Dec, 4
Spectral volume rendering using GPU-based raycasting
Traditional volume rendering does not incorporate a number of optical properties that are typically observed for semi-transparent materials, such as glass or water, in the real world. Therefore, we have extended GPU-based raycasting to spectral volume rendering based on the Kubelka-Munk theory for light propagation in parallel colorant layers of a turbid medium. This allows […]
Dec, 3
Tenth IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology, HiCOMB 2011
High-performance computing is fast becoming an integral part of research and application in bioinformatics and computational biology. The large size of biological data sets, inherent complexity of biological problems and the ability to deal with error-prone data all result in large run-time and memory requirements. The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum […]
Dec, 3
Computer Architecture and Operating System co-design, CAOS ‘2011
Multi-core and/or multi-threaded architectures are monopolizing the market, from embedded systems to supercomputers. However, extracting high performance from these modern systems has become a complex task. As the number of cores per chip and/or the number of hardware threads per core continue to increase, new research questions arise in scheduling, power, temperature, scalability, design complexity, […]
Dec, 3
Implementing an embedded GPU language by combining translation and generation
Dynamic languages typically allow programs to be written at a very high level of abstraction. But their dynamic nature makes it very hard to compile such languages, meaning that a price has to be paid in terms of performance. However under certain restricted conditions compilation is possible. In this paper we describe how a domain […]
Dec, 3
Technical aspects of the GPU accelerated surgical simulator
When a child is born with a malformed heart, an accurate understanding of the complex morphology and related surgical strategies is important to paediatric cardiac surgeons. Through our interdisciplinary research with paediatric cardiac surgeons we have developed a surgical simulator for this purpose. The complex morphology of a heart model requires highly detailed geometry, both […]
Dec, 3
GPU Floating-Point Paranoia
Up until the late eighties, each computer vendor was left to develop their own conventions for floating-point computation as they saw fit. As a result, programmers needed to familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of each system in order to write effective software and evaluate numerical error. In 1987, a standard was established for floating-point computation […]
Dec, 3
Extended-precision floating-point numbers for GPU computation
Double-float (df64) and quad-float (qf128) numeric types can be implemented on current GPU hardware and used efficiently and effectively for extended-precision computational arithmetic. Using unevaluated sums of paired or quadrupled f32 single-precision values, these numeric types provide approximately 48 and 96 bits of mantissa respectively at single-precision exponent ranges for computer graphics, numerical, and general-purpose […]
Dec, 3
Belief Propagation on the GPU for Stereo Vision
The power of Markov random field formulations of lowlevel vision problems, such as stereo, has been known for some time. However, recent advances, both algorithmic and in processing power, have made their application practical. This paper presents a novel implementation of Bayesian belief propagation for graphics processing units found in most modern desktop and notebook […]
Dec, 3
Simulation of 1+1 dimensional surface growth and lattices gases using GPUs
Restricted solid on solid surface growth models can be mapped onto binary lattice gases. We show that efficient simulation algorithms can be realized on GPUs either by CUDA or by OpenCL programming. We consider a deposition/evaporation model following Kardar-Parisi-Zhang growth in 1+1 dimensions related to the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process and show that for sizes, […]
Dec, 2
Collaborative diffusion: programming antiobjects
Object-oriented programming has worked quite well – so far. What are the objects, how do they relate to each other? Once we clarified these questions we typically feel confident to design and implement even the most complex systems. However, objects can deceive us. They can lure us into a false sense of understanding. The metaphor […]
Dec, 2
Computer generated holography using parallel commodity graphics hardware
This paper presents a novel method for using programmable graphics hardware to generate fringe patterns for SLM-based holographic displays. The algorithm is designed to take the programming constraints imposed by the graphics hardware pipeline model into consideration, and scales linearly with the number of object points. In contrast to previous methods we do not have […]
Dec, 2
Locality and parallelism optimization for dynamic programming algorithm in bioinformatics
Dynamic programming has been one of the most efficient approaches to sequence analysis and structure prediction in biology. However, their performance is limited due to the drastic increase in both the number of biological data and variety of the computer architectures. With regard to such predicament, this paper creates excellent algorithms aimed at addressing the […]