Aug, 6
Polyconvexification of the multi-label optical flow problem
In this paper the problem of optical flow and occlusion mask estimation is aborded. To that end, we consider a multi-label representation of the optical flow and we define an energy that models the problem. The convexification of the energy and its minimization with an iterative algorithm are studied. Our algorithm is implemented in GPU, […]
Aug, 5
Texture-based visualization of uncertainty in flow fields
In this paper, we present two novel texture-based techniques to visualize uncertainty in time-dependent 2D flow fields. Both methods use semi-Lagrangian texture advection to show flow direction by streaklines and convey uncertainty by blurring these streaklines. The first approach applies a cross advection perpendicular to the flow direction. The second method employs isotropic diffusion that […]
Aug, 5
Xbox360 Front Side Bus – A 21.6 GB/s End-to-End Interface Design
With a bandwidth of 21.6 GB/s, the front side bus (FSB) of the Microsoft Xbox360trade is one of the fastest, commercially available front side bus interfaces in the consumer market. This paper explains the end-to-end system approach used in designing the bus that achieved volume production ramp 18 months after design start. The 90 nm […]
Aug, 5
Reconstruction and visualization of planetary nebulae
From our terrestrially confined viewpoint, the actual three-dimensional shape of distant astronomical objects is, in general, very challenging to determine. For one class of astronomical objects, however, spatial structure can be recovered from conventional 2D images alone. So-called planetary nebulae (PNe) exhibit pronounced symmetry characteristics that come about due to fundamental physical processes. Making use […]
Aug, 5
Accelerating wavelet-based video coding on graphics hardware using CUDA
The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) has a wide range of applications from signal processing to video and image compression. This transform, by means of the lifting scheme, can be performed in a memory and computation efficient way on modern, programmable GPUs, which can be regarded as massively parallel co-processors through NVidia’s CUDA compute paradigm. The […]
Aug, 5
IRIS: Illustrative Rendering for Integral Surfaces
Integral surfaces are ideal tools to illustrate vector fields and fluid flow structures. However, these surfaces can be visually complex and exhibit difficult geometric properties, owing to strong stretching, shearing and folding of the flow from which they are derived. Many techniques for non-photorealistic rendering have been presented previously. It is, however, unclear how these […]
Aug, 5
Constrained inverse volume rendering for planetary nebulae
Determining the three-dimensional structure of distant astronomical objects is a challenging task, given that terrestrial observations provide only one viewpoint. For this task, bipolar planetary nebulae are interesting objects of study because of their pronounced axial symmetry due to fundamental physical processes. Making use of this symmetry constraint, we present a technique to automatically recover […]
Aug, 5
Depth Images: Representations and Real-Time Rendering
Depth Images are viable representations that can be computed from the real world using cameras and/or other scanning devices. The depth map provides 2-kD structure of the scene. A set of Depth Images can provide hole-free rendering of the scene. Multiple views need to blended to provide smooth hole-free rendering, however. Such a representation of […]
Aug, 5
Interactive Level-of-Detail Selection Using Image-Based Quality Metric for Large Volume Visualization
For large volume visualization, an image-based quality metric is difficult to incorporate for level-of-detail selection and rendering without sacrificing the interactivity. This is because it is usually time-consuming to update view-dependent information as well as to adjust to transfer function changes. In this paper, we introduce an image-based level-of-detail selection algorithm for interactive visualization of […]
Aug, 5
An optimised multi-baseline approach for on-line MR-temperature monitoring on commodity graphics hardware
Magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI) can be used for non invasive temperature mapping and is therefore a promising tool to monitor and control interventional therapies based on thermal ablation. The proton resonance frequency shift MRI technique gives an estimate of the temperature by comparing phase changes between dynamically acquired images. These temperature measurements are prone to […]
Aug, 5
Petascale visualization: Approaches and initial results
With the advent of the first petascale supercomputer, Los Alamos’s Roadrunner, there is a pressing need to address how to visualize petascale data. The crux of the petascale visualization performance problem is interactive rendering, since it is the most computationally intensive portion of the visualization process. For terascale platforms, commodity clusters with graphics processors (GPUs) […]
Aug, 4
A parallel decoding algorithm of LDPC codes using CUDA
A parallel belief propagation algorithm for decoding low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes is presented in this paper based on Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA). As a new hardware and software architecture for addressing and managing computations, CUDA offers parallel data computing using the highly multithreaded coprocessor driven by very high memory bandwidth GPU. The parallel decoding […]