Papers on (.txt-file)
A Memory Efficient and Fast Sparse Matrix Vector Product on a GPU
A Memory Model for Scientific Algorithms on Graphics Processors
A memory optimization technique for software-managed scratchpad memory in GPUs
A Memory-Efficient Algorithm for Large-Scale Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigenvalue Problem on Multi-GPU Systems
A meshless hierarchical representation for light transport
A Metaprogramming and Autotuning Framework for Deploying Deep Learning Applications
A Method for Accelerating Bronchoscope Tracking Based on Image Registration by GPGPU
A method for decompilation of AMD GCN kernels to OpenCL
A Method for Large-Scale Terrain Rendering Based-on GPU
A method for speeding up beam-tracing simulation using thread-level parallelization
A Method to Improve Interest Point Detection and its GPU Implementation
A methodology for comparing optimization algorithms for auto-tuning
A Methodology for Translating C-Programs to OpenCL
A Metric for Performance Portability
A Micro-benchmark Suite for AMD GPUs
A middleware for efficient stream processing in CUDA
A minimal model for acoustic forces on Brownian particles
A Mixed Hierarchical Algorithm for Nearest Neighbor Search
A mixed precision semi-Lagrangian algorithm and its performance on accelerators
A Mixed-Precision Algorithm for the Solution of Lyapunov Equations on Hybrid CPU-GPU Platforms
A ML-based resource utilization OpenCL GPU-kernel fusion model
A mobile robot navigation with use of CUDA parallel architecture
A Model Extraction Attack on Deep Neural Networks Running on GPUs
A Model for Real Time Ocean Breaking Waves Animation
A model of dynamic compilation for heterogeneous compute platforms
A model-driven partitioning and auto-tuning integrated framework for sparse matrix-vector multiplication on GPUs
A Modeling Approach based on UML/MARTE for GPU Architecture
A Modular Framework for Deformation and Fracture using GPU Shaders
A modular GPU raytracer using OpenCL for non-interactive graphics
A Modular System Architecture for Online Parallel Vision Pipelines
A molecular docking system using CUDA
A Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code for Eigenvalue Calculations on a Dual-GPU System and CUDA Environment
A Moving Least Squares Based Approach for Contour Visualization of Multi-Dimensional Data
A MPI back-end for the OpenACC accULL. Exploiting OpenACC semantics in Message Passing Clusters
A Multi GPU Read Alignment Algorithm with Model-based Performance Optimization
A multi-agent architecture for scheduling of high performance services in a GPU cluster
A multi-GPU accelerated solver for the three-dimensional two-phase incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
A multi-GPU acceleration for 3D imaging of the prostate
A Multi-GPU Compute Solution for Optimized Genomic Selection Analysis
A Multi-GPU Programming Library for Real-Time Applications
A Multi-GPU Sources Reconstruction Method for Imaging Applications
A Multi-GPU Spectrometer System for Real-Time Wide Bandwidth Radio Signal Analysis
A multi-lane traffic simulation model via continuous cellular automata
A multi-platform linear algebra toolbox for finite element solvers on heterogeneous clusters
A Multi-Stage CUDA Kernel for Floyd-Warshall
A multi-Teraflop Constituency Parser using GPUs
A Multi-View Stereo Implementation on Massively Parallel Hardware
A multigrid solver for boundary value problems using programmable graphics hardware
A multiphysics and multiscale software environment for modeling astrophysical systems
A Mutable Hardware Abstraction to Replace Threads
A near real-time framework for extracting tip-sample forces in dynamic atomic force microscopy (dAFM)
A Nearest Neighbor Data Structure for Graphics Hardware
A Neighborhood Grid Data Structure for Massive 3D Crowd Simulation on GPU
A Network Intrusion Detection System Framework based on Hadoop and GPGPU
A Networked Dataflow Simulation Environment for Signal Processing and Data Mining Applications
A new adaptive model for real-time fluid simulation with complex boundaries
A New Approach for Color Character Extraction Based on Parallel Clustering
A new approach for sparse matrix vector product on NVIDIA GPUs
A New Approach of Performance Analysis of Certain Graph Algorithms
A new approach to the lattice Boltzmann method for graphics processing units
A New Architecture for Games and Simulations Using GPUs
A New Architecture for Optimization Modeling Frameworks
A New Class of Parallel Scheduling Algorithms
A New Compilation Path: From Python/NumPy to OpenCL
A New Cooperative Evolutionary Multi-Swarm Optimizer Algorithm Based on CUDA Parallel Architecture Applied to Solve Engineering Optimization Problems
A new CUDA-based GPU implementation of the two-dimensional Athena code
A New Data Layout For Set Intersection on GPUs
A New Digital Repository for Hyperspectral Imagery with Unmixing-Based Retrieval Functionality Implemented on GPUs
A New Era in Scientific Computing: Domain Decomposition Methods in Hybrid CPU-GPU Architectures
A new GPU-accelerated hydrodynamical code for numerical simulation of interacting galaxies
A New GPU-based Approach to the Shortest Path Problem
A New GPU-Based Neighbor Search Algorithm for Fluid Simulations
A new gravitational N-body simulation algorithm for investigation of cosmological chaotic advection
A New High Performance GPU-based Approach to Prime Numbers Generation
A new method for GPU based irregular reductions and its application to k-means clustering
A New method to Design Accurate Images with Tree Structural Transformations
A New Morphological Anomaly Detection Algorithm for Hyperspectral Images and its GPU Implementation
A New Non-Blocking Approach on GPU Dynamical Memory Management
A New Parallel Implementation of DSI Based Disparity Computation Using CUDA
A New Parallel Method of Smith-Waterman Algorithm on a Heterogeneous Platform
A new parallel tool for classification of remotely sensed imagery
A new parallel video understanding and retrieval system
A new parallelisation technique for heterogeneous CPUs
A new physics engine with automatic process distribution between CPU-GPU
A new ray-tracing scheme for 3D diffuse radiation transfer on highly parallel architectures
A new representation of intensity atlas for GPU-accelerated instance generation
A New Software Based GPU Framework
A New Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication GPU Algorithm Designed for Finite Element Problems
A New Tool for Classification of Satellite Images Available from Google Maps: Efficient Implementation in Graphics Processing Units
A new way in few-body scattering calculations: discretized Faddeev equations solved on GPU
A Newcomer In The PGAS World – UPC++ vs UPC: A Comparative Study
A Non-linear GPU Thread Map for Triangular Domains
A Normalized Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Price Complex Chooser Option and Accelerating its Performance with GPU
A Note on Auto-tuning GEMM for GPUs
A Note on Particle Filters Applied to DSGE Models
A note on the GPU acceleration of eigenvalue computations
A novel and scalable Multigrid algorithm for many-core architectures
A novel approach for implementing Steganography with computing power obtained by combining Cuda and Matlab
Titles: 100
open PDFs: 89
packages: 12