Jul, 28
Iterative layer-based raytracing on CUDA
A raytracer consists in an application capable of tracing rays from a point into a scene in order to determine the closest sphere intersection along the ray’s direction. Because of their recursive nature, raytracing algorithms are hard to implement on architectures which do not support recursion, such as the NVIDIA CUDA architecture. Even if the […]
Jul, 28
Real-time Semi-Global Matching on the CPU
Among the top-performing stereo algorithms on the Middlebury Stereo Database, Semi-Global Matching (SGM) is commonly regarded as the most efficient algorithm. Consequently, real-time implementations of the algorithm for graphics hardware (GPU) and reconfigurable hardware (FPGA) exist. However, the computation time on general purpose PCs is still more than a second. In this paper, a real-time […]
Jul, 28
Towards automatic Digital Surface Model generation using a Graphics Processing Unit
Digital Surface Models (DSM) are widely used in the earth sciences. It provides information for various geological studies and other applications. There are a number of methods for automatic DSM generation, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses, none of which are perfect. Even though there are plenty of algorithms to date which […]
Jul, 28
Navier-Stokes on programmable graphics hardware using SMAC
Modern programmable graphics hardware offers sufficient computing power to suggest the implementation of traditional algorithms on the graphics processor. This paper describes a complete implementation of a standard technique to solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes fluid equations running entirely on the GPU: the SMAC (simplified marker and cell) method. This method is widely used in engineering […]
Jul, 28
View-Dependent Real-Time Rendering of Large Outdoor Scenes
A new real-time point-based rendering method of large outdoor scenes is presented. Based on our interactive subdivide method, polygonal trees and other vegetation were converted to point-based models, and then different level of details of trees and other vegetation were created using hierarchical clustering. Different level of details of terrain were created using diamond tree […]
Jul, 28
A novel hardware acceleration technique for high performance parallel FDTD method
In this paper, we introduce one novel hardware acceleration technique based on a vector unit built in a regular CPU for high performance electromagnetic simulation. We investigate the performance of parallel FDTD method on the Intel and AMD processors accelerated by the Vector Arithmetic Logic Unit (VALU), high performance cluster, and Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). […]
Jul, 28
Simulation of real-time explosion smoke based on Simplex-Noise
Classical smoke simulation methods based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) are rather expensive that cannot be used in real-time systems. In this paper, a method based on Simplex noise is proposed to achieve high realistic effects of explosion smoke. The colors of the smoke particles are disturbed by 3D Simplex-Noise and faded according to time, […]
Jul, 27
Image representation by blob and its application in CT reconstruction from few projections
The localized radial symmetric function, or blob, is an ideal alternative to the pixel basis for X-ray computed tomography (CT) image reconstruction. In this paper we develop image representation models using blob, and propose reconstruction methods for few projections data. The image is represented in a shift invariant space generated by a Gaussian blob or […]
Jul, 27
Computation of electron quantum transport in graphene nanoribbons using GPU
The performance potential for simulating quantum electron transport on graphical processing units (GPUs) is studied. Using graphene ribbons of realistic sizes as an example it is shown that GPUs provide significant speed-ups in comparison to central processing units as the transverse dimension of the ribbon grows. The recursive Green’s function algorithm is employed and implementation […]
Jul, 27
Accelerating feature extraction for patch-based Multi-View Stereo algorithm
In this paper, we present a novel parallel implementation of HARRIS and DOG detector on GPU for feature extractions of Patch-based Multi-View Stereo (PMVS) algorithm in image sequence. With the Compute Unified Device Architecture(CUDA)-enabled GPU, the acceleration is significant and it obtains a 34 times performance boost comparing to a CPU implementation. We adopt the […]
Jul, 27
American Options Pricing on Multi-core Graphic Cards
The aim of this paper is to explore the performances of graphics processing units (GPU) on the American options pricing problem using the Long staff and Schwartz method. This exploration includes a parallelization study of the different phases of American options pricing. We also give a comparison between CPU and GPU in pricing one-dimensional contracts. […]
Jul, 27
High-Speed Dense Stereo Via Directional Center-Biased Windows on Graphics Hardware
We present a high-speed dense stereo algorithm that achieves both good quality results and very high disparity estimation throughput on the graphics processing unit (GPU). The key idea is to make use of directional center-biased support windows to strike a good quality balance between homogeneous areas and depth discontinuities, and it is instantiated by a […]