Papers on hgpu.org (.txt-file)

Distributed Calculations with Algorithmic Skeletons for Heterogeneous Computing Environments Download

Distributed computer emulation: Using OpenCL framework

Distributed Deep Learning Strategies For Automatic Speech Recognition Download

Distributed genetic programming on GPUs using CUDA Download

Distributed GPU Password Cracking Research Project Download

Distributed GPU Volume Rendering of ASKAP Spectral Data Cubes Download

Distributed learning of CNNs on heterogeneous CPU/GPU architectures Download

Distributed Massive Model Rendering Download

Distributed multi-node, multi-GPU, heterogeneous system for 3D image reconstruction in Electrical Capacitance Tomography – network performance and application analysis Download

Distributed OpenCL Distributing OpenCL Platform on Network Scale Download

Distributed OpenCL: a platform for distributed, heterogeneous computing for domain scientists Download

Distributed OpenMP Offloading of OpenMC on Intel GPU MAX Accelerators Download Package

Distributed Password Cracking Platform Download

Distributed Texture Memory in a Multi-GPU Environment Download

Distributed time, conservative parallel logic simulation on GPUs Download

Distributed Training Large-Scale Deep Architectures Download

Distributed Training of Deep Neuronal Networks: Theoretical and Practical Limits of Parallel Scalability Download

Distributed wideband software-defined radio receiver for heterogeneous systems Download

Distributed-Shared CUDA: Virtualization of Large-Scale GPU Systems for Programmability and Reliability Download

Distributed, combined CPU and GPU profiling within HPX using APEX Download Package

Divergence Analysis Download

Divergence Analysis and Optimizations Download Package

Divergence Analysis with Affine Constraints Download Package

Divide and Conquer G-Buffer Ray Tracing Download

Divide-and-Conquer 3D Convex Hulls on the GPU Download

DiVinE-CUDA – A Tool for GPU Accelerated LTL Model Checking Download

DjiNN and Tonic: DNN as a Service and Its Implications for Future Warehouse Scale Computers Download

DL: A data layout transformation system for heterogeneous computing Download Package

DLIO: A Data-Centric Benchmark for Scientific Deep Learning Applications Download Package

DLL: A Blazing Fast Deep Neural Network Library Download Package

DMA-Assisted, Intranode Communication in GPU Accelerated Systems Download

dMath: A Scalable Linear Algebra and Math Library for Heterogeneous GP-GPU Architectures Download

dMath: Distributed Linear Algebra for DL Download

DNA sequence alignment: An assignment for OpenMP, MPI, and CUDA/OpenCL Download

DNN is not all you need: Parallelizing Non-Neural ML Algorithms on Ultra-Low-Power IoT Processors Download Package

DNNVM: End-to-End Compiler Leveraging Heterogeneous Optimizations on FPGA-based CNN Accelerators Download

Doctor AI: Interpretable Deep Learning for Modeling Electronic Health Records Download Package

Document Classification Using KNN on GPU Download

Document Image Binarization Using Image Segmentation Algorithm in Parallel Environment Download

Document Stream Clustering using GPUs Download

Dogwild! – Distributed Hogwild for CPU & GPU Download

Domain Decomposition method on GPU cluster Download

Domain Specific Languages for High Performance Computing Download

Domain-Specific Acceleration and Auto-Parallelization of Legacy Scientific Code in FORTRAN 77 using Source-to-Source Compilation Download Package

Domain-Specific Code Language Models: Unraveling the Potential for HPC Codes and Tasks Download Package

Domain-Specific Languages for Heterogeneous Parallel Computing Download

Domain-Specific On-Device Object Detection Method Download

Domain-Specific Optimizations Supporting Real-Time Image Compression Download

DOPA: GPU-based protein alignment using database and memory access optimizations Download Package

dOpenCL – Evaluation of an API-Forwarding Implementation Download Package

Dopia: Online Parallelism Management for Integrated CPU/GPU Architectures Download

Double-Precision Floating-Point Data Visualizations Using Vulkan API Download Package

Double-precision FPUs in High-Performance Computing: an Embarrassment of Riches? Download Package

Dr.Jit: A Just-In-Time Compiler for Differentiable Rendering Download

Dragon-Alpha&cu32: A Java-based Tensor Computing Framework With its High-Performance CUDA Library Download Package

DRAM Scheduling Policy for GPGPU Architectures Based on a Potential Function Download

DRiVE: An Example of Distributed Rendering in Virtual Environments Download

Dropbear: Machine Learning Marketplaces made Trustworthy with Byzantine Model Agreement Download

Drug Drug Interaction Extraction from Biomedical Literature Using Syntax Convolutional Neural Network Download Package

DSDP: A Blind Docking Strategy Accelerated by GPUs Download

DSPSR: Digital Signal Processing Software for Pulsar Astronomy Download Package

DTAM: Dense tracking and mapping in real-time Download

Dual-RBF based surface reconstruction

Duality based optical flow algorithms with applications Download

DUODECIM – a structure for point scan compression and rendering Download

Duplicate Detection on GPUs Download

Dust-Dust Collisional Charging and Lightning in Protoplanetary Discs Download

Dwarfs on Accelerators: Enhancing OpenCL Benchmarking for Heterogeneous Computing Architectures Download

Dymaxion: Optimizing Memory Access Patterns for Heterogeneous Systems Download

Dymaxion++: A Directive-based API to Optimize Data Layout and Memory Mapping for Heterogeneous Systems Download

Dynamic adaptation and distribution of binaries to heterogeneous architectures Download Package

Dynamic adaptation of broad phase collision detection algorithms Download

Dynamic Adaptation Techniques and Opportunities to Improve HPC Runtimes Download

Dynamic Application Autotuning for Self-Aware Approximate Computing Download Package

Dynamic autotuning of adaptive fast multipole methods on hybrid multicore CPU & GPU systems Download Package

Dynamic autotuning of SpMV kernel in CUSP library Download

Dynamic Buffer Overflow Detection for GPGPUs Download Package

Dynamic Compilation of Data-Parallel Kernels for Vector Processors Download

Dynamic Data Management Among Multiple Databases for Optimization of Parallel Computations in Heterogeneous HPC Systems Download

Dynamic Data Structures for Taskgraph Scheduling Policies with Applications in OpenCL Accelerators Download

Dynamic deformation textures: GPU-accelerated simulation of deformable models in contact Download

Dynamic detection of uniform and affine vectors in GPGPU computations Download

Dynamic Distribution Pruning for Efficient Network Architecture Search Download Package

Dynamic Feature-Adaptive Subdivision Download

Dynamic Fine-Grain Scheduling of Pipeline Parallelism Download

Dynamic GPU Energy Optimization for Machine Learning Training Workloads Download Package

Dynamic Heterogeneous Scheduling Decisions Using Historical Runtime Data Download

Dynamic IBR Techniques for Fixed Cost Stereoscopic Support Download

Dynamic Instrumentation and Optimization for GPU Applications Download

Dynamic Kernel/Device Mapping Strategies for GPU-assisted HPC Systems Download

Dynamic label placement for improved interactive exploration Download

Dynamic Load Balancing in GPU-Based Systems – Early Experiments Download

Dynamic load balancing on heterogeneous multicore/multiGPU systems

Dynamic Load Balancing on Massively Parallel Computer Architectures Download

Dynamic load balancing on single- and multi-GPU systems Download

Dynamic Load Balancing Strategies for Graph Applications on GPUs Download

Dynamic Load Balancing using Graphics Processors Download

Dynamic LOD on GPU

Dynamic loop vectorization for executing OpenCL kernels on CPUs Download

Dynamic Memory Allocation for OpenCL Download


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