Papers on (.txt-file)
Integrative multicellular biological modeling: a case study of 3D epidermal development using GPU algorithms
Intel nGraph: An Intermediate Representation, Compiler, and Executor for Deep Learning
Intel oneAPI DPC++ FPGA Optimization Guide
Intel Xeon Phi acceleration of Hybrid Total FETI solver
Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor High-Performance Programming
Intel’s Array Building Blocks: A retargetable, dynamic compiler and embedded language
Intel(R) SHMEM: GPU-initiated OpenSHMEM using SYCL
Intelligent Edge Detection using a CUDA Simulator of Multilayer Neural Network Based on Multi-Valued Neurons
Intelligent GPGPU Classification in Volume Visualization: A framework based on Error-Correcting Output Codes
Intensity model with blur effect on GPUs applied to large-scale star simulators
Inter-Block GPU Communication via Fast Barrier Synchronization
Inter-block synchronization on a GPGPU
Inter-cluster communication on clustered SIMD architectures
Inter-Warp Instruction Temporal Locality in Deep-Multithreaded GPUs
Interacting with Volume Data: Deformations using Forward Projection
Interaction and Visualization Techniques for Immersive Exploration and Perception of 3D datasets
Interactive 3D distance field computation using linear factorization
Interactive Approximate Rendering of Reflections, Refractions, and Caustics
Interactive Bi-scale Editing of Highly Glossy Materials
Interactive BRDF Estimation for Mixed-Reality Applications
Interactive collision detection for complex and deformable models using programmable graphics hardware
Interactive Collision Detection for Deformable Models Using Streaming AABBs
Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach Using OpenGL (5th Edition)
Interactive Deformation and Visualization of Level Set Surfaces Using Graphics Hardware
Interactive Design Exploration for Constrained Meshes
Interactive Dynamic Water Surface Fast Rendering Algorithm
Interactive exploration of unsteady 3D flow with linked 2D/3D texture advection
Interactive fluid-particle simulation using translating Eulerian grids
Interactive free form deformer for point-based objects by GPU acceleration
Interactive global illumination in dynamic environments using commodity graphics hardware
Interactive GPU active contours for segmenting inhomogeneous objects
Interactive GPU Ray Casting using Progressive Blue Noise Sampling
Interactive GPU-based adaptive cartoon-style rendering
Interactive GPU-based Collision Detection
Interactive Histology of Large-Scale Biomedical Image Stacks
Interactive Illustrative Line Styles and Line Style Transfer Functions for Flow Visualization
Interactive Indirect Illumination Using Adaptive Multiresolution Splatting
Interactive Isogeometric Volume Visualization with Pixel-Accurate Geometry
Interactive Isosurfaces with Quadratic C1 Splines on Truncated Octahedral Partitions
Interactive landscape visualization using GPU ray casting
Interactive Level-of-Detail Selection Using Image-Based Quality Metric for Large Volume Visualization
Interactive Manycore Photon Mapping
Interactive multi-pass programmable shading
Interactive multiple anisotropic scattering in clouds
Interactive Out-of-core Visualisation of Very Large Landscapes on Commodity Graphics Platform
Interactive Parallelization of C Programs in SAPFOR
Interactive physically-based X-ray simulation: CPU or GPU?
Interactive Pixel-Accurate Free Viewpoint Rendering from Images with Silhouette Aware Sampling
Interactive Point-based Isosurface Exploration and High-quality Rendering
Interactive Point-Based Rendering of Higher-Order Tetrahedral Data
Interactive Program Debugging and Optimization for Directive-Based, Efficient GPU Computing
Interactive Quantum Chemistry: A Divide-and-Conquer ASED-MO Method
Interactive Ray Tracing with Data Locality Optimizations
Interactive Ray-tracing Based on OptiX to Visualize Signed Distance Fields
Interactive Reaction-Diffusion on Surface Tiles
Interactive Refactoring for GPU Parallelization of Affine Loops
Interactive rendering of acquired materials on dynamic geometry using bandwidth prediction
Interactive Rendering of Dynamic Geometry
Interactive rendering of large unstructured grids using dynamic level-of-detail
Interactive Separating Streak Surfaces
Interactive Simulation and Visualization of Fluids with Surface Raycasting
Interactive Simulations with Navier-Stokes Equations on many-core Architectures
Interactive Soft Tissue for Surgical Simulation
Interactive soft-fabrics watering simulation on GPU
Interactive SPH Simulation and Rendering on the GPU
Interactive Streak Surface Visualization on the GPU
Interactive transparency rendering for large CAD models
Interactive Two-sided Refraction for Dynamic Object on GPU
Interactive visibility culling in complex environments using occlusion-switches
Interactive visualisation of spins and clusters in regular and small-world Ising models with CUDA on GPUs
Interactive Visualization of Molecular Surface Dynamics
Interactive visualization of streaming data with Kernel Density Estimation
Interactive Visualization of the Largest Radioastronomy Cubes
Interactive Visualization of Volumetric White Matter Connectivity in DT-MRI Using a Parallel-Hardware Hamilton-Jacobi Solver
Interactive volume illustration
Interactive Volume Rendering Aurora on the GPU
Interactive Volume Rendering of Functional Representations in Quantum Chemistry
Interactive volumetric lighting simulating scattering and shadowing
Interactive water streams with sphere scan conversion
Interactive, GPU-Based Level Sets for 3D Segmentation
Interactively Rendering Dynamic Caustics on GPU
Interactively Simulating Fluid based on SPH and CUDA
Interconnect Bandwidth Heterogeneity on AMD MI250x and Infinity Fabric
Interective Point Clouds Fairing on Many-Core System
Interference-driven resource management for GPU-based heterogeneous clusters
Interlanguages and synchronic models of computation
Interleaving and Lock-Step Semantics for Analysis and Verification of GPU Kernels
Intermediate fabrics: virtual architectures for circuit portability and fast placement and routing
Intermediate Language Extensions for Parallelism
Interoperable GPU Kernels as Latency Improver for MEC
Interpolated pressure laws in two-fluid simulations and hyperbolicity
Interpolation with Radial Basis Functions on GPGPUs using CUDA
Interpretive OpenGL for computer graphics
Intersecting two families of sets on the GPU
Interventional 4-D Motion Estimation and Reconstruction of Cardiac Vasculature without Motion Periodicity Assumption
Intra-Application Data-Communication Characterization
Titles: 100
open PDFs: 86
packages: 11