Papers on (.txt-file)
A GPU Implementation of Inclusion-based Points-to Analysis
A GPU Implementation of Large Neighborhood Search for Solving Constraint Optimization Problems
A GPU Implementation of Local Search Operators for Symmetric Travelling Salesman Problem
A GPU implementation of massively parallel direction splitting for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
A GPU Implementation of Parallel Constraint-based Local Search
A GPU implementation of the Simulated Annealing Heuristic for the Quadratic Assignment Problem
A GPU Memory System Comparison for an Elliptic Test Problem
A GPU operations framework for WattDB
A GPU Parallelized Spectral Method for Elliptic Equations
A GPU persistent grid mapping for terrain rendering
A GPU Sub-pixel Algorithm for Autostereoscopic Virtual Reality
A GPU Support for Large Scale Quantum Chemistry Applications
A GPU Tile-Load-Map architecture for terrain rendering: theory and applications
A GPU Tool for Efficient, Accurate, and Realistic Simulation of Cone Beam CT Projections
A GPU vs CPU performance evaluation of an experimental video compression algorithm
A GPU-Accelerated Algorithm for Self-Organizing Maps in a Distributed Environment
A GPU-accelerated Boundary Element Method and Vortex Particle Method
A GPU-accelerated Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for the Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem
A GPU-accelerated Direct-sum Boundary Integral Poisson-Boltzmann Solver
A GPU-Accelerated Framework for Image Processing and Computer Vision
A GPU-accelerated immersive audio-visual framework for interaction with molecular dynamics using consumer depth sensors
A GPU-accelerated local search algorithm for the Correlation Clustering problem
A GPU-accelerated Navier-Stokes Solver for Steady Turbomachinery Simulations
A GPU-Accelerated Parallel Preconditioner for the Solution of the Boltzmann Transport Equation for Semiconductors
A GPU-Accelerated Two Stage Visual Matching
A GPU-Based 3D Image Synthesizing Method for Real-Time Multiview Autostereoscopic Displays
A GPU-Based Accelerator for Chinese Word Segmentation
A GPU-based Affine and Scale Invariant Feature Transform Algorithm
A GPU-based Algorithm for Estimating 3D Geometry and Motion in Near Real-time
A GPU-based Algorithm-specific Optimization for High-performance Background Subtraction
A GPU-based Approximate SVD Algorithm
A GPU-based architecture for improved online rebinning performance in clinical 3-D PET
A GPU-based architecture for real-time data assessment at synchrotron experiments
A GPU-based calculation using the three-dimensional FDTD method for electromagnetic field analysis
A GPU-based closed frequent itemsets mining algorithm over stream
A GPU-based computing framework for CSCW
A GPU-Based Enhanced Genetic Algorithm for Power-Aware Task Scheduling Problem in HPC Cloud
A GPU-based finite-size pencil beam algorithm with 3D-density correction for radiotherapy dose calculation
A GPU-based Flood Simulation Framework
A GPU-based framework for efficient image processing
A GPU-based Framework for Real-time Free Viewpoint Television
A GPU-based hyperbolic SVD algorithm
A GPU-based implementation for Range Queries on Spaghettis Data Structure
A GPU-Based Implementation of Differential Evolution for Solving the Gene Regulatory Network Model Inference Problem
A GPU-based implementation of motion detection from a moving platform
A GPU-based implementation of the MRF algorithm in ITK package
A GPU-based interactive bio-inspired visual clustering
A GPU-based iterated tabu search for solving the quadratic 3-dimensional assignment problem
A GPU-based Large-scale Monte Carlo Simulation Method for Systems with Long-range Interactions
A GPU-based light hierarchy for real-time approximate illumination
A GPU-based matting Laplacian solver for high resolution image matting
A GPU-based maximal frequent itemsets mining algorithm over stream
A GPU-based Method for Computing Eigenvector Centrality of Gene-expression Networks
A GPU-based Multi-level Subspace Decomposition Scheme for Hierarchical Tensor Product Bases
A GPU-based Multiresolution Pipeline for Compressed Volume Rendering
A GPU-Based Parallel Algorithm for Design Structure Matrix (DSM) Partition
A GPU-based parallel algorithm for time series pattern mining
A GPU-based Parallel Ant Colony Algorithm for Scientific Workflow Scheduling
A GPU-based Parallel Fireworks Algorithm for Optimization
A GPU-based Parallel Procedure for Nonlinear Analysis of Complex Structures Using a Coupled FEM/DEM Approach
A GPU-based platform for cancer-treatment planning
A GPU-based real time trigger for rare kaon decays at NA62
A GPU-based Simulation for Stochastic Computing
A GPU-Based Simulation Kernel within Heterogeneous Collaborative Computation on Large-Scale Artificial Society
A GPU-Based Solution to Fast Calculation of Betweenness Centrality on Large Weighted Networks
A GPU-based survey for millisecond radio transients using ARTEMIS
A GPU-Based Track-Repeating Algorithm for Dose Calculation for Photon Radiotherapy
A GPU-Based Transient Stability Simulation Using Runge-Kutta Integration Algorithm
A GPU-based vision system for real time detection of fastening elements in railway inspection
A GPU-Based Wide-Band Radio Spectrometer
A GPU-Computing Approach to Solar Stokes Profile Inversion
A GPU-enabled solver for time-constrained linear sum assignment problems
A GPU-Enabled, High-Resolution Cosmological Microlensing Parameter Survey
A GPU-enhanced cluster for accelerated FMS
A GPU-inspired soft processor for high-throughput acceleration
A GPU-inspired soft processor for high-throughput acceleration (thesis)
A GPU-supported High-Level Programming Language for Image Processing
A GPU-tailored approach for training kernelized SVMs
A GPU/CUDA implementation of the collection-diffusion model to compute SER of large area and complex circuits
A Graph-based Model for GPU Caching Problems
A Graph-Partition-Based Scheduling Policy for Heterogeneous Architectures
A Graphics Hardware-Based Vortex Detection and Visualization System
A Graphics Parallel Memory Organization Exploiting Request Correlations
A Graphics Processing Unit Implementation of Coulomb Interaction in Molecular Dynamics
A graphics processor-based intranuclear cascade and evaporation simulation
A group theoretical toolbox for color image operators
A Haptic Device Interface for Medical Simulations using OpenCL
A Hardware Multithreaded SpMV Kernel for the Convey HC-2ex
A hardware redundancy and recovery mechanism for reliable scientific computation on graphics processors
A Hardware-Accelerated Parallel Implementation of a Two-Dimensional Scheme for Free Surface Flows
A Hardware-Accelerated Patch Search Engine for Image Completion
A hardware-aware debugger for the OpenGL shading language
A Heterogeneous Accelerated Matrix Multiplication: OpenCL + APU + GPU+ Fast Matrix Multiply
A Heterogeneous Inference Framework for a Deep Neural Network
A Heterogeneous Parallel Framework for Domain-Specific Languages
A Hierarchical Thread Scheduler and Register File for Energy-efficient Throughput Processors
A hierarchically blocked Jacobi SVD algorithm for single and multiple graphics processing units
A High Memory Bandwidth FPGA Accelerator for Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication
Titles: 100
open PDFs: 84
packages: 7