
Jul, 29

Computational wave optics library for C++: CWO++ library

Diffraction calculations, such as the angular spectrum method, and Fresnel diffractions, are used for calculating scalar light propagation. The calculations are used in wide-ranging optics fields: for example, computer generated holograms (CGHs), digital holography, diffractive optical elements, microscopy, image encryption and decryption, three-dimensional analysis for optical devices and so on. However, increasing demands made by […]
Jul, 29

Tracking 3d Pose of Rigid Object by Sparse Template Matching

Tracking 3d pose of a known object is one of the most important problems in computer vision. This paper proposes an appearance-based approach to this problem by combining the sparse template matching and the particle filter. Although the combination of them has already been discussed for 2d tracker, it has not been applied for efficient […]
Jul, 29

High-Speed Stream-Centric Dense Stereo and View Synthesis on Graphics Hardware

This paper presents an efficient image-based rendering system capable of performing online stereo matching and view synthesis at high speed, completely on the graphics processing unit (GPU). Given two rectified stereo images, our algorithm first extracts the disparity map with a stream-centric dense depth estimation approach. For high-quality view synthesis, multi-label masks are then automatically […]
Jul, 29

A reduced order explicit dynamic finite element algorithm for surgical simulation

Reduced order modelling, in which a full system response is projected onto a subspace of lower dimensionality, has been used previously to accelerate finite element solution schemes by reducing the size of the involved linear systems. In the present work we take advantage of a secondary effect of such reduction for explicit analyses, namely that […]
Jul, 29

FPGA Accelerated Simulation of Biologically Plausible Spiking Neural Networks

Artificial neural networks are a key tool for researchers attempting to understand and replicate the behaviour and intelligence found in biological neural networks. Software simulations offer great flexibility and the ability to select which aspects of biological networks to model, but are slow when operating on more complex biologically plausible models; while dedicated hardware solutions […]
Jul, 29

Projecting Tetrahedra with a Simplified Basis Graph

The basis graph with five vertices has been commonly used in the GPU-accelerated Project Tetrahedra algorithm because of the inability to create or delete vertices within a vertex program and the fixed topological constraints of submitted vertices. However, it is so complicated that projecting a tetrahedron need to render four triangles. In this paper, we […]
Jul, 29

Dynamic Self-Rescheduling of Tasks over a Heterogeneous Platform

Modern applications require powerful high-performance platforms to deal with many different algorithms that make use of massive calculations. At the same time, low-cost and high-performance specific hardware (e.g., GPU, PPU) are rising and the CPUs turned to multiple cores, characterizing together an interesting and powerful heterogeneous execution platform. Therefore, self-adaptive computing is a potential paradigm […]
Jul, 29

Toward real-time kernel density estimate display for instrumentation

Histograms are commonly used in instrumentation to produce a visual representation of the probability density of a random signal from repeated measurements. However, histograms have a number of shortcomings as a method of data visualization. We propose using kernel density estimation as a replacement for histograms in instrumentation. Kernel density estimation has a number of […]
Jul, 29

Multi scale block histogram of template feature for pedestrian detection

In this paper, a feature for human detection from still image is proposed. A multi scale block histogram of template feature (MB-HOT) is developed for human detection by extending the template level in the feature extraction. It integrates gray value information and gradient value information, and reflects relationship of three blocks. The feature is extracted […]
Jul, 28

GPU accelerated Monte Carlo simulations of lattice spin models

We consider Monte Carlo simulations of classical spin models of statistical mechanics using the massively parallel architecture provided by graphics processing units (GPUs). We discuss simulations of models with discrete and continuous variables, and using an array of algorithms ranging from single-spin flip Metropolis updates over cluster algorithms to multicanonical and Wang-Landau techniques to judge […]
Jul, 28

A group theoretical toolbox for color image operators

In this paper we describe how to use the direct product of the dihedral group D(4) and the symmetric group 5(3) to automatically derive low-level image processing filter systems for RGB images. For important classes of stochastic processes it can be shown that the resulting operators lead to a block-diagonalization of the correlation matrix. We […]
Jul, 28

A collision detection algorithm using adaptive particle sensor

We present an adaptive algorithm for collision detection between rigid and non-rigid polygonal objects by improving particle sensor-based method which is more efficient in handling deformation of objects than bounding volume hierarchies-based method which has to be updated its bounding representations frequently. However, a problem of particle sensor-based is, a number of particles on each […]

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