Dec, 5
Fast continuous collision detection among deformable models using graphics processors
We present an interactive algorithm to perform continuous collision detection between general deformable models using graphics processors (GPUs). We model the motion of each object in the environment as a continuous path and check for collisions along the paths. Our algorithm precomputes the chromatic decomposition for each object and uses visibility queries on GPUs to […]
Dec, 5
Cache-efficient numerical algorithms using graphics hardware
We present cache-efficient algorithms for scientific computations using graphics processing units (GPUs). Our approach is based on mapping the nested loops in the numerical algorithms to the texture mapping hardware and efficiently utilizing GPU caches. This mapping exploits the inherent parallelism, pipelining and high memory bandwidth on GPUs. We further improve the performance of numerical […]
Dec, 5
Voice Command Recognition with Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) using Graphics Processing Units (GPU) with Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA)
Recently, we are attending to a huge evolution on the development of high performance computing platforms. Among these platforms, the GPU (Graphics Processing Units) stimulated by game industries, constantly demanding more graphical processing power, evolved from a simple graphical card to a general purpose computation parallel data processing device. This article shows the GPU’s viability […]
Dec, 5
Hardware acceleration vs. algorithmic acceleration: can GPU-based processing beat complexity optimization for CT?
Three-dimensional computed tomography (CT) is a compute-intensive process, due to the large amounts of source and destination data, and this limits the speed at which a reconstruction can be obtained. There are two main approaches to cope with this problem: (i) lowering the overall computational complexity via algorithmic means, and/or (ii) running CT on specialized […]
Dec, 5
Robust GPU-assisted camera tracking using free-form surface models
We propose a marker-less model-based camera tracking approach, which makes use of GPU-assisted analysis-by-synthesis methods on a very wide field of view (e.g. fish-eye) camera. After an initial registration based on a learned database of robust features, the synthesis part of the tracking is performed on graphics hardware, which simulates internal and external parameters of […]
Dec, 5
An Efficient Fine-grained Parallel Genetic Algorithm Based on GPU-Accelerated
Fine-grained parallel genetic algorithm (FGPGA), though a popular and robust strategy for solving complicated optimization problems, is sometimes inconvenient to use as its population size is restricted by heavy data communication and the parallel computers are relatively difficult to use, manage, maintain and may not be accessible to most researchers. In this paper, we propose […]
Dec, 5
Interactive physically-based X-ray simulation: CPU or GPU?
Interventional Radiology (IR) procedures are minimally invasive, targeted treatments performed using imaging for guidance. Needle puncture using ultrasound, x-ray, or computed tomography (CT) images is a core task in the radiology curriculum, and we are currently developing a training simulator for this. One requirement is to include support for physically-based simulation of x-ray images from […]
Dec, 5
Implementing a GPU-Enhanced Cluster for Large-Scale Simulations
The simulation community has often been hampered by constraints in computing: not enough resolution, not enough entities, not enough behavioral variants. Higher performance computers can ameliorate those constraints. The use of Linux Clusters is one path to higher performance; the use of Graphics Processing Units (GPU) as accelerators is another. Merging the two paths holds […]
Dec, 5
Scout: a data-parallel programming language for graphics processors
Commodity graphics hardware has seen incredible growth in terms of performance, programmability, and arithmetic precision. Even though these trends have been primarily driven by the entertainment industry, the price-to-performance ratio of graphics processors (GPUs) has attracted the attention of many within the high-performance computing community. While the performance of the GPU is well suited for […]
Dec, 5
An adaptive framework for visualizing unstructured grids with time-varying scalar fields
Interactive visualization of time-varying volume data is essential for many scientific simulations. This is a challenging problem since this data is often large, can be organized in different formats (regular or irregular grids), with variable instances of time (from hundreds to thousands) and variable domain fields. It is common to consider subsets of this problem, […]
Dec, 5
GPU-accelerated affordance cueing based on visual attention
This work focuses on the relevance of visual attention in affordance-inspired robotics. Among all approaches in robotics related to Gibson’s concept of affordances the dealing with attention cues is only rudimentary. We are introducing this concept within the perception layer of our affordance-inspired robotic framework. In this context we present a high-performance visual attention system […]
Dec, 5
Improving the performance of spatial raster analysis in GIS using GPU
GIS spatial raster analysis has become a powerful tool for geographical phenomena. Unfortunately the computation-intensive raster operations are likely to create computer performance bottlenecks when running on the CPUs. Over the last few years, GPU performance has improved much more than CPU performance. For this reason, many researches have applied the GPUs for scientific, geometric […]