Jul, 3
Interactive Dynamic Water Surface Fast Rendering Algorithm
Dynamic water surface simulation is an important part of simulating natural scene. Ben Humphrey used projection texture mapping, depth texture and mobile texture to render dynamic water surface and got a good result. In this paper, an improvement method will presented for speeding up its rendering speed and enhancing the rendering effects. It uses a […]
Jul, 3
An Embedded Stream Processor Core Based on Logarithmic Arithmetic for a Low-Power 3-D Graphics SoC
A low-power and high-performance 4-way 32-bit stream processor core is developed for handheld low-power 3-D graphics systems. It contains a floating-point unified matrix, vector, and elementary function unit. By exploiting the logarithmic arithmetic and the proposed adaptive number conversion scheme, a 4-way arithmetic unit achieves a single-cycle throughput for all these operations except for the […]
Jul, 3
Depth-Dependent Halos: Illustrative Rendering of Dense Line Data
We present a technique for the illustrative rendering of 3D line data at interactive frame rates. We create depth-dependent halos around lines to emphasize tight line bundles while less structured lines are de-emphasized. Moreover, the depth-dependent halos combined with depth cueing via line width attenuation increase depth perception, extending techniques from sparse line rendering to […]
Jul, 3
Visual Signatures in Video Visualization
Video visualization is a computation process that extracts meaningful information from original video data sets and conveys the extracted information to users in appropriate visual representations. This paper presents a broad treatment of the subject, following a typical research pipeline involving concept formulation, system development, a path-finding user study, and a field trial with real […]
Jul, 3
Parallel computing in a quantitative trading firm
Quantitative trading requires a lot of computing power in order to analyze derivatives prices and financial microstructure. We will describe different ways to use parallel computing that are used within a proprietary trading firm. We will discuss in-house tools that we developed in order to quickly transcribe mathematical concepts into working parallel implementation to develop […]
Jul, 3
A Simulator for the Cafadis Real Time 3DTV Camera
This paper presents a computer simulator for the CAFADIS camera. CAFADIS is a patented camera (PCT/ES2007/000046) that measures wave-front phases and 3D distances under different scenarios (from microns to kilometres), using highly specialised electronic technology, namely Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Since 3DTV is one of the most important applications […]
Jul, 2
On Expressing Different Concurrency Paradigms on Virtual Execution Systems (thesis)
The notion of virtual machine has permeated every aspect of computing systems, as witnessed by the ever growing set of virtual execution systems targeted by programming languages such as Java, C#, Perl and Python just to mention few of them. Virtual machines are appreciated not only because of portability of computer programs across different architectures; […]
Jul, 2
On Expressing Different Concurrency Paradigms on Virtual Execution Systems
Virtual machines emerged during the 90s as the platform for developing frameworks and applications, offering large base class libraries, dynamic loading, and reflection. The design of these machines was influenced by the then dominant idea that processors would have maintained a Von-Neumann model while hiding non-Von Neumann aspects in their internal structure. Recently Graphics Processing […]
Jul, 2
Approximation of Loop Subdivision Surfaces for Fast Rendering
This paper describes an approach to the approximation of Loop subdivision surfaces for real-time rendering. The approach consists of two phases, which separately construct the approximation geometry and the normal field of a subdivision surface. It first exploits quartic triangular Bezier patches to approximate the geometry of the subdivision surface by interpolating a grid of […]
Jul, 2
Nonnegative Tensor Factorization Accelerated Using GPGPU
This article presents an optimized algorithm for Nonnegative Tensor Factorization (NTF), implemented in the CUDA (Compute Uniform Device Architecture) framework, that runs on contemporary graphics processors and exploits their massive parallelism. The NTF implementation is primarily targeted for analysis of high-dimensional spectral images, including dimensionality reduction, feature extraction, and other tasks related to spectral imaging; […]
Jul, 2
Integrating Object Detection with 3D Tracking Towards a Better Driver Assistance System
Driver assistance helps save lives. Accurate 3D pose is required to establish if a traffic sign is relevant to the driver. We propose a real-time system that integrates single view detection with region-based 3D tracking of road signs. The optimal set of candidate detections is found, followed by AdaBoost cascades and SVMs. The 2D detections […]
Jul, 2
Massively parallel two-dimensional TLM algorithm on graphics processing units
Recent advances in computing technology has brought massively parallel computing power to desktop PCs. As multi-core processor technology becomes mature, a new front in parallel technology based on graphics processors has emerged. A massively parallel 2D-TLM algorithm for NVIDIA advanced graphics processors has been developed. The proposed parallel computing paradigm can be adopted straightforwardly to […]