Aug, 3
Exploring reconfigurable architectures for explicit finite difference option pricing models
This paper explores the application of reconfigurable hardware and graphics processing units (GPUs) to the acceleration of financial computation using the finite difference (FD) method. A parallel pipelined architecture has been developed to support concurrent valuation of independent options with high pricing throughput. Our FPGA implementation running at 106 MHz on an xc4vlx160 device demonstrates […]
Aug, 3
PIR: PMaC’s Idiom Recognizer
The speed of the memory subsystem often constrains the performance of large-scale parallel applications. Experts tune such applications to use hierarchical memory subsystems efficiently. Hardware accelerators, such as GPUs, can potentially improve memory performance beyond the capabilities of traditional hierarchical systems. However, the addition of such specialized hardware complicates code porting and tuning. During porting […]
Aug, 3
Surface quality assessment of subdivision surfaces on programmable graphics hardware
We propose a method of subdivision surface quality assessment by reflection lines on programmable graphics hardware (GPU). Using reflection lines is effective for surface quality assessment because the shapes of these lines are changed according to a slight variance of surface shapes. This fact also implies that reflection lines should be calculated precisely. We introduce […]
Aug, 3
A fast hybrid time-synchronous/event approach to parallel discrete event simulation of queuing networks
The trend in computing architectures has been toward multi-core central processing units (CPUs) and graphics processing units (GPUs). An affordable and highly parallelizable GPU is practical example of Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD) architectures oriented toward stream processing. While the GPU architectures and languages are fairly easily employed for inherently time-synchronous based simulation models, it […]
Aug, 3
Simulating 3-D Lung Dynamics Using a Programmable Graphics Processing Unit
Medical simulations of lung dynamics promise to be effective tools for teaching and training clinical and surgical procedures related to lungs. Their effectiveness may be greatly enhanced when visualized in an augmented reality (AR) environment. However, the computational requirements of AR environments limit the availability of the central processing unit (CPU) for the lung dynamics […]
Aug, 3
Programming finite-difference time-domain for graphics processor units using compute unified device architecture
Recently graphic processing units (GPU’s) have become the hardware platforms to perform high performance scientific computing them. The unavailability of high level languages to program graphics cards had prevented the widespread use of GPUs. Relatively recently Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) development environment has been introduced by NVIDIA and made GPU programming much easier. This […]
Aug, 3
A real-time 1080p 2D-to-3D video conversion system
In this paper, we demonstrate a 2D-to-3D video conversion system capable of real-time 1920x1080p conversion. The proposed system generates 3D depth information by fusing cues from edge feature-based global scene depth gradient and texture-based local depth refinement. By combining the global depth gradient and local depth refinement, generated 3D images have comfortable and vivid quality, […]
Aug, 2
Computing the Mertens function on a GPU
A GPU implementation of an algorithm to compute the Mertens function in O(x2/3+{ko}) time is discussed. Results for x up to $10^{22}$, and a new extreme value for $M(x)/x^{1/2}$, -0.585768 ($M(x) approx -1.996 ast 10^9$ at $x approx 1.161 ast 10^{19}$), are reported.An approximate algorithm is used to examine values of M(x) for x up […]
Aug, 2
Multi-scale modeling of nano scale phenomenon using CUDA based HPC setup
The essence of high performance computing (HPC) in the field of computation nanotechnology and problems encountered by HPC arrangement in applying HPC to nano-enabled calculations have been presented in the paper. A proposal to optimize computations in an HPC setup has been formulated to make nanotechnology computations more effective and realistic on a CUDA based […]
Aug, 2
Dynamic IBR Techniques for Fixed Cost Stereoscopic Support
This paper presents a GPU based implementation of an imagebased rendering method for reducing the cost of stereoscopic rendering to the cost of rendering a single monoscopic image plus a smaller fixed cost. Our approach is to use the color and depth information from the rendered image of one eye to produce a reconstructed depthsprite […]
Aug, 2
Real-time video watermarking on programmable graphics hardware
In this paper, we propose a real-time video watermarking system on programmable graphics hardware. Real-time video watermarking is important to the use of digital video in legal proceedings, security surveillance, new reportage and commercial video transactions. The watermarking scheme implemented here is based on Wong’s scheme for image watermarking, and is designed to detect and […]
Aug, 2
A Hybrid Method for Computing Apparent Ridges
We propose a hybrid method for computing apparent ridges, expressive lines recently introduced by Judd et al. Unlike their original method, which works entirely over the mesh in object space, our method combines object-space and image-space computations and runs partially on the GPU, taking advantage of modern graphic cards processing power and producing faster results […]