graphics. Typical modern GPUs use wide SIMD processing, and have achieved impressive performance for a variety of graphics processing including ray tracing. However, SIMD efficiency can be reduced due to the divergent branching and memory access patterns that are common in ray […]
Aug, 3

A Variant of Mersenne Twister Suitable for Graphic Processors

The author proposes pseudorandom number generators suitable to execute on a graphic processor. They generate pseudorandom numbers in device memory on graphic processors. Each generator uses shared memory on graphic processors as its internal state space, and uses constant memory as a look-up table for a linear transformation. Output formats of the generator are 32-bit […]
Aug, 3

High-Performance Pseudo-Random Number Generation on Graphics Processing Units

This work considers the deployment of pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) on graphics processing units (GPUs), developing an approach based on the xorgens generator to rapidly produce pseudo-random numbers of high statistical quality. The chosen algorithm has configurable state size and period, making it ideal for tuning to the GPU architecture. We present a comparison of […]
Aug, 3

Contour-based algorithm for vectorization of satellite images

Process of object recognition in satellite images of high resolution is a complex task associated with a time consumption and complexity of the operator’s work. This paper describes an innovative approach for solving this problem. Based on monochromatic high-resolution satellite images (in the process of using data from the QuickBird satellite with a maximum resolution […]

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