
Jun, 27

High Quality Interactive Rendering of Massive Point Models Using Multi-way kd-Trees

We present a simple and efficient technique for out-of-core multi resolution construction and high quality visualization of large point datasets. The method introduces a novel hierarchical LOD data organization based on multi-way kd-trees that simplifies memory management and allows controlling the LOD tree’s height. The technique is incorporated in a full end-to-end system, which is […]
Jun, 27

Rapid Texture-based Volume Rendering

Nowadays, man can get a great number of 3D data sets from different sources is common in medical diagnosis but how to explore the information contents of these data sets is still a problem. One effective method is with computer aid rendering the volume. As the 3D datasets are usually in large scalar, the capability […]
Jun, 27

Voreen: A Rapid-Prototyping Environment for Ray-Casting-Based Volume Visualizations

By splitting a complex ray-casting process into different tasks performed on different processors, Voreen provides a lot of flexibility because users can intervene at different points during ray casting. Voreen’s object-oriented design lets users easily create customized processor classes that cooperate seamlessly with existing classes. A user-friendly GUI supports rapid prototyping of visualization ideas. We’ve […]
Jun, 27

Uncluttering Graph Layouts Using Anisotropic Diffusion and Mass Transport

Many graph layouts include very dense areas, making the layout difficult to understand. In this paper, we propose a technique for modifying an existing layout in order to reduce the clutter in dense areas. A physically inspired evolution process based on a modified heat equation is used to create an improved layout density image, making […]
Jun, 27

Accelerating Smith-Waterman Local Sequence Alignment on GPU Cluster

With a high accuracy, the Smith-Waterman local sequence alignment algorithm requires a very large amount of memory and computation, making implementations on common computing systems become less practical. In this paper, we present swGPUCluster – an implementation of the SmithWaterman algorithm on a cluster equipped with NVIDIA GPU graphics cards (called a GPU cluster). Our […]
Jun, 27

Efficient implementation of the overlap operator on multi-GPUs

Lattice QCD calculations were one of the first applications to show the potential of GPUs in the area of high performance computing. Our interest is to find ways to effectively use GPUs for lattice calculations using the overlap operator. The large memory footprint of these codes requires the use of multiple GPUs in parallel. In […]
Jun, 26

Scientific and Engineering Computing Using ATI Stream Technology

This continuing exploration of GPU technology examines ATI Stream technology and its use in scientific and engineering applications.
Jun, 26

Improving processing time for visual measurements of displacements of IPMC actuators using CUDA

A Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) based measuring system which is used for processing images from a camera to provide information about displacement is presented in this work. The proposed approach has been developed for measuring small movements of micro robotic systems based on synthetic IPMC (Ionic Polymer Metal Composites) materials using CUDA (Compute Unified Device […]
Jun, 26

A Personal Surround Environment: Projective Display with Correction for Display Surface Geometry and Extreme Lens Distortion

Projectors equipped with wide-angle lenses can have an advantage over traditional projectors in creating immersive display environments since they can be placed very close to the display surface to reduce user shadowing issues while still producing large images. However, wide-angle projectors exhibit severe image distortion requiring the image generator to correctively pre-distort the output image. […]
Jun, 26

A Low-Cost Solution For Excavator Simulation With Realistic Visual Effect

A low-cost excavator simulator has been developed in this paper for training human operators and evaluating control strategies for heavy-duty hydraulic machines. In such a system, the operator controls a virtual excavator by means of a joystick while experiencing realistic operating feelings through force feedback, graphical displays, and sound effects in virtual operating environments. A […]
Jun, 26

Importance-Driven Particle Techniques for Flow Visualization

Particle tracing has been established as a powerful visualization technique to show the dynamics of 3D flows. Particle tracing in 3D, however, quickly overextends the viewer due to the massive amount of visual information that is typically produced by this technique. In this paper, we present strategies to reduce this amount at the same time […]
Jun, 26

Visual Simulation of Breaking Waves in Shallow Water

We introduce a composite method for simulation and rendering of breaking waves in computer graphics applications. The method generated not only a simple wave belt like previous work, but also a manipulative model by influence of the wind. The particle system we adopted combine POINT primitive as basic particle and fat particle as characteristics particle […]

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