Views of posts on hgpu.org

Two-electron integral evaluation on the graphics processor unit  1,303 views

Faster File Matching using GPGPUs  1,303 views

Accelerating molecular dynamics simulations using Graphics Processing Units with CUDA  1,303 views

Massive Parallelism with GPUs for Centrality Ranking in Complex Networks  1,303 views

kEDM: A Performance-portable Implementation of Empirical Dynamic Modeling using Kokkos  1,303 views

Data Mining Using Graphics Processing Units  1,302 views

Parallel Computation for Discrete Orthogonal Moments of Images Using Graphic Processing Unit  1,302 views

High-Performance Physics Simulations Using Multi-Core CPUs and GPGPUs in a Volunteer Computing Context  1,302 views

Executing Dynamic Data Rate Actor Networks on OpenCL Platforms  1,302 views

Multiresolution MIP Rendering of Large Volumetric Data Accelerated on Graphics Hardware  1,302 views

Faster Dark Matter Calculations Using the GPU  1,302 views

When HLS Meets FPGA HBM: Benchmarking and Bandwidth Optimization  1,302 views

Optimizing a Near-duplicate Document Detection System with SIMD Technologies  1,302 views

A Restructuring Algorithm for CUDA  1,301 views

A Kinetic Vlasov Model for Plasma Simulation Using Discontinuous Galerkin Method on Many-Core Architectures  1,301 views

GPU accelerated Monte Carlo simulations of lattice spin models  1,301 views

Distributed Training of Deep Neuronal Networks: Theoretical and Practical Limits of Parallel Scalability  1,301 views

GPU-based efficient realistic techniques for bleeding and smoke generation in surgical simulators  1,301 views

Scalable Software Defined FM-radio receiver running on desktop computers  1,301 views

A Quantitative Comparison of Emulated Shared Memory Architectures to Current Multicore CPUs and GPUs  1,301 views

Topology optimization design of 3D electrothermomechanical actuators by using GPU as a co-processor  1,300 views

Accelerating reaction-diffusion simulations with general-purpose graphics processing units  1,300 views

Maximize Performance on GPUs Using the Rake-based Optimization: A Case Study  1,300 views

High Performance Computing on GPU for Electromagnetic Logging  1,300 views

Piecewise Tri-linear Contouring for Multi-material Volumes  1,300 views

An implementation and its evaluation of password cracking tool parallelized on GPGPU  1,300 views

Scientific computation for simulations on programmable graphics hardware  1,300 views

Accelerating Lossless Data Compression with GPUs  1,300 views

A translator framework for Dynamic Programming problems  1,299 views

Scalable communication for high-order stencil computations using CUDA-aware MPI  1,299 views

Python Workflows on HPC Systems  1,299 views

Automatic bi-layer video segmentation based on sensor fusion  1,299 views

A taxonomy of accelerator architectures and their programming models  1,299 views

GPU-Based Interactive, Stereoscopic Visualization of Automotive Crash Simulations  1,299 views

GPU-accelerated hierarchical dense correspondence for real-time aerial video processing  1,299 views

Benchmarking and Implementation of Probability-Based Simulations on Programmable Graphics Cards  1,299 views

Parallelized agent-based simulation on CPU and graphics hardware for spatial and stochastic models in biology  1,299 views

Transform Coding for Hardware-accelerated Volume Rendering  1,298 views

Record Setting Software Implementation of DES Using CUDA  1,298 views

Working With Incremental Spatial Data During Parallel (GPU) Computation  1,298 views

A multi-agent architecture for scheduling of high performance services in a GPU cluster  1,298 views

A visibility-based approach for occupancy grid computation in disparity space  1,298 views

Fast Code Exploration for Pipeline Processing in FPGA Accelerators  1,298 views

A linguistic approach to concurrent, distributed, and adaptive programming across heterogeneous platforms  1,298 views

LHCb GPU acceleration project  1,298 views

Coating Process Monitoring Using Computer Vision  1,298 views

A Framework of Large-Scale Terrain Visualization Based on GPU  1,298 views

A New method to Design Accurate Images with Tree Structural Transformations  1,297 views

Maestro: Data Orchestration and Tuning for OpenCL Devices  1,297 views

Uniform partitioning of Monte Carlo radiosity on GPUs  1,297 views

A study on tetrahedron-based inhomogeneous Monte Carlo optical simulation  1,297 views

A Data Communication Scheduler for Stream Programs on CPU-GPU Platform  1,297 views

Gemma in April: A matrix-like parallel programming architecture on OpenCL  1,297 views

Fast Two Dimensional Convex Hull on the GPU  1,296 views

Fast evaluation of Helmholtz potential on graphics processing units (GPUs)  1,296 views

Let’s sort this out: GPGPU Verification of Radix Sort  1,296 views

GEMTC: GPU Enabled Many-Task Computing  1,296 views

Graphical Processing Units for Quantum Chemistry  1,296 views

A New Era in Scientific Computing: Domain Decomposition Methods in Hybrid CPU-GPU Architectures  1,296 views

A Static Analysis-based Cross-Architecture Performance Prediction Using Machine Learning  1,296 views

Distributed Texture Memory in a Multi-GPU Environment  1,295 views

NUMA Data-Access Bandwidth Characterization and Modeling  1,295 views

On-line free-viewpoint video: From single to multiple view rendering  1,294 views

Automatic Synthesis of Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Embedded Applications from a UML Profile  1,294 views

Simultaneous floating-point sine and cosine for VLIW integer processors  1,294 views

Design and study of a massively multi threaded shared memory architecture  1,294 views

Fast Regularization of Matrix-Valued Images  1,294 views

GPU Color Constancy  1,294 views

D5.5.2 – Architectural Techniques to exploit SLACK & ACCURACY trade-offs  1,294 views

Using Hybrid CPU-GPU Platforms to Accelerate the Computation of the Matrix Sign Function  1,293 views

Automated Techniques for Enabling Efficient MPI Application Migration  1,293 views

An Efficient Acceleration of Symmetric Key Cryptography Using General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit  1,293 views

Collaborative diffusion: programming antiobjects  1,293 views

Cost-effective medical image reconstruction: from clusters to graphics processing units  1,293 views

A New Approach of Performance Analysis of Certain Graph Algorithms  1,292 views

Optical Flow Computation on Compute Unified Device Architecture  1,292 views

Looking at the surprise: Bottom-up attentional control of an active camera system  1,292 views

Performance Considerations When Using a Dedicated Ray Traversal Engine  1,292 views

Towards fully user transparent task and data parallel image processing  1,291 views

Direct Volume Editing  1,291 views

Parallel View-Dependent Level-of-Detail Control  1,291 views

Image Space Gathering  1,291 views

Automating elimination of idle functions by run-time reconfiguration  1,291 views

Candidate set parallelization strategies for Ant Colony Optimization on the GPU  1,291 views

Evaluating one-sided programming models for GPU cluster computations  1,291 views

Design and evaluation of a parallel k-nearest neighbor algorithm on CUDA-enabled GPU  1,291 views

GPU-accelerated real-time 3D tracking for humanoid locomotion and stair climbing  1,291 views

Modeling Parallel Programs for Heterogeneous Computing  1,290 views

A framework for parallel unstructured grid applications on GPUs  1,290 views

Hypercubic Storage Layout and Transforms in Arbitrary Dimensions using GPUs and CUDA  1,290 views

GPU-accelerated molecular modeling coming of age  1,290 views

Assessing the Performance-Energy Balance of Graphics Processors for Spectral Unmixing  1,290 views

Evaluation and tuning of the Level 3 CUBLAS for graphics processors  1,290 views

Lessons learned in a decade of research software engineering GPU applications  1,290 views

Customizable Domain-Specific Computing  1,290 views

Accurate Measurements and Precise Modeling of Power Dissipation of CUDA Kernels toward Power Optimized High Performance CPU-GPU Computing  1,290 views

Preliminary results of autotuning GEMM kernels for the NVIDIA Kepler architecture-GeForce GTX 680  1,290 views

Efficient nonbonded interactions for molecular dynamics on a graphics processing unit  1,290 views

Edge Stream Oriented LDPC Decoding  1,290 views

ndzip-gpu: Efficient Lossless Compression of Scientific Floating-Point Data on GPUs  1,290 views


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