Papers on (.txt-file)
C Language Extensions for Hybrid CPU/GPU Programming with StarPU
C to Cellular Automata and Execution on CPU, GPU and FPGA
C-DAC’s Efforts – Application Kernels on HPC Cluster with GPU Accelerators
C-for-Metal: High Performance SIMD Programming on Intel GPUs
C++ AMP: Accelerated Massive Parallelism with Microsoft Visual C++
Cache and bandwidth aware matrix multiplication on the GPU
Cache Miss Analysis for GPU Programs Based on Stack Distance Profile
Cache-efficient numerical algorithms using graphics hardware
CADDIES: A New Framework for Rapid Development of Parallel Cellular Automata Algorithms for Flood Simulation
Caffe con Troll: Shallow Ideas to Speed Up Deep Learning
Caffe: Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding
Caffeinated FPGAs: FPGA Framework For Convolutional Neural Networks
Caffeine: Towards Uniformed Representation and Acceleration for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
CaffeLink: Mathematica binding for Caffe Deep Learning Framework
CaffePresso: An Optimized Library for Deep Learning on Embedded Accelerator-based platforms
Calamari – A High-Performance Tensorflow-based Deep Learning Package for Optical Character Recognition
Calculation by articificial compressibility method and virtual flux method on GPU
Calculation of fermion loops for eta-prime and nucleon scalar and electromagnetic form factors
Calculation of Force Field Grids for Molecular Docking Using Graphics Processing Unit
Calculation of HELAS amplitudes for QCD processes using graphics processing unit (GPU)
Calculation of Stochastic Heating and Emissivity of Cosmic Dust Grains with Optimization for the Intel Many Integrated Core Architecture
Calculation of weight vectors for wideband beamforming using Graphics Processing Units
CAMPAIGN: An open-source Library of GPU-accelerated Data Clustering Algorithms
Can CUDA be exposed through web services?
Can GPGPU Programming Be Liberated from the Data-Parallel Bottleneck?
Can GPUs Sort Strings Efficiently?
Can PCM Benefit GPU? Reconciling Hybrid Memory Design with GPU Massive Parallelism for Energy Efficiency
Can Portability Improve Performance? An Empirical Study of Parallel Graph Analytics
Can We Run in Parallel? Automating Loop Parallelization for TornadoVM
Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) Pathfinder
Candidate set parallelization strategies for Ant Colony Optimization on the GPU
CANNA: Neural Network Acceleration using Configurable Approximation on GPGPU
Canny edge detection on NVIDIA CUDA
Capability Models for Manycore Memory Systems: A Case-Study with Xeon Phi KNL
CAPRI: Prediction of Compaction-Adequacy for Handling Control-Divergence in GPGPU Architectures
Capturing the Memory Topology of GPUs
Caracal: dynamic translation of runtime environments for GPUs
Caracteristiques arithmetiques des processeurs graphiques
CaravelaMPI: Message Passing Interface for Parallel GPU-Based Applications
Cardiac Dysrhythmia Detection with GPU-Accelerated Neural Networks
Cardiac simulation on multi-GPU platform
Cardiac tissue simulation using graphics hardware
Cartesian SENSE and k-t SENSE reconstruction using commodity graphics hardware
Cascaded Segmentation-Detection Networks for Word-Level Text Spotting
Case Studies in Acceleration of Heston’s Stochastic Volatility Financial Engineering Model: GPU, Cloud and FPGA Implementations
Case Study: GPU-based implementation of sequence pair based floorplanning using CUDA
Case study: Interactive rendering of adaptive mesh refinement data
Case study: Runtime reduction of a buffer insertion algorithm using GPU parallel programming
CASE: A Compiler-Assisted SchEduling Framework for Multi-GPU Systems
CATBench: A Compiler Autotuning Benchmarking Suite for Black-box Optimization
Caustics Mapping: An Image-Space Technique for Real-Time Caustics
CAVE-CL: An OpenCL version of the package for detection and quantitative analysis of internal cavities in a system of overlapping balls: application to proteins
CBench: Analyzing Compute Performance for Modern NVIDIA and AMD GPUs
CBESW: sequence alignment on the Playstation 3
CBinfer: Change-Based Inference for Convolutional Neural Networks on Video Data
CDFC: Collision Detection Based on Fuzzy Clustering for Deformable Objects on GPU’s
Celeris: A GPU-accelerated open source software with a Boussinesq-type wave solver for real-time, interactive simulation and visualization
CELES: CUDA-accelerated simulation of electromagnetic scattering by large ensembles of spheres
Cell Charge Approximation for Accelerating Molecular Simulation on CUDA-Enabled GPU
cellGPU: massively parallel simulations of dynamic vertex models
Cellular automaton for ultra-fast watershed transform on GPU
Cellular Genetic Algorithms and Local Search for 3-SAT problem on Graphic Hardware
Cellular GPU Models to Euclidean Optimization Problems
Cellular Level Agent Based Modelling on the Graphics Processing Unit
cf4ocl: a C framework for OpenCL
CFD code adaptation to the FPGA architecture
CFD Simulation of Jet Cooling and Implementation of Flow Solvers in GPU
CFD-based analysis and two-level aerodynamic optimization on Graphics Processing Units
CFMDS: CUDA-based fast multidimensional scaling for genome-scale data
CFU Playground: Full-Stack Open-Source Framework for Tiny Machine Learning (tinyML) Acceleration on FPGAs
Cg: a system for programming graphics hardware in a C-like language
CGiS, a new Language for Data-parallel GPU Programming
CGO: G: Intelligent Heuristic Construction with Active Learning
Chai: Collaborative Heterogeneous Applications for Integrated-architectures
ChainerMN: Scalable Distributed Deep Learning Framework
Challenge benchmarks that must be conquered to sustain the gpu revolution
Challenges Adapting CUDA PIC Codes to multiple GPUs
Challenges and Opportunities in C/C++ Source-To-Source Compilation
Challenges and opportunities of obtaining performance from multi-core CPUs and many-core GPUs
Challenges and Techniques for Transparent Acceleration of Unmodified Big Data Applications
Challenges for a GPU-Accelerated Dynamic Programming Approach for Join-Order Optimization
Challenges for compiler support for exascale computing
Challenges of mapping financial analytics to many-core architecture
Challenges of medical image processing
Challenging cloning related problems with GPU-based algorithms
Chameleon: Virtualizing idle acceleration cores of a heterogeneous multicore processor for caching and prefetching
ChamNet: Towards Efficient Network Design through Platform-Aware Model Adaptation
CHAOS: A Parallelization Scheme for Training Convolutional Neural Networks on Intel Xeon Phi
Character-level Transformer-based Neural Machine Translation
Charactering and Detecting CUDA Program Bugs
Characterising Across-Stack Optimisations for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Characterising Bipartite Graph Matching Algorithms on GPUs
Characterization and Analysis of Dynamic Parallelism in Unstructured GPU Applications
Characterization and Exploitation of GPU Memory Systems
Characterization and Performance Analysis for 3D Benchmarks
Titles: 100
open PDFs: 86
packages: 30