Papers on (.txt-file)
Using Graphic Processing Unit in Block Cipher Calculations (thesis)
Using Graphic Processor Units for the Study of Electric Propagation in Realistic Heart Models
Using Graphical Processing Units for Deterministic Single Machine Scheduling Problems
Using Graphical Processing Units in Scheduling Problems
Using graphics devices in reverse: GPU-based Image Processing and Computer Vision
Using Graphics Hardware for Enhancing Edge and Circle Detection
Using Graphics Processing Unit to Accelerate Database Query Execution
Using Graphics Processing Units for Logic Simulation of Electronic Designs
Using graphics processing units to generate random numbers
Using Graphics Processing Units to Parallelize the FDK Algorithm for Tomographic Image Reconstruction
Using Graphics Processing Units to solve the classical N-body problem in physics and astrophysics
Using Graphics Processor Units (GPUs) for Automatic Video Structuring
Using Graphics Processors for a High Performance Normalization of Gene Expressions
Using graphics processors for high performance IR query processing
Using Graphics Processors for High-Performance Computation and Visualization of Plasma Turbulence
Using Graphics Processors for Parallelizing Hash-based Data Carving
Using Graphics Processors to Accelerate Synthetic Aperture Sonar Imaging via Backpropagation
Using graphics processors to accelerate the computation of the matrix inverse
Using Graphics Processors to Accelerate the Solution of Out-of-Core Linear Systems
Using hardware performance counters to speed up autotuning convergence on GPUs
Using high performance computing and Monte Carlo simulation for pricing american options
Using High Performance Computing for Optimizing Credit Risk Calculation
Using High Performance Computing to Improve Image Guided Cancer Treatment
Using Hybrid CPU-GPU Platforms to Accelerate the Computation of the Matrix Sign Function
Using hybrid GPU/CPU kernel splitting to accelerate spherical convolutions
Using Hybrid Shared and Distributed Caching for Mixed-Coherency GPU Workloads
Using Image Morphing for Memory-Efficient Impostor Rendering on GPU
Using Intel oneAPI for Multi-hybrid Acceleration Programming with GPU and FPGA Coupling
Using JavaScript and WebCL for Numerical Computations: A Comparative Study of Native and Web Technologies
Using Machine Learning to Estimate Utilization and Throughput for OpenCL-Based SpMV Implementation on an FPGA
Using many-core hardware to correlate radio astronomy signals
Using Meta-heuristics and Machine Learning for Software Optimization of Parallel Computing Systems: A Systematic Literature Review
Using Mixed Precision for Sparse Matrix Computations to Enhance the Performance while Achieving 64-bit Accuracy
Using mobile GPU for general-purpose computing – a case study of face recognition on smartphones
Using modern graphics architectures for general-purpose computing: a framework and analysis
Using Modularity Metrics to assist Move Method Refactoring of Large System
Using multiple GPUs to accelerate string searching for digital forensic analysis
Using of GPUs for cluster analysis of large data by K-means method
Using of New Possibilities of Fermi Architecture by Development of GPGPU Programs
Using OpenCL for image analysis
Using OpenCL for Implementing Simple Parallel Graph Algorithms
Using OpenCL to Calculate a Pressure Field
Using OpenCL to Implement Median Filtering and RSA Algorithms: Two GPGPU Application Case Studies
Using OpenCL: Programming Massively Parallel Computers
Using OpenGL State History for Graphics Debugging
Using P System with GPU Model to Design and Implement a Public Key Cryptography
Using Parallel Computing for the Display and Simulation of the Space Debris Environment
Using parallel GPU architecture for simulation of planar I/F networks
Using Parallel Programming Models for Automotive Workloads on Heterogeneous Systems – a Case Study
Using reconfigurable computing technology to accelerate matrix decomposition and applications
Using Reconfigurable Logic to Optimise GPU Memory Accesses
Using RenderScript and RCUDA for Compute Intensive tasks on Mobile Devices: a Case Study
Using scheduling entropy amplification in CUDA/OpenMP code to exhibit non-reproducibility issues
Using Shared Memory as a Cache in Cellular Automata Water Flow Simulations on GPUs
Using SIMD and SIMT vectorization to evaluate sparse chemical kinetic Jacobian matrices and thermochemical source terms
Using sparse optical flow for multiple Kinect applications
Using the CPU and GPU for real-time video enhancement on a mobile computer
Using the CPU to Improve Performance in 3D Applications
Using the GPGPU for Scaling Up Mining Software Repositories
Using the GPU for Fast Symmetry-Based Dense Stereo Matching in High Resolution Images
Using the High Productivity Language Chapel to Target GPGPU Architectures
Using the physics-based rendering toolkit for medical reconstruction
Using the PhysX engine for physics-based virtual surgery with force feedback
Using the pyMIC Offload Module in PyFR
Using the Tsetlin Machine to Learn Human-Interpretable Rules for High-Accuracy Text Categorization with Medical Applications
Using visualization to reveal weak cryptosystems
Using Workload Characterization to Guide High Performance Graph Processing
UT-OCL: An OpenCL Framework for Embedded Systems Using Xilinx FPGAs
Utilising OpenCL Framework for Ray-Tracing Acceleration
Utilization of GPU for real-time vision in robotics
Utilizing GPGPU in Computer Emulation
Utilizing GPUs to Accelerate Turbomachinery CFD Codes
Utilizing Graphics Processing Units for Network Anomaly Detection
Utilizing Graphics Processing Units for Rapid Facial Recognition Using Video Input
Utilizing Hierarchical Multiprocessing for Medical Image Registration
Utilizing jump flooding in image-based soft shadows
Utilizing massive parallelism in decoding of modern error-correcting codes for accelerating communication systems simulations
Utilizing state-of-art NeuroES and GPGPU to optimize Mario AI
UVMBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark Suite for Researching Unified Virtual Memory in GPUs
Valar: A Benchmark Suite to Study the Dynamic Behavior of Heterogeneous Systems
Validation of the PyGBe code for Poisson-Boltzmann equation with boundary element methods
Value Prediction and Speculative Execution on GPU
ValuePack: value-based scheduling framework for CPU-GPU clusters
Variable Bit Rate GPU Texture Decompression
Variable selection in a GPU cluster using delta test
Variants of Jump Flooding Algorithm for Computing Discrete Voronoi Diagrams
Variants of Mersenne Twister Suitable for Graphic Processors
Variational Bayesian Image Super-Resolution with GPU Acceleration
Various String Matching Algorithms for DNA Sequences to Detect Breast Cancer using CUDA Processors
VASP on a GPU: application to exact-exchange calculations of the stability of elemental boron
vCUDA Framework Development for GPU Virtualization
vCUDA: GPU accelerated high performance computing in virtual machines
VDBSCAN+: Performance Optimization Based on GPU Parallelism
Vector and Line Quantization for Billion-scale Similarity Search on GPUs
Vector graphics depicting marbling flow
Vector Quantization: A Many-Core Approach
Vectorization of Hybrid Breadth First Search on the Intel Xeon Phi
Vectorized algorithm for multidimensional Monte Carlo integration on modern GPU, CPU and MIC architectures
Vectorized Higher Order Finite Difference Kernels
Titles: 100
open PDFs: 93
packages: 15